Bet Emunah 4544
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WA 98501 United
States of America ©
2015 E-Mail: |
Bet El 102
Broken Arrow Dr. Paris
TN 38242 United
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2015 E-Mail: |
Triennial Cycle (Triennial Torah Cycle) / Septennial Cycle (Septennial
Torah Cycle)
and 1/2 year Lectionary Readings |
Third Year of the
Triennial Reading Cycle |
09, 5775 – Feb 27/28, 2015 |
Year of the Shmita Cycle |
Candle Lighting and Habdalah Times:
TX, U.S. Fri. Feb
27 2015 – Candles at 6:23 PM Sat. Feb
28 2015 – Habdalah 7:20 PM |
& Conroe, TX, U.S. Fri. Feb
27 2015 – Candles at 6:10 PM Sat. Feb
28 2015 – Habdalah 7:05 PM |
Australia Fri. Feb
27 2015 – Candles at 6:04 PM Sat. Feb
28 2015 – Habdalah 6:56 PM |
& Cleveland, TN, U.S. Fri. Feb
27 2015 – Candles at 6:17 PM Sat. Feb
28 2015 – Habdalah 7:14 PM |
WA. U.S. Fri. Feb
27 2015 – Candles at 5:32 PM Sat. Feb
28 2015 – Habdalah 6:38 PM |
Manila & Cebu, Philippines Fri. Feb
27 2015 – Candles at 5:46 PM Sat. Feb
28 2015 – Habdalah 6:36 PM |
Miami, FL, U.S. Fri. Feb
27 2015 – Candles at 6:03 PM Sat. Feb
28 2015 – Habdalah 6:56 PM |
KY, & Paris, TN. U.S. Fri. Feb
27 2015 – Candles at 5:28 PM Sat. Feb
28 2015 – Habdalah 6:26 PM |
WA, U.S. Fri. Feb 27 2015 – Candles at 5:36 PM Sat. Feb 28 2015 – Habdalah 6:41 PM |
San Antonio, TX, U.S. Fri. Feb
27 2015 – Candles at 6:14 PM Sat. Feb
28 2015 – Habdalah 7:08 PM |
Sheboygan & Manitowoc, WI, US Fri. Feb
27 2015 – Candles at 5:19 PM Sat. Feb
28 2015 – Habdalah 6:21 PM |
Singapore Fri. Feb
27 2015 – Candles at 7:02 PM Sat. Feb
28 2015 – Habdalah 7:51 PM |
Louis, MO, U.S. Fri. Feb
27 2015 – Candles at 5:34 PM Sat. Feb
28 2015 – Habdalah 6:33 PM |
WA, U.S. Fri. Feb
27 2015 – Candles at 5:34 PM Sat. Feb
28 2015 – Habdalah 6:39 PM |
For other
places see:
Roll of Honor:
His Eminence Rabbi Dr. Hillel ben David and beloved
wife HH Giberet Batsheva bat Sarah
His Eminence Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu ben Abraham and beloved
wife HH Giberet Dr. Elisheba bat Sarah
His Honor Paqid Adon David ben Abraham
His Honor Paqid Adon Ezra ben Abraham and beloved wife
HH Giberet Karmela bat Sarah,
His Honor Paqid
Adon Yoel ben Abraham and beloved wife HH Giberet Rivka bat Dorit
His Honor Paqid Adon Tsuriel ben Abraham and beloved
wife HH Giberet Gibora bat Sarah
Her Excellency Giberet Sarai bat Sarah & beloved
His Excellency Adon Barth Lindemann & beloved
His Excellency Adon John Batchelor & beloved wife
Her Excellency Giberet Laurie Taylor
Her Excellency Prof. Dr. Conny Williams & beloved
Her Excellency Giberet Gloria Sutton & beloved
His Excellency Adon Gabriel ben Abraham and beloved
wife HE Giberet Elisheba bat Sarah
His Excellency Adon Yehoshua ben Abraham and beloved
wife HE Giberet Rut bat Sarah
For their regular and sacrificial giving, providing the
best oil for the lamps, we pray that G-d’s richest blessings be upon their
lives and those of their loved ones, together with all Yisrael and her Torah
Scholars, amen ve amen!
Also a
great thank you and great blessings be upon all who send comments to the list
about the contents and commentary of the weekly Torah Seder and allied topics.
If you
want to subscribe to our list and ensure that you never lose any of our
commentaries, or would like your friends also to receive this commentary,
please do send me an E-Mail to with your
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Shabbat “Zakhor” – “Remember”
Shabbat |
Torah Reading: |
Weekday Torah Reading: |
זָכוֹר |
“Zakhor” |
1 – Debarim 24:19-22 |
Reader 1 – D’barim 2:31-33 |
“Remember” |
2 – Debarim 25:1-4 |
Reader 2 – D’barim 2:34-37 |
“Acuérdate” |
3 – Debarim 25:5-7 |
Reader 3 – D’barim 2:31-37 |
Debarim (Deut.) 24:19 – 25:19 |
4 – Debarim 25:8-10 |
Ashlamatah: I Samuel 15:1-34 |
5 – Debarim 25:11-13 |
6 – Debarim 25:14-16 |
Reader 1 – D’barim 2:31-33 |
Psalm 2:1-12 |
7 – Debarim 25:17-19 |
Reader 2 – D’barim 2:34-37 |
Maftir – Debarim 25:17-19 |
Reader 3 – D’barim 2:31-37 |
N.C.: Rev. 13:11 – 14:12; 15:2-4 |
I Samuel 15:1-34 |
Blessings Before
Torah Study
Blessed are You, Ha-Shem our G-d, King of the universe, Who has sanctified
us through Your commandments, and commanded us to actively study Torah. Amen!
Please Ha-Shem, our G-d, sweeten the words of Your Torah in our mouths and
in the mouths of all Your people Israel. May we and our offspring, and our
offspring's offspring, and all the offspring of Your people, the House of
Israel, may we all, together, know Your Name and study Your Torah for the
sake of fulfilling Your delight. Blessed are You, Ha-Shem, Who teaches
Torah to His people Israel. Amen!
Blessed are You, Ha-Shem our G-d, King of the universe, Who chose us from
all the nations, and gave us the Torah. Blessed are You, Ha-Shem, Giver of the
Torah. Amen!
Ha-Shem spoke to Moses, explaining a Commandment. "Speak to Aaron and
his sons, and teach them the following Commandment: This is how you should
bless the Children of Israel. Say to the Children of Israel:
May Ha-Shem bless you and keep watch
over you; - Amen!
May Ha-Shem make His Presence
enlighten you, and may He be kind to you; - Amen!
May Ha-Shem bestow favor on you, and
grant you peace. – Amen!
This way, the priests will link My Name with the Israelites, and I will
bless them."
These are the Laws for which the Torah did not mandate specific amounts:
How much growing produce must be left in the corner of the field for the poor;
how much of the first fruits must be offered at the Holy Temple; how much one
must bring as an offering when one visits the Holy Temple three times a year;
how much one must do when performing acts of kindness; and there is no maximum
amount of Torah that a person must study.
These are the Laws whose benefits a person can often enjoy even in this
world, even though the primary reward is in the Next World: They are: Honoring
one's father and mother; doing acts of kindness; early attendance at the place
of Torah study -- morning and night; showing hospitality to guests; visiting
the sick; providing for the financial needs of a bride; escorting the dead;
being very engrossed in prayer; bringing peace between two people, and between
husband and wife; but the study of Torah is as great as all of them together.
Contents of the Torah Seder
Generosity to the Landless – Deut. 24:19-23
Against Excessive Punishment – Deut. 25:1-3
Kindness to Animals – Deut. 25:4
Levirate Marriage – Deut 25:5-10
Flagrant Immodesty – Deut. 25:11-12
Honest Weights and Measures – Deut. 25:13-16
Remembering Amalek – Deut. 25:17-19
Rashi & Targum Pseudo Jonathan
for: D’barim (Deut.) 24:19 – 25:19
19. When you reap
your reaping in your field, and you forget a sheaf in the field, you may not
return to take it; for the proselyte, for the orphan, and for the
widow let it be; in order that Adonai, your G-d, will bless you in all your
endeavours. |
19. When you have
reaped your harvests in your fields, and have forgotten a sheaf in the field,
you will not return to take it; let it be for the stranger, the orphan, and
the widow, that the Word of the Lord your God may bless you in all the works
of your hands. |
20. When you harvest your olive tree, you may
not strip it of its glory behind you, for the proselyte, for the
orphan, and for the widow let it be. |
20. When you beat your olive trees, you will
not search them after (you have done it); for the stranger, the
orphan, and widow, let it be. [JERUSALEM. When you beat your olive trees,
search them not afterward; let them be for the stranger, the orphan, and
the widow.] |
21. When you harvest
your vineyard you may not harvest pygmy vines behind you; for
the proselyte, for the orphan, and for the widow let it be. |
21. When you gather in your vineyard, you will
not glean the branches after you; they will be for the stranger, the orphan, and
[JERUSALEM. When you gather your vines, search not their branches afterwards let
them be for the stranger and the widow.] |
22. Remember
that you were a slave in the land of Egypt; that is why I am commanding you
to do this thing. |
22. So
remember that you were bondservants in the land of Mizraim; therefore I
command you to do this thing. |
1. If a quarrel
should occur among men and they bring it to court and they judge them and
they determine who is righteous/generous and they convict the villain. |
1. If there be a
controversy, between two men, then they will come to the judges, and they
will judge them, and give the decision (or outweighing of)
righteousness/generosity to the innocent, and of condemnation to the guilty. |
2. Should the
wicked/lawless one deserve flogging, the judge will incline him and have him
flogged before him in the amount befitting his crime, with the number near. |
2. And if the
wicked/lawless deserve stripes, the judge will make him lie down, and they
will scourge him in his presence by his judgment, according to the measure of
his guilt. [JERUSALEM. And if it be needful to scourge the guilty, the judge
will make him lie down, and they will smite him in his presence, according to
the measure of his guilt, by number.] |
3. Forty is he to
have him flogged, he may not add; lest he additionally flog him over these, a
great flogging, when your brother will be slighted before you. |
3. Forty (stripes)
may be laid upon him, but with one less will he be beaten, (the full number)
will not be completed, lest he should add to smite him beyond those
thirty and nine, exorbitantly, and he be in danger ; and that your brother
may not be made despicable in your sight. |
4. You may not
muzzle an ox while it threshes. |
4. You will not muzzle the mouth of the ox in
the time of his treading out; [JERUSALEM. Sons of Israel, My people, you will
not muzzle the ox in the hour of his treading;] nor the wife of the
(deceased) brother, who would be mated with one smitten with an ulcer, and
who is poorly related, shalt thou tie up with him. |
5. If brothers
reside together, and one of them dies having no son, let the wife of the dead
man not marry outside [the family] to a strange man; her brother-in-law will
consummate with her thus marrying her to be his wife, and perform levirate
marriage with her. |
5. When brethren
from the (same) father inhabit this world at the same time, and have the same
inheritance, the wife of one of them, who may have died, will not go forth
into the street to marry a stranger; her brother-in-law will go to her, and
take her to wife, and become her husband. |
6. It shall be that
the firstborn, when she is capable of bearing children, shall be established
in place of his deceased brother, so that his name may not be obliterated from
Yisrael. |
6. And the
first-born whom she bears will stand in the inheritance in the name of the
deceased brother, that his name may not be blotted out from
Israel. |
7. But if the man
will not want to marry his sister-in-law; his sister-in-law must go up to the
portal, to the judges, and say, "My brother-in-law refuses to establish
for his brother a name in Yisrael; he is unwilling to do perform levirate marriage
with me." |
7. But if the man be
not willing, to take his sister-in-law, then will his sister-in-law go up to
the gate of the bet din before five of the sages, three of whom will be
judges and two of them witnesses, and let her say before them in the holy
language: My husband's brother refuses to keep up the name of his brother in
Israel, he not being willing to marry me. |
8. The judges of his
city will call him and converse with him. He shall stand and say, "I do
not want to marry her." |
8. And the elders of
his city will call him and speak with him, with true counsel; and he may rise
up in the house of justice, and say in the holy tongue, I am not willing to
take her. |
9. And his
sister-in-law will approach him in the sight of the judges, and she will
remove his shoe from upon his foot, and spit before him; and she will say
aloud, "This is done to the man who will not build
his brother's family." |
9. Then will his
sister-in-law come to him before the sages, and there will be a shoe upon the
foot of the brother-in-law, a heeled sandal whose lachets are tied, the
latchets at the opening of the sandal being fastened; and he will stamp on
the ground with his foot; and the woman will arise and untie the latchet, and
draw off the sandal from his foot, and afterward spit before him, as much
spittle as may be seen by the sages, and will answer and say, So
is it fit to be done to the man who would not build up the house of his brother. |
10. And it will be
entitled in Yisrael, the house of the divestiture of the shoe. |
10. And all who are
standing there will exclaim against him, and call his name in Israel the
House of the Unshod. [JERUSALEM. And his name in Israel will be called the House
of him whose shoe was loosed, and who made void the law of Yeboom. ] |
11. If men engage in
an altercation, a man and his brother, and the wife of one approaches to save
her husband from his assailant, and she puts out her hand and grasps his
genitals, |
11. While men are
striving together, if the wife of one of them approach to rescue her husband
from the hand of him who smites him, and putting forth her hand lays hold of
the place of his shame, [JERUSALEM. If she put forth her hand, and lay hold
by the place of his shame.] |
12. You shall sever
her hand; you are not to have compassion. |
12. you will cut off
her hand; your eyes will not pity. |
13. You are not to
have for yourself in your pouch varying weight-stones, large and small. |
13. You will not
have in your bag weights that are deceitful; great weights to buy with, and
less weights to sell with. |
14. You shall not
have in your house varying measures, large and small. |
14. Nor will you
have in your houses measures that deceive; great measures to buy with, and
less measures to sell with. [JERUSALEM. You will not have in your houses
measures and measures; great .ones for buying with, and small ones to sell
with.] |
15. A fully
accurate, just weight, you shall have, you are to have whole and honest
measures; in order that you live long on the land that Adonai,
your G-d, is giving you. |
15. Perfect weights,
and true balances shalt thou have, perfect measures and scales that are true
will be yours, that your days may be multiplied on the land
which the Lord your God gives you. |
16. Because Adonai,
your G-d's abomination, are all who do these [things]; all who do falsehood. |
16. For whosoever
commits these frauds, every one who acts falsely in trade, is an abomination
before the Lord. |
17. Remember
what Amalek perpetrated against you on the way when you were going out of
Egypt. |
17. Keep
in mind what the house of Amalek did unto you in the way, on your coming up
out of Mizraim; |
18. When they chanced upon you
en route struck down your appendage--- all the feeble ones behind you--- and
you were exhausted and wearied, and they had no fear of G-d. |
18. how they
overtook you in the way, and slew every one of those among you who were
thinking to go aside from My Word; the men of the tribe of the house of Dan,
in whose hands were idols (or things. of strange worship), and the clouds
overcast them, and they of the house of Amalek took them and mutilated them,
and they were cast up: but you, O house of Israel, were faint and weary from
great servitude of the Mizraee, and the terrors of the waves of the sea
through the midst of which you had passed. Nor were the house of Amalek
afraid before the Lord. [JERUSALEM. Who overtook you in the way, and slew
among you those who were thinking to desist from My Word, the cloud overcast
him, and they of the house of Amalek took him and slew him. But you, people
of the sons of Israel, were weary and faint; nor were they of the house of
Amalek afraid before the Lord.] |
19. When Adonai,
your G-d, has given you repose from all your enemies around, in the land that
Adonai, your G-d, is giving you as territory to inherit, you
shall obliterate the memory of Amalek from beneath the sky; do not forget. |
19. Therefore, when
the Lord has given you rest from all your enemies round about in the land
that the Lord Your God gives you to inherit for a possession, you
will blot out the memory of Amalek from under the heavens; but of the days of
the King Messiah you will not be unmindful. |
Welcome to the World of P’shat Exegesis
In order to understand the finished work of the P’shat
mode of interpretation of the Torah, one needs to take into account that the
P’shat is intended to produce a catechetical output, whereby a question/s
is/are raised and an answer/a is/are given using the seven Hermeneutic Laws of
R. Hillel and as well as the laws of Hebrew Grammar and Hebrew expression.
The Seven Hermeneutic Laws of R. Hillel are as follows
1. Ḳal va-ḥomer: "Argumentum a minori ad majus" or "a
majori ad minus"; corresponding to the scholastic proof a fortiori.
2. Gezerah shavah: Argument from analogy. Biblical passages containing
synonyms or homonyms are subject, however much they differ in other respects,
to identical definitions and applications.
3. Binyan ab mi-katub eḥad: Application of a provision found in one passage only
to passages which are related to the first in content but do not contain the
provision in question.
4. Binyan ab mi-shene ketubim: The same as the preceding, except that the provision
is generalized from two Biblical passages.
5. Kelal u-Peraṭ and Peraṭ u-kelal: Definition of the general by the particular, and of
the particular by the general.
6. Ka-yoẓe bo mi-maḳom aḥer: Similarity in content to another Scriptural passage.
7. Dabar ha-lamed me-'inyano: Interpretation deduced from the context.
Rashi’s Commentary on D’barim (Deut.) 24:19 –
19 and
forget a sheaf but not a stack. [That is, if someone forgot a stack
of grain, he may go back to retrieve it.] (Sifrei 24:149). Hence, [our Rabbis]
said: (Pe’ah 6:6) A sheaf containing two se’ah, which someone forgot, is not
considered שִׁכְחָה [that is, the harvester is
permitted to go back and retrieve it].
[When you
reap your harvest in your field and forget a sheaf] in the field [Why the
repetition of the word "field"? This comes] to include שִׁכְחָה of standing grain, part of which the harvester had forgotten to reap,
[not only bound up sheaves standing in the field]. -[Sifrei 24:149]
you shall
not go back to take it From here, [our Rabbis] said: Whatever is behind him
is considered שִׁכְחָה , “forgotten” [and may not be
retrieved]. Whatever is in front of him, is not considered “forgotten” [and may
still be retrieved], since it does not come under the law of “you shall not go
back to take.” - [Pe’ah 6:4]
so that
[the Lord, your God,] will bless you Although [the forgotten sheaf came into his hand
without intention [of the owner]. How how much more so [will one be blessed] if
he did it liberately! Hence, you must say that if someone dropped a sela, and a
poor man found it and was sustained by it, then he [who lost the coin] will be
blessed on its account.-[Sifrei 24:149]
20 you
shall not deglorify it [by picking all its fruit] after you Heb. לֹא־תְפַאֵר , [This word is derived from פְּאֵר or תִּפְאֶרֶת , “glory.” The “glory” of an
olive-tree is its fruit. Thus, the meaning is: “You shall not take its glory” (תִּפְאֶרֶת) from it. [I.e., do not remove all its fruit.]
Hence, [our Rabbis derive that [in addition to the harvest of grain and
produce, in fruit-bearing trees also], one must leave behind פֵּאָה , [fruits at the end of the olive harvest].-[Chul.
after you This
refers to שִׁכְחָה , forgotten fruit [in the case of
a fruit-bearing tree, that one must leave the forgotten fruit for the poor to
collect].-[Chul. 131b]
21 [When
you pick the grapes of your vineyard,] you shall not glean i.e., if
you find עוֹלְלוֹת , small clusters therein, you
shall not take them. Now what constitutes עוֹלְלוֹת [thus necessitating them to be
left for the poor]? Any cluster of grapes which has neither a כָּתֵף , “shoulder” or a נָטֵף , “drippings.” But if it has
either one of them, it belongs to the householder.-[Pe’ah 7:4] I saw in the
Talmud Yerushalmi (Pe’ah 7:3): “What is a כָּתֵף , shoulder?” It is [a cluster of
grapes] in which the sprigs of grapes pile one on top of the other [at the top
of the cluster, together taking on the shape of a shoulder. And what is] a נָטֵף , “drippings?” These are the grapes suspended from
the central stalk [of the cluster, as though dripping down].
1 If
there is a quarrel they will eventually go to court. We learn from this,
that peace cannot result from quarrel. [Just think,] what caused Lot to leave
the righteous man [Abraham] (Gen. 13:7-12)? Clearly, it was quarrel.-[Sifrei
condemn the guilty one [Since the next verse continues, "the judge
shall... flog him,"] one might think that all those convicted by the court
must be flogged. Therefore, Scripture teaches us, “and it shall be, if the
guilty one has incurred [the penalty] of lashes...” (verse 2). [From here, we
see that] sometimes [a convicted party] is given lashes, and sometimes he is
not. Who receives lashes is derived from the context, as follows: [Some
negative commandments are mitigated by positive commandments which relate to
the same matter, for example, the law of sending away the mother bird (Deut.
22:6-7). Scripture (22:6) states the negative commandment: “you shall not take
the mother upon the young,” and immediately, Scripture (22:7) continues to
state the positive commandment of: “You shall send away the mother.” Here, the
negative commandment is mitigated by the positive commandment. How so? If
someone transgressed the negative commandment and took the mother bird from
upon her young, he may clear himself of the punishment he has just incurred, by
fulfilling the positive commandment of sending the mother bird away from the
nest. This is an example of “a negative commandment mitigated by a positive
commandment.” (see Mishnah Mak. 17a) Now, in our context, immediately after
describing the procedure of flogging in court, the next verse (4) continues
with the negative commandment of:] “You shall not muzzle an ox when it is
threshing [the grain],” a negative commandment which is not mitigated by a
positive one. [Therefore, from the very context of these verses, we learn that
only for transgressing a “negative commandment which is not mitigated by a
positive commandment,” is one punished by lashes.]-[see Mak. 13b]
2 the
judge shall make him lean over This teaches [us] that they [the judges] do not flog
[the guilty party while [the latter is] standing or sitting, but, [when he is]
leaning over.-[Mak. 22b]
judge shall... flog him] in front of him, commensurate with his crime Heb., כְּדֵי
רִשְׁעָתוֹ [singular—meaning one punishment
before him -] and behind him twice that number. From here they [the Rabbis]
said: “They must give him two thirds [of his lashes] behind him [i.e., on his
back], and one third in front of him [i.e., on his chest]” (Mak. 22b)
in number Heb. בְּמִסְפָּר , but it is not vowelized בַּמִּסְפָּר , in the number. This teaches us
that the word בְּמִסְפָּר is in the construct state, [qualifying the word following it which is
the first word of the next verse, namely, אַרְבָּעִים ], to read: בְּמִסְפָּר
אַרְבָּעִים , that is, “[and flog him...] the
number of forty,” but not quite a full quota of forty, but the number that
leads up to the full total of forty, i.e., “forty-minus-one.”-[Mak. 22b]
3 He...
shall not exceed From here, we derive the admonition that one may not
strike his fellow man. - [Keth. 33a, San. 85a]
and your
brother will be degraded All day [that is, throughout the entire procedure],
Scripture calls him רָשָׁע , “wicked,” but, once he has been
flogged, behold, he is “your brother.”-[Sifrei 25:153]
4 You
shall not muzzle an ox Scripture is speaking here in terms of what usually
occurs [i.e., one usually uses an ox for threshing grain]. However, the law
applies equally to any species of domestic animal, non-domesticated animal, or
bird, and in any area of work in the process of preparing food. If so, why does
Scripture specify an ox? To exclude man [from this law. That is, if it is a
human who is performing the work, his employer is permitted to “muzzle” him,
that is, to prevent the worker from eating from the produce. Nevertheless, it
is a mitzvah to allow him to eat from the employer’s produce.]-[Sifrei 25:154]
when it
is threshing [the grain] One might have thought that it is permissible to
muzzle the animal outside [the work area, i.e., before it starts threshing].
Therefore, Scripture says, "You shall not muzzle an ox!"—i.e., at any
time [even before the actual threshing] (see B.M. 90b). Why then, is threshing
mentioned? To tell you that, just as threshing [has two specific features]: a)
It is a thing that does not represent the completion of its process [rendering
the product liable for tithing and challah], and b) it [namely, grain] grows
from the ground, likewise, any [work] which resembles it [in these two
features, is included in this law]. Thus, excluded [from this prohibition] is
the labor of milking, cheese-making, or in churning [milk, to produce
buttermilk], all of which deal with an item that does not grow from the ground.
Also excluded is the labor of kneading [dough], or in rolling out the dough to shape,
for these procedures do in fact complete the process, rendering the product
liable for challah to be taken. A further exclusion to this prohibition is the
labor of separating dates and figs [that is, when spreading out dates and figs
on a roof or the like, so that they dry, the fruit may adhere into one mass.
Here, the procedure is to separate individual dates or figs from the mass, a
procedure] which completes the preparation process, rendering the fruit liable
for tithing.-[B.M. 89a]
5 If
brothers reside together [meaning] that they were both alive at the same time,
[lit. that they had one dwelling in the world]. It excludes the wife of his
brother who was no longer in the world [when he was born]. [This means as
follows: If a man dies, and his brother is born after his death, his widow may
not marry the brother of her deceased husband.] -[Sifrei 25:155, Yev. 17b]
together [This
law applies only to brothers] who share in the inheritance “together” [namely,
paternal brothers]. This excludes maternal brothers. -[Sifrei 25:155, Yev. 17b]
having no
son Heb. וּבֵן
אֵין־לוֹ [Literally, “and he has no son.” Here, the word אֵין can be read also as עַיִן , meaning to “investigate,”
because an א is interchangeable with an ע (see Yev. 22b). Thus, the verse also teaches us:]
Investigate him [if he has progeny of any sort]—whether he has a son or a
daughter, or a son’s son or a son’s daughter, or a daughter’s son or a
daughter’s daughter. [And if he has any of these, the law of יִבּוּם does not apply.]
6 the
eldest brother Heb. הַבְּכוֹר , [literally “the firstborn.”
However, here it means that] the eldest brother [of the deceased] should
perform the levirate marriage with the widow.-[Sifrei 25:156, Yev. 24a]
she [can]
bear Heb. אֲשֶׁר
תֵּלֵד [literally, “who will give birth.”] This excludes a
woman incapable of conception. - [Sifrei 25:156, Yev. 24a]
succeed in the name of his deceased brother [literally, “will rise in
the name of his brother.”] The one who marries his wife, is to take the share
of his deceased brother’s inheritance of their father’s property [in addition
to his own share]. -[Yev. 24a]
so that
his name shall not be obliterated This excludes [from the obligation of יִבּוּם ] the wife of a eunuch whose name
[was already] obliterated. -[Yev. 24a]
7 to the
gate [Not to the gate of the city, but,] as the Targum [Onkelos] renders it:
to the gate of the court.
8 and he
shall stand up [He must make this declaration] in a standing
position. -[Sifrei 25:158] and say in the Holy Language. She too shall
make her statement in the Holy Language.-[Yev. 106b]
9 And she
shall spit before his face on the ground, [not in his face].-[Yev. 106b]
shall be done to the man] who will not build up [his brother’s household] From
here, [we learn] that one who has undergone the rite of chalitzah [described in
these verses], cannot change his mind and marry her, for it does not say,
“[Thus will be done to that man] who did not build up [his brother’s household],”
but,"who will not build up [his brother’s household]." Since he did
not build it up [when he was obliged to do so], he will never again build it
up.-[Yev. 10b]
10 And
his name shall be called [in Israel] It is the duty of all those standing there to
proclaim: חֲלוּץ
הַנָּעַל - “you, who have had your shoe removed!”-[Yev.
11 If...
men... are fighting together they will eventually come to blows, as it is said:
“[to rescue her husband] from his assailant.” [The moral here is:] Peace cannot
result from strife.-[Sifrei 25:160]
12 You
shall cut off her hand [This verse is not to be understood literally, but
rather, it means:] She must pay monetary damages to recompense the victim for
the embarrassment he suffered [through her action. The amount she must pay is
calculated by the court,] all according to the [social status] of the culprit
and the victim (see B.K. 83b). But perhaps [it means that we must actually cut
off] her very hand? [The answer is born out from a transmission handed down to
our Rabbis, as follows:] Here, it says לֹא
תָחוֹס , “do not have pity,” and later, in the case of
conspiring witnesses (Deut. 19:21), the same expression, לֹא
תָחוֹס , is used. [And our Rabbis taught that these verses
have a contextual connection:] Just as there, in the case of the conspiring
witnesses, [the literal expressions in the verse refer to] monetary
compensation (see Rashi on that verse), so too, here, [the expression “You must
cut off her hand” refers to] monetary compensation.-[Sifrei 25:161]
13 two
different weights [This term is not to be understood literally as
“stones,” but rather, it refers to specific stones, namely:] weights [used to
weigh merchandise in business].
one large
and one small [literally, “big and small.” This means:] the big
stone “contradicts” [i.e., is inconsistent with] the small one. [That is to
say, you must not have two weights which appear to be the same, but in fact,
are unequal, allowing you] to purchase goods with the larger weight [thereby
cheating the purchaser], and to sell with the smaller one [thereby cheating the
buyer].-[Sifrei 25:162]
14 You
shall not keep Heb. לֹא־יִהְיֶה
לְךָ , literally, “You will not have.” That is, the verse literally
reads: “If you keep... two different weights, you will not have.” This teaches
us that] if you do this, You will not have anything! -[Sifrei 25:162]
15 you
shall have a full and honest weight [Literally, “If you keep a full and honest weight,
you will have.” That is to say,] if you do this, you will have much.-[Sifrei
17 You
shall remember what [Amalek] did to you [The juxtaposition of these
passages teaches us that] if you use fraudulent measures and weights, you
should be worried about provocation from the enemy, as it is said: “Deceitful
scales are an abomination of the Lord” (Prov. 11:1), after which the [next] verse
continues, “When willful wickedness comes, then comes disgrace.” [That is,
after you intentionally sin by using deceitful scales, the enemy will come to
provoke you into war, and this will be a disgraceful matter to you].-[Tanchuma
18 how he
happened upon you on the way Heb. קָרְךָ , an expression denoting a chance
occurrence (מִקְרֶה) . -[Sifrei 25:167] Alternatively, an expression
denoting seminal emission (קֶרִי) and defilement, because Amalek defiled the Jews
by [committing] homosexual acts [with them].-[Tanchuma 9] Yet another
explanation: an expression denoting heat and cold (קוֹר) . He cooled you off and made you [appear] tepid,
after you were boiling hot, for the nations were afraid to fight with you,
[just as people are afraid to touch something boiling hot]. But this one,
[i.e., Amalek] came forward and started and showed the way to others. This can
be compared to a bathtub of boiling water into which no living creature could
descend. Along came an irresponsible man and jumped headlong into it! Although
he scalded himself, he [succeeded to] make others think that it was cooler [than
it really was].-[Tanchuma 9]
and cut
off [The word וַיְזַנֵּב is derived from the word זָנָב , meaning “tail.” Thus, the verse
means: Amalek] “cut off the tail.” This refers to the fact that Amalek cut off
the members [of the male Jews,] where they had been circumcised, and cast them
up [provocatively] towards Heaven [exclaiming to God: “You see! What good has
Your commandment of circumcision done for them?”]-[Tanchuma 9]
all the
stragglers at your rear Those who lacked strength on account of their
transgression. [And because these Jews had sinned,] the cloud [of glory] had
expelled them [thereby leaving them vulnerable to Amalek’s further attack].
-[Tanchuma 10]
you were
faint and weary faint from thirst, as it is written, “The people
thirsted there for water” (Exod. 17:3), and [immediately] afterwards it says,
“Amalek came [and fought with Israel]” (verse 17:8). -[Tanchuma 10]
and weary from the
journey. -[Tanchuma 10]
He did
not fear [God] i.e., Amalek did not fear God [so as to refrain] from
doing you harm.-[Sifrei 25:167]
19 you
shall obliterate the remembrance of Amalek Both man and woman, infant
and suckling, ox and sheep [camel and donkey] (God’s command to King Saul: see
I Sam. 15: 3), so that the name of Amalek should never again be mentioned (נִזְכָּר) , from the word (זֵכֶר) , even regarding an animal, to say: “This animal
was from Amalek.”-[Midrash Lekach Tov]
Pesiqta deRab Kahana
Midrashic Homilies for Shabbat Zakhor
Pisqa Three
Remember [what the Amalekites did to you on your way
out of Egypt, how they met you on the road when you were faint and weary and
cut off your rear, which was lagging behind exhausted; they showed no fear of
God. When the Lord your God gives you peace from your enemies on every side, in
the land which he is giving you to occupy as your patrimony, you shall not fail
to blot out the memory of the Amalekites from under heaven] (Deut. 25:17-19).
“Remember [what the Amalekites did to you on your way
out of Egypt, how they met you on the road when you were faint and weary and
cut off your rear, which was lagging behind exhausted; they showed no fear of
God. When the Lord your God gives you peace from your enemies on every side, in
the land which he is giving you to occupy as your patrimony, you shall not fail
to blot out the memory of the Amalekites from under heaven]” (Deut. 25:17-19).
“May the sins of his forefathers be remembered [and his mother’s
wickedness/lawlessness never be wiped out! May they remain on record before the
Lord but may He extinguish their name from the earth]” (Ps. 109:14-15). [Since
Ps. 109:17 refers to one’s not delighting in the blessing, and since, as we
shall see, Amalek is identified with Esau, we assume that the cited passage
refers to Esau, who rejected the birthright, and so ask:] now were the
forebears of Esau wicked/lawless? Were they not utterly righteous/generous?
Abraham, after all, was his grandfather, Isaac his father, and yet you say, May
the sins of his forefathers be remembered! But [the sense is,] the sin that he
committed was against his forefathers. And what is the sin that he committed
against his forefathers? You find that Isaac represented Abraham. Now Isaac
lived a hundred and eighty years, while Abraham lived only one hundred
seventy-five years. [We shall now see that the loss of those five years to
Abraham’s loss is attributed to the behavior of Esau.] R. Yudan in the name of
R. Aibu, R. Phineas in the name of R. Levi: ‘In the five years that were
withheld from the life of Abraham, Esau, that wicked man, committed two severe
transgressions. He had sexual relations with a betrothed maiden, and he
committed murder.’ [Abraham then was taken away five years earlier than he
should have been, so that he would not
have to witness these sins, and Isaac suffered in like manner on that same
account.] That is in line with this verse: “Esau came from the field” (Gen.
25:29), and the word “field” stands only for a betrothed maiden, as it is said,
“and f it is in the field that the man found the betrothed maiden” (Deut.
22:25). “And he was tired” (Gen. 25:29), and. the word tired stands only for
murder, as it is said, “For my soul is tired like the soul of a murderer” (Jer.
4:31). R. Zakkai the Elder says, ‘He also had stolen.’ Said the Holy One,
blessed be He, I promised Abraham, “And you will come to your fathers in peace”
(Gen. 15:15). Would it be a good old age for this man to see his son’s son
fornicating, murdering, and stealing? Is that good old age? It is better for
that righteous/generous man to be gathered up in peace: “For your
loving-kindness is better than life” (Ps. 63:4). And what is the sin that he
committed against his father? He caused his eyes to weaken. On the basis of
that case, they have said: ‘Whoever brings up a wicked/lawless son or a
wicked/lawless disciple in the end will suffer from weak eyes.’ The case of the
wicked/lawless son derives from our father, Isaac: “And when Isaac got old, his
eyes grew so weak that he could not see” (Gen. 27:1). Why? Because he had
raised a wicked/lawless son, Esau. The rule of the wicked/lawless disciple
comes from the case of Ahiah the Shilonite: “And Ahiah the Shilonite could not
see, because his eyes had grown weak on account of old age” (1 Kgs. 14:4). Why?
Because he had raised a wicked/lawless disciple. And who was it? It was
Jeroboam son of Nabat, who committed sin and who caused the Israelites to sin.
Therefore his eyes grew dim.
What was the sin that he committed against his mother
[to whom reference is made in the intersecting-verse, . ..and his mother’s
wickedness never be wiped out]? R. Tanhum bar Abun and R. Judah and R. Nehemiah
and rabbis: R. Judah says, When he was coming out of his mother’s womb, he cut
off her uterus, so that she should not give birth again. That is in line with
this verse of Scripture [in the translation of Braude and Kapstein]: “Because
he pursued his brother with a sword, he destroyed the womb whence he came”
(Amos 1:11). Said R. Berekhiah, You should not conclude that it was merely
[adventitious, that is,] because he was coming forth from his mother’s womb,
but as he was coming out of his mother’s womb, his fist was [deliberately]
stretched out toward [his brother, and this was intentional]. What verse of
Scripture so indicates? [In the translation of Braude and Kapstein:] “The
wicked have a fist from the womb, liars go astray as soon as they are born”
(Ps. 58:4). R. Nehemiah says, “He caused her not to produce the twelve tribes. For
R. Huna said, Rebecca was worthy of producing all the twelve tribes, a fact
indicated by this verse: And the Lord said to her, “Two nations are in your
womb” (Gen. 25:23). Lo, there are two. “And two peoples will separate from your
belly” (Gen. 25:23), thus four. “One people shall be stronger than the other” —
so six; “the elder shall serve the younger” — eight; “And when her days to be
delivered were fulfilled, behold there were twins in her womb,” then ten; “And
the first came forth. ...and after that came forth his brother...” — twelve in
all.” There are those who prove the same proposition from this verse of
Scripture: “If this is the way my childbearing is to go, why should I bear
this” (Gen. 25:22). The word for this is composed of the letters Z and H, the
numerical value of which is seven and five, respectively, thus twelve. And
rabbis say, [Esau] caused her bier not to be carried out in public. You find
that when Rebecca died, people said, ‘Who is going to go forth before the bier?
Abraham is dead, Isaac is blind and stays at home, Jacob has fled before Esau.
Will the wicked Esau be permitted to go forth before her bier?’ People will
say, ‘Cursed be the teats that suckled that one.’ What did they do? They
brought out her bier by night [without public display]. Said R. Yose bar
Haninah, And since her bier was not carried out in public, Scripture too dealt
with her death only obliquely: “Deborah, Rebecca’s nurse died. ...and was
buried below Beth-el under the oak, which was called allon-bacuth [bacuth being
understood to mean weeping] (Gen. 35:8).” What is the meaning of allon? R.
Simeon bar Nahman in the name of R. Jonathan, It is a word in Greek, meaning,
another. [Hence the sense of the name of the oak is, another weeping. The
first, then, was for Rebecca. So it is only obliquely that we learn that she
had died, as is made clear in the immediately-following verse of Scripture.]
While Jacob was sitting and observing the lamentation for his nursemaid, news
came to him about his mother: “God appeared to Jacob again when he came from
Paddan-aram and blessed him” (Gen. 35:9). What is the blessing that he bestowed
on him? R. Aha in the name of R. Jonathan, It was the blessing that is bestowed
upon mourners.
Said the Holy One, His father could have paid him back
with evil, his mother could have paid him back with evil, his brother [Jacob]
could have paid him back with evil, his grandfather could have paid him back
with evil. Now you [Israel] pay him back with evil, so will I pay him back with
evil. You make mention of his name down below, and I will wipe out his name up
above: May they remain on record before the Lord but may He extinguish their
name from the earth. “Remember what the Amalekites did to you.”
R. Tarthum bar Hanilai opened [discourse by citing the
following intersecting-verse]: “Your memorials will be like unto ashes, your
eminences to eminences of clay” [New English Bible: “your pompous talk is dust
and ashes, your defenses will crumble like clay”] [Braude and Kapstein, p. 46:
Your acts of remembering Amalek, followed by repentance for your sins, will be
like ‘ashes,’ but when you deserve visitation [for sin], visitation in ‘clay’
will be your punishment] (Job 13:12). Said the Holy One, blessed be He, to
Israel [with reference to the verse’s statement about memorials, that is, acts
of remembering], As to those two acts of remembrance that I inscribed for you
in Scripture, be meticulous about them: “Blot out the memory of Amalek” (Deut.
25:19), “For I shall certainly blot out the memory of Amalek” (Ex. 17:14).
“...will be like unto ashes:” that is, are comparable to ashes. If you have
acquired merit, lo, you are the children of Abraham, the one who compared
himself to ashes: “For I am dust and ashes” (Gen. 18:27). And if not: “your
eminences to eminences of clay,” that is, prepare yourselves for the
subjugation of Egypt. For what is written with respect to Egypt: “They
embittered their lives with hard work in clay” (Ex. 1:14).
R. Judah in the name of R. Aibu opened discourse by citing
the following verse of Scripture: Do not behave like horse or mule, unreasoning
creatures, whose course must be checked with bit and bridle. [Many are the
torments of the ungodly; but unfailing love enfolds him who trusts in the Lord]
(Ps. 32:9-10). Six matters have been stated with reference to a horse: it eats
a lot, excretes a little, loves fornication, loves war, despises sleep, and
displays arrogance. And some say, “In battle it also kills its owner.” Do not
behave like horse: as to a horse, when you bridle it, it kicks, when you pat
it, it kicks, when you ornament it, it kicks, when you feed it barley, it kicks
If you do not get near it, it kicks. You should not be like that. Rather, be
conscientious about responding to good with good, and responding to evil with
evil. Paying back good with good: “You will not abominate the Edomites” (Deut.
23:8). Paying back evil with evil: “Remember what Amalek did to you” (Deut.
R. Banai in the name of R. Huna commenced discourse by
citing the following verse: “A false balance is an abomination to the Lord [but
a just weight is his delight. When pride comes, then comes disgrace] (Prov.
11:1-2).” Said R. Banai in the name of R. Huna, If you have seen a generation,
the measures of which are perverted, know that the government is going to come
and declare war against that generation. What verse of Scripture so indicates?
“A false balance is an abomination to the Lord.” And what is written
immediately following? “When pride comes, then comes disgrace” [Braude and
Kapstein: “The insolent (kingdom) will come and bring humiliation (to
R. Berekhiah in the name of R. Abba bar Kahana, “It is
written: “Will I acquit the man with wicked scales and with a bag of deceitful
weights” (Micah 6:11). “Will I acquit the man with wicked scales:” is it
possible even to imagine that God would acquit one with perverted scales? But:
“a bag of deceitful weights” [means, even in your own bag, they will remain
deceitful weights].
Said R. Levi, So Moses gave an indication to Israel in
the Torah: “You will not have in your bag a large stone and a small one, you
will not have in your house two ephah-measures, one large, one small” (Deut.
25:13-14). If you have done so, know that the government is going to come and declare
war against that generation. What verse of Scripture so indicates? “A false
balance is an abomination to the Lord.” And what is written immediately
following [Deut. 25:13-14]? “Remember what Amalek did to you” (Deut. 25:17).
R. Levi commenced discourse by citing the following
verse of Scripture: “You have rebuked the nations, You have destroyed the
wicked/lawless, You have blotted out their name forever and ever (Ps. 9:5):
“You have rebuked the nations” refers to Amalek, concerning whom it is written:
“Amalek was the first of the gentiles” (Num. 24:20). “...You have destroyed the
wicked/lawless,” refers to the wicked/lawless Esau, concerning whom it is
written, “Edom will be called the border of wickedness/lawlessness” (Mal. 1:4).
If one would say to you, even Jacob is covered by that statement, say to him,
“You have destroyed the wicked/lawless,” [which cannot possibly speak of Jacob,
for] what is written is not wicked/lawless ones, in the plural, but the
wicked/lawless one, in the singular, which refers to the wicked/lawless Esau.
“...You have blotted out their name forever and ever:” [this speaks of Amalek,
as it is said,] “Blot out the remembrance of Amalek” (Deut. 25:17).
“Return sevenfold into the bosom of our neighbors the
taunts with which they have taunted You, O Lord (Ps. 79:12): R. Judah bar Guria
said, Let what they did to us in respect to the circumcision, which was
assigned to the bosom of Abraham, be remembered against them. This accords with
that which R. Hinenah bar Silqah, R. Joshua of Silchnin, and R. Levi in the
name of R. Yohanan said, What were the members of the household of Amalek
doing? They cut off the circumcised penises of the Israelites and tossing them
upward, saying. ‘Is this what you have chosen? Here is what you have chosen!’
And R. Joshua b. Levi: Let what they did to us with
respect to the Torah be remembered against them. For concerning the Torah it is
written: “It is refined seven times” (Ps. 12:7). So: “Return sevenfold into the
bosom of our neighbors the taunts with which they have taunted You, O Lord”
(Ps. 79:12).
Rabbis say, Let what they did to us with regard to the
sanctuary, which is set in the bosom of the world, be remembered against them
[for they razed the Temple to its foundations, which are at the bosom of the
earth (Braude and Kapstein, p. 48). For R. Huna said, From the bottom of the
ground (bosom of the earth, to the lower settle will be two cubits” (Ez.
Now Samuel came along and paid them back: “Samuel cut
Agag apart before the Lord in Gilgal” (1 Sam. 15:33). What did he do to him? R.
Abba bar Kahana said, He chopped off his flesh in small bits, the size of an
olive’s bulk, and fed it to the ostriches: “Pieces of his body will be
devoured, yes, the firstborn of death shall devour pieces of his flesh” (Job
18:13). He chose for him a bitter form of death. And rabbis say, He set up four
stakes in the ground and tied him on them. [Agag] was saying, “Surely the most
bitter of deaths is at hand” (1 Sam. 15:32). Do people put princes to death in
such a way, with so harsh a form of death?
R. Samuel bar Abidimi said, They judged him in accord
with the law of the nations of the world, that is, without appropriately
cross-examined testimony of witnesses, and without an admonition in advance. R.
Isaac said, They castrated him: Samuel said, “As your sword has made women
childless, so shall your mother be childless among women” (1 Sam. 15:33),
reading the word for mother as if the letters meant penis, hence, the penis of
that man [shall not produce children].
Said R. Levi, So in the Torah Moses gave an indication
of the same matter to Israel: When men fight with one another and the wife of
the one draws near to rescue her husband from the hand of him who is beating
him and puts out her hand and seizes him by the private parts, then you shall
cut off her hand; your eye shall have no pity (Deut. 25:11-12). What is written
thereafter: “Remember what Amalek did to you on the way as you came out of
Egypt” (Deut. 25:17).
“Remember [what Amalek did to you on the way as you
came out of Egypt]” (Deut. 25:17): Said R. Berekhiah, You say to us,
“Remember!” You do the remembering. For we are often forgetful, but You, who
are never forgetful, You are the one to do the remembering “of what Amalek did
to you on the way as you came out of Egypt” (Deut. 25:17).
“[Remember] what [Amalek] did to you [on the way as
you came out of Egypt]” (Deut. 25:17): Said R. Isaac, Did he do it to us and
not to You? “Remember, O Lord, against the children of Edom, the day of
Jerusalem [the day they said, raze it, raze it]” (Ps. 137:7).
“[Remember, O Lord, against the children of Edom, the
day of Jerusalem the day they said,] raze it, raze it” (Ps. 137:7): R. Abba bar
Kahana said, The meaning of the Hebrew word translated “raze it” follows the
sense of the same word as it occurs in the following verse: “The broad walls of
Babylon will be utterly razed” (Jer. 51:58). R. Levi said, The meaning of the
Hebrew word translated “raze it” should be rendered as “empty it, empty it,”
for it follows the sense of the same word as it occurs in the following verse:
“She hastened and emptied her pitcher into the trough” (Gen. 24:20). In the
view of R. Abba bar Kahana, who holds that the word means “raze it, raze it,”
the sense is that they went down to the very foundations, to the base. In the
view of R. Levi, who holds that the word means, “empty it out, empty it out,”
the sense is that they cut away the foundations, taking them away.
“[Remember what] the Amalekites [did to you on your
way out of Egypt, how they met you on the road when you were faint and weary
and cut off your rear, which was lagging behind exhausted; they showed no fear
of God. When the Lord your God gives you peace from your enemies on every side,
in the land which he is giving you to occupy as your patrimony, you shall not
fail to blot out the memory of the Amalekires from under heaven]” (Deut.
25:17-19): The word for “Amalek” is to be divided into two components, bearing
the meanings “am” = people, and “yeleq,” = locust. It flew down like the
zahla-locust. Another interpretation: the nation of Amalek came down to lick up
the blood of Israel like a dog.
R. Levi in the name of R. Simeon b. Halapta: To what
may Amalek be compared? To a fly that was lusting for an open wound. So Amalek
was lusting after Israel like a dog.
It was taught in the name of R. Nathan, Four hundred
parasangs did Amalek leap in coming to make war against Israel at Rephidim.
“Remember [what the Amalekites did to you] on your way
out of Egypt, how they me: you on the road when you were faint and weary and
cut off your rear, which was lagging behind exhausted; they showed no fear of
God. When the Lord your God gives you peace from your enemies on every side, in
the land which he is giving you to occupy as your patrimony, you shall not fail
to blot out the memory of the Amalekites from under heaven]” (Deut. 25:17-19):
Said R. Levi, They came against you on the way like highwaymen. The matter may
be compared to the case of a king who had a vineyard, and he surrounded it with
a wall and the king put in the vineyard a vicious dog. Said the king, The dog
will bite anyone who comes and breaks through the wall. Then the son of the
king came along and broke through the wall, and the dog bit him. Whenever the
king wanted to remind the son about the sin that he had committed in the
vineyard, he said to him, Remember how the dog bit you. So whenever the Holy
One, blessed be He, wanted to remind the Israelites of the sin that they had
committed in Rephidim, saying, “Whether God is in our midst or not” (Ex. 17:7),
He says to them, “Remember what Amalek did to you” (Deut. 25:17).
“Remember [what the Amalekites did to you on your way
out of Egypt, how they met you on the road when you were faint and weary and
cut off your rear, which was lagging behind exhausted; they showed no fear of
God. When the Lord your God gives you peace from your enemies on every side, in
the land which he is giving you to occupy as your patrimony, you shall not fail
to blot out the memory of the Amalekites from under heaven]” (Deut. 25:17-19):
R. Judah, R. Nehemiah, and rabbis: R. Judah said, The letters for words, “how
they met you,” can be read, how they made you unclean [Mandelbaum: through
pederasty], in line with this verse, in which the same letters bear that
meaning: “Any man who is not clean because of a seminal emission by night”
(Deut. 23:11). R. Nehemiah says, The letters for words, “how they met you,” can
be read to mean read, thus: “They read up on you.” What did Amalek do? He went
into the archives in Egypt and took the volumes of genealogies of the tribes
which were located there in their names. He came and stood outside of the cloud
and announced, ‘Reuben. Simeon, Levi, Judah, I am your brother. Come out, for I
want to do business with you.’ When one of them came out, he would kill him.
Rabbis say, The letters for words, “how they met you,” can be read to mean, “to
cool,” that is, he made them look cold [and not heated up for battle and good
fighters] before the nations of the world. Said R. Hunia, The matter may be compared
to the case of a scalding-hot bath, into which no one could dip himself. One
son of Beliel came along and jumped in; even though he was burned, he made it
appear cool for others [who followed him in and got burned]. So when the
Israelites had gone forth from Egypt, “fear of them fell upon all the nations
of the world: Then were the chiefs of Edom frightened...terror and dread fell
on them” (Ex. 15:15-16). But when Amalek attacked them and made war against
them, even though he got his from them, he made them look cold before the
nations of the world.
“Remember (what the Amalekites did to you on your way
out of Egypt, how they met you on the road when you were faint and weary] and
cut off your rear, which was lagging behind exhausted; they showed no fear of
God. When the Lord your God gives you peace from your enemies on every side, in
the land which he is giving you to occupy as your patrimony, you shall not fail
to blot out the memory of the Amalekites from under heaven]” (Deut. 25:17-19): [The
word, “how he cut off your rear,” means] how we smote you with a blow to the
“tail” [penis]. This accords with that which R. Hinenah bar Silqah, R. Joshua
of Sikhnin, and R. Levi in the name of R. Yohanan said, What were the members
of the household of Amalek doing? They cut off the circumcised penises of the
Israelites and tossing them upward, saying, ‘Is this what you have chosen? Here
is what you have chosen!’ For the Israelites did not know about the character
of the “branch”: Lo, they put the branch to their nose (Ez. 8:17). When Amalek
came along, he taught it to them. From whom had he learned it? From our
forefather Esau: “Is he not rightly named Jacob” (Gen. 27:36). He cleared his
throat and produced the “branch” [penis, as a gesture of disrespect].
“Remember [what the Amalekites did to you on your way
out of Egypt, how they met you on the road when you were faint and weary and
cut off your rear, which was lagging behind exhausted; they showed no fear of
God. When the Lord your God gives you peace from your enemies on every side, in
the land which he is giving you to occupy as your patrimony, you shall not fail
to blot out the memory of the Amalekites from under heaven]” (Deut. 25:17-19):
R. Judah, R. Nehemiah, and rabbis: R. Judah said, Whoever hung back was cut
off. R. Nehemiah said, Whomever the cloud expelled was cut off. Rabbis say,
This refers to the tribe of Dan, which the cloud expelled. For all of them
worshipped idolatry.
Another interpretation of the clause: “... [when you
were faint and weary and cut off your rear,] which was lagging behind
exhausted:” Said R. Isaac, All those who were whispering in Your rear [against
You, that is, against God, as will now be spelled out].
R. Judah, R. Nehemiah, and Rabbis: R. Judah said, They
said, ‘If He is the lord of all His works as He is lord over us, we will
worship Him, and if not, we will rebel against Him.’ R. Nehemiah said, They
said, ‘If He provides our food the way a king does in his capital, so that the
city lacks nothing, we shall worship Him, and if not, we shall rebel against
Him.’ And rabbis say, They said, ‘If we reflect in our hearts and He knows what
we are thinking, we shall serve Him, and if not, we shall rebel against Him.’
R. Berekhiah in the name of R. Levi: In their hearts
they would reflect, and the Holy One would give them what they wanted. What
verse of Scripture shows it? “And in their hearts they tested God, asking food
for their soul” (Ps. 78:18). What then is written there? “And they ate and were
most sated because He brought them what they craved” (Ps. 78:29).
“Remember [what the Amalekites did to you on your way
out of Egypt, how they met you on the road] when you were faint and weary [and
cut off your rear, which was lagging behind exhausted; they showed no fear of
God. When the Lord your God gives you peace from your enemies on every side, in
the land which he is giving you to occupy as your patrimony, you shall not fail
to blot out the memory of the Amalekites from under heaven]” (Deut. 25:17-19):
“faint:” from thirst. “and weary:” from the journey.
“they showed no fear of God:” R. Phineas in the name
of R. Samuel bar Nahman, There is a tradition concerning the narrative that the
seed of Esau will fall only by the hand of the sons of Rachel. “Surely the
youngest of the flock shall drag them” (Jer. 49:20). Why does he refer to them
as “the youngest of the flock”? Because they were the youngest of all the
tribes. [Now we shall see the connection to the downfall of Esau=Amalek=Rome:]
This one is called “a youth,” and that one is called “young.” This one is
called “a youth:” “And he was a youth” (Gen. 37:2). And that one is called
“young:” “Lo, I have made you the youngest among the nations” (Ob. 1:2). This
one [Esaul grew up between two righteous/generous men and did not act like
them, and that one [Joseph] grew up between two wicked/lawless men and did not
act like them. Let this one come and fall by the hand of the other. This one
showed concern for the honor owing to his master, and that one treated with
disdain the honor owning to his master. Let this one come and fall by the hand
of the other. In connection with this one it is written, “And he did not fear
God” (Deut. 25:18), and in connection with that one it is written, “And I fear
God” (Gen. 42:18). Let this one come and fall by the hand of that one.
“...When the Lord your God gives you peace from your
enemies on every side, in the land which he is giving you to occupy as your
patrimony, you shall not fail to blot out the memory of the Amalekites from
under heaven” (Deut. 25:17-19): R. Azariah, R. Judah bar Simon in the name of
R. Judah bar Ilai: When the Israelites entered the Land, they were commanded in
three matters: to appoint a king, to build the chosen house, “And they shall
make me a sanctuary” (Ex. 25:8), and to wipe out the memory of Amalek.
R. Joshua b. Levi in the name of R. Alexandri: One
verse of Scripture says, “You will not fail to blot out the memory of the
Amalekites from under heaven” (Deut. 25:17-19), and another verse of Scripture
says, “For I will surely wipe out the memory of Amalek” (Ex. 17:14). How can
both verses be carried out? [Either Israel will do it or God will do it.]
Before Amalek laid his hand on God’s throne [with reference to And Moses built
an altar and called the name of it, The Lord is My banner, saying, “A hand upon
the throne of the Lord. The Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to
generation” (Ex. 17:15-16)], “You will not fail to blot out the memory of the
Amalekites.” Alter he had laid hands on God’s throne, For “I will surely wipe
out the memory of Amalek” [God is victim of Amalek, as much as Israel is.] Now
is it really possible for a mortal to lay hands on the throne of the Holy One,
blessed be He? But because he was going to destroy Jerusalem, concerning which
it is written, “At that time Jerusalem will be called the throne of the Lord”
(Jer. 50:17), therefore: “For I will surely wipe out the memory of Amalek” (Ex.
“[And Moses built an altar and called the name of it,
The Lord is my banner,] saying, A hand upon the throne of the Lord. The Lord
will have war with Amalek from generation to generation” (Ex. 17:15-16): It was
taught in the name of R. Ilai: The Holy One, blessed be He, took an oath: ‘By
my right hand, by my right hand, by my throne, by my throne, if proselytes come
from any of the nations of the world, I will accept them, but if they come from
the seed of Amalek I will never accept them.’ And so was the case with David:
“And David said to the youth who told him [that Saul and Jonathan had died],
Where do you come from? And he said, I am the son of an Amalekite convert” (2
Sam. 1:13). Said R. Isaac, He was Doeg the Edomite. “And David said to him,
Your blood be upon your own head” (2 Sam. 1:16). Said R. Isaac, What is written
is, “your bloods,” meaning, he said to him, ‘You [Doeg] have shed much blood in
Nob, city of the priests.’
“...from generation to generation” (Ex. 17:15-16):
Said the Holy One, blessed be He, ‘From one generation to the next I am after
him, for generations.’
R. Eliezer, R. Joshua, and R. Yose: R. Eliezer says,
It was from the generation of Moses to the generation of Samuel [but not beyond
that point]. R. Joshua says, It was from the generation of Samuel to the
generation of Mordecai and Esther. R. Yose says, ‘It was from the generation of
Mordecai and Esther to the generation of the Messiah-King, which is three
generations.’ And how do we know that to the generation of the Messiah-King it
is three generations? As it is written, “They will fear you while the sun
endures, and as long as the moon, a generation, generations” (Ps. 72:5). A
generation — one, then generations — two, lo, three in all.
R. Berekhiah in the name of R. Abba bar Kahana: So
long as the seed of Amalek endures in the world, it is as if a wing covers the
face [of God]. When the seed of Amakk perishes from the world, Your teacher
will not hide himself any more, but your eyes shall see your teacher (Is.
R. Levi in the name of R. Huna bar Hanina: So long as
the seed of Amalek endures in the world, the Name of God is not whole, and the
throne is not whole. When the seed of Amalek perishes from the world, the Name
of God is whole, and the throne is whole. What verse of Scripture indicates it?
“The enemy have vanished in everlasting ruins, their cities you have rooted
out, the very memory of them has perished” (Ps. 9:6). What is written
immediately therefore: “But the Lord sits enthroned for ever, He has
established His throne for judgment, [and He judges the world with
righteousness/generosity, He judges the peoples with equity]” (Ps. 9:7-8).
Ketubim: Targum Tehillim
(Psalms) 2:1-12
Rashi |
1. Why
have the Gentiles gathered and [why do] kingdoms think vain things? |
1. Why are the Gentiles disturbed, and the
nations murmuring vanity? |
2. Kings
of a land stand up, and nobles take counsel together against the LORD and
against His Messiah? |
2. The kings of the earth arise and the rulers
will join together to rebel in the LORD’s presence, and to strive against His
Anointed (Messiah). |
3. “Let
us break their bands and cast off their cords from us.” |
3. They say, “Let us break their bonds, and
let us throw off their chains from us.” |
4. He
Who dwells in Heaven laughs; the LORD mocks them. |
4. The one who sits in heaven will laugh; the
Word of the LORD will mock at them. |
5. Then
He speaks to them in His wrath; and He frightens them with His sore displeasure. |
5. Then He will speak to them in his strength,
and in His wrath he will frighten them. |
6. "But
I have enthroned My king on Zion, My holy mount." |
6. I have anointed My king, and appointed him
over My sanctuary. |
7. I
will tell of the decree; The LORD said to me, “You are My son; this day have
I begotten you. |
7. I will tell of the covenant of the LORD. He
said: “You are as dear to me as a son to a father (abba), pure as if this day
I had created you.” |
8. Request of Me, and I will make the Gentiles your inheritance, and the
ends of the earth your possession. |
8. Ask me and I will give the
riches of the Gentiles as your inheritance, the rulers of the ends of the
earth as your holding. |
9. You
will break them with an iron rod; like a potter's vessel you shall shatter
them.” |
9. You will shatter them as with a rod of
iron, like a potter’s vessel you will break them. |
10. And
now, [you] kings, be wise; be admonished, [you] judges of the earth. |
10. And now, O kings, grow wise; accept
discipline, O princes of the earth. |
11. Serve
the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. |
11. Worship in the presence of the LORD with
fear, and pray with trembling. |
12. Arm yourselves with purity lest He become angry and you
perish in the way, for in a moment His wrath will be kindled; the praises of
all who take refuge in Him. |
12. Accept instruction lest He be
angry, and you lose your way; for His wrath will tarry a little. Happy all
who trust in His Word! |
Rashi Commentary for: Psalm 2:1-12
1 Why have nations gathered Our Sages (Ber. 7b) expounded the passage
as referring to the King Messiah, but according to its apparent meaning, it is
proper to interpret it as referring to David himself, as the matter is stated
(II Sam. 5:17): “And the Philistines heard that they had anointed David as king
over Israel, and all the Philistines went up to seek, etc.,” and they fell into
his hands. Concerning them, he says, “Why have nations gathered,” and they all
and kingdoms think vain things in their heart.
and kingdoms Heb. וּלְאֻמִּים. Menachem interprets לְאֻמִּים, אמות, and גוֹיִם as all closely related.
2 Kings of a land stand up and nobles take counsel, etc. Heb. רוֹזְנִים, senors (seigneurs) in Old French, lords.
take counsel Heb. נוֹסְדוּ, an expression of counsel (סוד), furt konsilez in Old French (furent
conseilles), they hold counsel (see below 55:15). And what is the counsel?
3 Let us break their bands Deronproms lor koyongles in Old French (as
in Jer. 27:2). These are the bands with which the yoke is tied.
their cords Heb. עֲבֹתֵימוֹ, lor kordes (leur cordes) in Old French.
4 laughs...mocks...speaks They are meant as the present tense.
5 Then He speaks to them Heb. אֵלֵימוֹ, like אליהם. And what is the speech?
6 But I have enthroned My king Why have you gathered together? I have
appointed this one for Me to govern and to reign on Zion, My holy mount.
7 I will tell of the decree Said David, “This is an established
decree, and [one] that I have received to tell this and to make known.”
The Lord said to me through Nathan, Gad, and Samuel.
You are My son The head over Israel, who are
called “My firstborn son” (Exodus 4:22). And they will endure through you, as
is stated concerning Abner (II Sam. 3:18): “for God said, etc., ‘By the hand of
My bondsman David will I deliver ... Israel.’” And for their sake, you are
before Me as a son because they are all dependent upon you.
this day have I for I have enthroned you over
begotten you to be called My son and to be
beloved to Me as a son for their sake, as it is stated (II Sam. 7:14)
concerning Solomon: “I will be to him a father, and he will be to Me a son.” We
find further concerning David (Ps. 89:27) “He will call Me, ‘You are my Father,
my God, and the Rock of my salvation.’”
8 Request of Me Pray to Me whenever you come to battle your enemies.
9 You will break them Heb. תְּרֹעֵם.
with an iron rod That is the sword.
you will shatter
them Heb. תְּנַפְּצֵם, you will break them, and that is the expression of נפוץ throughout the Scriptures, a
potsherd that is broken into fine pieces.
10 And now, [you] kings, be wise The Jewish prophets are merciful
people. They reprove the heathens to turn away from their evil, for the Holy
One, blessed be He, extends His hand to the wicked/Lawless and to the
11 and rejoice with quaking When the quaking, about which it is
written (Isa. 33:14): “Trembling seized the flatterers,” comes, you will
rejoice and be happy if you have served the LORD.
12 Arm yourselves with purity Arm yourselves with purity of the heart.
Some explain נַשְּׁקוּ as garnimont in Old French,
equipping. (This is from the verb, garnir. Garnimont means to provide, as in
Gen. 41:40). Menachem (p. 179) interprets it as an expression of desire, as (in
Gen. 3:16): “Your longing (תְּשׁוּקָתֵךְ) will be for your husband.”
lest He become
angry Heb. יֶאֱנַף, lest He become angry.
and you perish in
the way Like the
matter that is stated (above 1:16): “but the way of the wicked/Lawless will
for in a moment His
wrath will be kindled
For in a short moment His wrath will suddenly be kindled against them, and at
that time, the praises of all those who take refuge in Him will be discerned,
the praises of all who take refuge in Him.
Meditation from the Psalms
Psalms 2:1-12
By: H.Em. Rabbi Dr. Hillel ben David
Shabbat Zakhor always falls on the Shabbat before
Purim. This juxtaposition puts the command to destroy Amalek with the destruction
of Haman the Agagite (a descendant of Amalek). Shabbat Zakhor speaks of matters
that are found in B’resheet 2:4 through 3:21. How do we know this? We know this
because each psalm is a commentary on a triennial Torah lectionary portion.
Psalms one and two[1] are
King David’s commentary on B’resheet 2:4 through 3:21. Therefore, to understand
the parasha of Shabbat Zakhor we must first understand B’resheet 2:4 – 3:21.
B’resheet chapter two begins with the formation of man
and woman, and chapter two ends in the perfection of the world as G-d intended.
In this idyllic world there was no wickedness, doubt, or sin. There was only
perfection. This is the world as described by Psalm one.
B’resheet chapter three begins with the deceiver
coming to bring his doubt into this idyllic world. Chapter three ends with
G-d’s curse of the serpent, the woman, the man, and the land. This is the world
described by psalm two.
As Moshe presented the Bne Israel with the five books
of the Torah, so also did King David present the Bne Israel with the five books
of the Tehillim – Psalms. Psalms one and two are treated as a single
composition even as B’resheet 2:4 through 3:21 are treated as a single
Psalm one hints to Joshua through the following pasuk:[2]
Yehoshua (Joshua) 1:8 This book of the law shall
not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night,
that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for
then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Now compare that with:
Tehillim (Psalm) 1:2 But his delight is in the law
of HaShem; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
In contrast to the pattern we see in B’resheet 1:1 -
2:3, Psalm 1:2 reverses the order of day and night. In creation
we find “there was evening and morning…”. In Psalm one and in the
passage from Yehoshua,[3] we
see “day and night”. Why the difference? To understand this answer, we need to
mentally review our Shacharit, or morning, prayers. In those prayers, we say
the blessing for Torah study. This blessing begins in the morning and continues
into the evening. Thus we see that the study of Torah[4] reverses the normal order of
creation.[5] This
is an extremely important concept that we will come back to visit later in this
Our psalms speak openly about the Gentiles in the
following pasuk:
Tehillim (Psalm) 2:1 Why do the heathen (Gentiles) rage,
and the people imagine a vain thing?
Tehillim (Psalm) 2:8 Ask of me, and I shall give
thee the heathen (Gentiles) for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy
The Gentiles are divided up into seventy nations according
to the number of Yaaqov’s family members who went down to Egypt:
Shemot (Exodus) 1:5 And all the souls that came
out of the loins of Jacob were seventy souls: for Joseph was in Egypt
Devarim (Deuteronomy) 32:8 When the most High divided to
the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the
bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.
Thus we understand that the Gentiles play a prominent
role in Psalm two, in the descent into Egypt on Passover, and they will also
play a major role in the war of Gog U’Magog which Psalm two speaks about in
Messianic days. Curiously, the Septuagint occasionally introduces the name of
Gog where the Hebrew original has something else. Thus at Numbers 24:7 it
replaces Agag, a mysterious but clearly powerful figure, with Gog,
and at Amos 7:1 the Greek has Gog as the leader of a threatening
locust-like army. Gog, according to the Septuagint, is ‘Agag’, a
generic term used for kings of Amalek, the anti-thetical nation of the Jewish
Bamidbar (Numbers) 24.7 Water will flow from their
buckets; their seed will have abundant water. “Their king will be greater than Agag;
their kingdom will be exalted.
LXX version Bamidbar (Numbers) 24.7:
There shall come a man out of his seed, and he shall rule over many
nations; and the kingdom of Gog shall be exalted, and his kingdom shall
be increased.(!)
The Hebrew word Gog uses not only the same
consonants, but has the same meaning as Agag; namely roof, or that which covers.
In our current parsha of Debarim, the focus of the end
of the parsha is on Amalek. Who is Amalek? Esav’s son Eliphaz had a son he
named Amalek. Thus we understand that Amalek is the grandson of Esav. The
Amalekites were contemporaneous with the birth of the twelve tribes. Esav and
Eliphaz’s legacy to Amalek was an undying hatred against the children of
Yaaqov, which they got from their grandfather.
At the time of the exodus from Egypt, Amalek traveled
hundreds of miles to ambush the newly freed nation in the hope of destroying
them. We, as a nation, did not pose any threat to their sovereignty. They lived
to the east of Canaan and were not among the seven nations occupying Eretz
Israel. Nevertheless, their irrational hatred against HaShem, and the Jewish
nation, compelled them to attack a harmless and seemingly defenseless nation.
In the aftermath of their attack we were commanded to always remember the evil
that is Amalek. It is the reading of this Parsha that is the fulfillment of
this Torah commandment. This mitzva, according to most authorities, is not
restricted by time and must be fulfilled by men and woman.
The Rabbi’s selected the Shabbat before Purim for the
fulfillment of this mitzva because Haman was a direct descendent of Amalek, and
Mordecai was a direct descendent of King Saul. The entire story of Purim is
directly linked to this mitzva and the missed opportunity of King Saul that we
read about in the Haftarah.[6]
After you have studied that parsha and the Haftarah,
take another look at our psalm and one can see that the David was looking
forward to the destruction of all wickedness and doubt. He sees the destruction
of Amalek at the hands of HaShem’s anointed king. Curiously, the messianic king who will destroy
Amalek is a descendant of Rachel, a Benjamite. Yehoshua ben Nun, from the tribe
of Ephraim, was the first leader of Israel who was given the task of battling
Amalek. The first Benjamite king to be commanded to destroy Amalek was king
Saul. The next Benjamite leader[7] to
get this task was Mordecai, the hero of Megillat Esther.
Why is a descendant of Rachel involved in the
destruction of Amalek? I suppose that there are many reasons, not the least of
which is the fact that Amalek first attacked while a descendant of Rachel was
leading the army, namely Yehoshua ben Nun. Another reason given by Chazal is
that when Yaaqov and his family faced Esav on their return from Laban, they all
bowed before Esav except Benyamin who was not yet born.
Psalm two was written just after David’s coronation.
The Philistines[8] who
had killed Shaul were trying to subjugate the Jews and thus began to taunt
David in an effort to show their power. They rose to attack David at that time[9] but
their threats were found to be worthless.[10]
David, in psalm two, explains that evil only lasts in
this world for a temporal time, but HaShem is Eternal and His Justice will
always prevail.[11] The Philistines wished to attack
David as a means for expressing their anger and to wage war against HaShem
Himself. Their actions were seen as an affront against “HaShem and His anointed one (the
This hints to the war of Gog U’Magog, the final battle before Mashiach’s
arrival. Just as the Philistines wished to wage war against HaShem, so too, Gog
U’Magog will come with an attack against HaShem Himself. This is carried out
with an attack against HaShem’s chosen nation. This suggests that the
Philistines[13] are
also Amalekites. This aligns well with the theme of Shabbat Zakhor.
HaShem’s anointed king, who is to destroy Amalek, has a very special
title: ‘Son of God’. The king held a very special position of honor. The king
was referred to as God’s “son”[14].
Psalm 2:6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. 7 I
will declare the decree: HaShem hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day
have I begotten thee.
This title is also seen in:
2 Samuel 7:8-14 Now therefore so shalt thou say unto my servant
David, Thus saith HaShem of hosts, I took thee from the sheepcote, from
following the sheep, to be ruler over my people, over Israel: 9 And I was with thee whithersoever thou
wentest, and have cut off all thine enemies out of thy sight, and have made
thee a great name, like unto the name of the great men that are in the earth.
10 Moreover I will appoint a place for
my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their
own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them
anymore, as beforetime, 11 And as since
the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel, and have caused
thee to rest from all thine enemies. Also HaShem telleth thee that he will make
thee an house. 12 And when thy days be
fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after
thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom.
13 He shall build an house for my name,
and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. 14 I will be his father, and he shall be my
son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and
with the stripes of the children of men.
In this sense, the Yeshua was God’s “Son,” partly
because He was / will be God’s appointed King. The king was “God’s anointed”. It
is the king, as head of Israel, who will lead the battle which will bring about
the destruction of Amalek.
King è War against Amalek è Temple
Our Sages have taught that the Torah arranged three
commands to be dependent on a particular order as it pertains to Amalek. Let us
look at these B’Seder – in order:
The Talmud[15] speaks of the process of
rebuilding of the Bet HaMikdash.[16] The
Talmud conditions that rebuilding on the destruction of Amalek.
Sanhedrin 20b And thus R. Judah said: Three
commandments were given to Israel when they entered the land: [i] to appoint a
king,[17] to cut off the seed of Amalek,[18] and to build themselves
the chosen house.[19] While R. Nehorai[20] said: This section[21] was spoken only in
anticipation of their future murmurings,[22]
as it is written, And shalt say, I will set a king over me etc.[23]
It states that the nation of Israel is commanded to
perform three commandments sequentially after they occupy the land of
The eradication of Amalek comes after we have a King
who is a descendant of Rachel (Either from the tribe of Yosef or from the tribe
of Benyamin). This is important. Just as the first king of Israel, King Saul,
was required to destroy Amalek after the Jews had secured the land. I have
dealt with this topic extensively in the study titled “Esther”. Only AFTER
Amalek is destroyed can the Mashiach ben David restore the Bet HaMikdash.
Yehoshua fought Amalek shortly
after Pesach, on Iyar 28.
Mordechai and Esther had Haman
the Agagite hanged on Nisan 17, during Pesach.
King Saul’s seven sons were
killed on Nisan 16.[24]
The way Yehoshua, King Saul, Mordechai, and Israel,
blot out Amalek is through whole-hearted devotion to the study of Torah. We must have such a passion for Torah that we cannot
be cooled down, even by Amalekites. This completes the thought we saw in the reversal of day
and night, earlier in this commentary. Torah study can reverse an
evil decree, it can bring down Amalek, It can bring about the downfall of Haman
and reverse the evil decree of Achashverosh.
Amalek, the essence of evil, is nullified by a love
for HaShem and His Torah. This is the only way to eradicate evil, Amalek is the
essence of evil!
Our Sages state that the war with Amalek was one of
the necessary preparations for the Giving of the Torah. Similarly, our Sages[25]
state that the Jews did not fully accept the Torah until the time of Purim.
This suggests that Torah is the tikkun (correction) for Amalek and, indeed, all
Ashlamatah: I Samuel 15:1-34
Rashi |
Targum |
1. And Samuel said unto Saul: 'The LORD sent
me to anoint thee to be king over His people, over Israel; now therefore
hearken thou unto the voice of the words of the LORD. {S} |
1. And Samuel said to Saul: “The LORD sent me
to appoint you to be the king over His people, over Israel; and now accept
the speaking of the Memra of the LORD |
2. Thus says the LORD of hosts: I remember
that which Amalek did to Israel, how he set himself against him in the way,
when he came up out of Egypt. |
2. Thus said the LORD of hosts: “I remember what Amalek did
to Israel, that it ambushed it on the way in its going up from Egypt. |
3. Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly
destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman,
infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.' {S} |
3. Now go, and you shall strike down those of the house
of Amalek: and destroy utterly all that is theirs and you shall not spare
them, and you shall kill from man unto woman, from youngster unto infant,
from ox unto sheep, from camel unto ass." |
4. And Saul summoned the people, and numbered
them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand men of Judah. |
4. And Saul gathered the people and mustered them by
the lambs of Passover 200,000 men on foot and 10,000 men of Judah. |
5. And Saul came to the city of Amalek, and
lay in wait in the valley. |
5. And Saul came unto the city of those of the house of
Amalek and set up his camp in the valley. |
6. And Saul said unto the Kenites: 'Go,
depart, get you down from among the Amalekites, lest I destroy you with them;
for you showed kindness to all the children of Israel, when they came up out
of Egypt.' So the Kenites departed from among the Amalekites. |
6. And Saul said to the Shalmaite: "Go, turn
aside, separate yourself from the midst of the Amalekite lest I destroy you
with him. And you did good with all the sons of Israel when they went up from
Egypt." And the Shalmaite separated himself from the midst of the
Amalekite. |
7. And Saul smote the Amalekites, from Havilah
as you go to Shur, that is in front of Egypt. |
7. And Saul struck down those of the house of Amalek
from Havilah to the ascent of Hagra's which is facing Egypt. |
8. And he took Agag the king of the Amalekites
alive, and utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword. |
8. And he took Agag, the king of those of the house of
Amalek while he was alive, and he destroyed all the people by the edge of the
sword. |
9. But Saul and the people spared Agag, and
the best of the sheep, and of the oxen, even the young of the second birth,
and the lambs, and all that was good, and would not utterly destroy them; but
every thing that was of no account and feeble, that they destroyed utterly.
{P} |
9, And Saul and the people spared Agag and the best of
the sheep and oxen and fatlings and stout ones and everything that was good;
and they were not willing to destroy them. And everything that was base and
that was despised, that they destroyed. |
10. Then came the word of the LORD unto
Samuel, saying: |
10. And the word of prophecy from before the LORD was
with Samuel, saying: |
11. 'It repents Me that I have set up Saul to
be king; for he is turned back from following Me, and has not performed My
commandments.' And it grieved Samuel; and he cried unto the LORD all night. |
11. "I have regretted My word that I made Saul king
to be the king for he has turned from after My service and he has not
fulfilled My words." And it was hard for Samuel, and he prayed before
the LORD all night. |
12. And Samuel rose early to meet Saul in the
morning; and it was told Samuel, saying: 'Saul came to Carmel, and, behold,
he is setting him up a monument, and is gone about, and passed on, and gone
down to Gilgal.' |
12. And Samuel got up early to meet Saul in the morning,
and it was told to Samuel, saying: "Saul came to Carmel, and behold he
set up for himself there a place in which to divide up the spoil." and
he turned around and passed over and went down to Gilgal." |
13. And Samuel came to Saul; and Saul said
unto him: 'Blessed be you of the LORD; I have performed the commandment of
the LORD.' |
13. And Samuel came unto Saul, and Saul said to him:
"Blessed are you before the LORD; I have fulfilled the word of the
LORD." |
14. And Samuel said: 'What means then this
bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?' |
14. And Samuel said: "And if you have fulfilled it,
what is the sound of this sheep in my ears and the sound of the oxen that I
am hearing?" |
15. And Saul said: 'They have brought them
from the Amalekites; for the people spared the best of the sheep and of the
oxen, to sacrifice unto the LORD your God; and the rest we have utterly
destroyed.' {P} |
15. And Saul said: "From the Amalekite they brought
them, for the people spared the best of the sheep and oxen in order to
sacrifice before the LORD your God; and we destroyed the rest." |
16. Then Samuel said unto Saul: 'Stay, and I
will tell you what the LORD has said to me this night.' And he said unto him:
'Say on.' {S} |
16. And Samuel said to Saul: "Wait, and I will tell
you what was spoken from before the LORD with me by night." And he said
to him: "Speak." |
17. And Samuel said: 'Though you be little in
your own sight, art you not head of the tribes of Israel? And the LORD
anointed you king over Israel; |
17. And Samuel said: "And were you not from your
beginning base and weak in the eyes of your own self? But the merit of the
tribe of Benjamin your father was the cause for you, for he sought to pass in
the sea before the sons of Israel. On account of this the LORD has elevated
you to be the king over Israel. |
18. and the LORD sent you on a journey, and
said: Go and utterly destroy the sinners the Amalekites, and fight against
them until they be consumed. |
18. And the LORD sent you on the way, and said: ‘Go, and
destroy the sinners, those of the house of Amalek and you will wage battle
against them until you put an end to them.' |
19. Wherefore then did you not hearken to the
voice of the LORD, but did fly upon the spoil, and did that which was evil in
the sight of the LORD?' {S} |
19. And why did you not accept the Memra of the LORD?
And you turned yourself to plunder, and you did what was evil before the
LORD." |
20. And Saul said unto Samuel: 'Yes, I have
hearkened to the voice of the LORD, and have gone the way which the LORD sent
me, and have brought Agag the king of Amalek, and have utterly destroyed the
Amalekites. |
20. And Saul said to Samuel that “I accepted the Memra
of the LORD and went on the way that the LORD sent me, and I brought Agag the
king of the house of Amalek and destroyed those of the house of Amalek. |
21. But the people took of the spoil, sheep
and oxen, the chief of the devoted things, to sacrifice unto the LORD your
God in Gilgal.' {S} |
21. And the people separated out from the plunder sheep
and oxen before they destroyed them to sacrifice before the LORD your God in
Gilgal." |
22. And Samuel said: 'Has the LORD as great
delight in burnt-offerings and sacrifices, as in hearkening to the voice of
the LORD? Behold, to
obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. |
22. And Samuel said: "Is there delight before the
LORD in holocausts and holy offerings as in accepting the Memra of the LORD? Behold accepting His Memra is
better than holy offerings; to listen to the words of His prophets is better
than the fat of fatlings. |
23. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and
stubbornness is as idolatry and teraphim. Because you have rejected the word
of the LORD, He has also rejected you from being king.' {S} |
23. For like the guilt of men who inquire of the diviner, so is the guilt
of every man who rebels against the words of the Law; and like the sins of
the people who go astray after idols, so is the sin of every man who cuts out
or adds to the words of the prophets. Because you rejected the service of the LORD, he has removed you from
being the king." |
24. And Saul said unto Samuel: 'I have sinned;
for I have transgressed the commandment of the LORD, and your words; because
I feared the people, and hearkened to their voice. |
24. And Saul said to Samuel: "I have sinned,
because I transgressed against the Memra of the LORD and despised your word,
because I feared the people and accepted their word. |
25. Now therefore, I pray, pardon my sin, and
return with me, that I may worship the LORD.' |
25. And now pardon my sin, and return with me, and I
will worship before the LORD." |
26. And Samuel said unto Saul: 'I will not
return with you; for you have rejected the word of the LORD, and the LORD has
rejected you from being king over Israel.' {S} |
26. And Samuel said to Saul: "I will not return
with you, because you rejected the Word of the LORD and the LORD removed you
from being the king over Israel." |
27. And as Samuel turned about to go away, he
laid hold upon the skirt of his robe, and it rent. {S} |
27. And Samuel turned around to go, and he took hold of
the edge of his robe, and it was torn. |
28. And Samuel said unto him: 'The LORD has
rent the kingdom of Israel from you this day, and has given it to a neighbor
of yours, that is better than you. {S} |
28. And Samuel said to him: "The LORD has taken the
kingdom of Israel from you this day and given it to your companion whose
deeds are better than yours. |
29. And also the Glory of Israel will not lie
nor repent; for He is not a man, that He should repent.' |
29. And if you say: ‘I will turn from my sins and it
will be forgiven to me in order that I and my sons may exercise kingship over
Israel forever,' already it is decreed upon you from before the LORD of
Israel's glory before whom there is no deception, and He does not turn from
whatever He says; for He is not like the sons of men who say and act
deceitfully, decree and do not carry out." |
30. Then he said: 'I have sinned; yet honor me
now, I pray, before the elders of my people, and before Israel, and return
with me, that I may worship the LORD your God.' |
30. And he said: "I have sinned; now honor me
before the elders of my people and before Israel, and return with me, and I
will worship before» the LORD your God." |
31. So Samuel returned after Saul; and Saul
worshipped the LORD. {S} |
31. And Samuel turned back after Saul, and Saul
worshipped before the LORD. |
32. Then said Samuel: 'Bring hither to me Agag
the king of the Amalekites.' And Agag came unto him in chains. And Agag said:
'Surely the bitterness of death is at hand.' {S} |
32. And Samuel said: "Bring near unto me Agag the
king of those of the house of Amalek." And Agag came unto him
imperiously. And Agag said: "Please, my master, death is bitter." |
33. And Samuel said: As your sword has made
women childless, so shall your mother be childless among women. And Samuel
hewed Agag in pieces before the LORD in Gilgal. {S} |
33. And Samuel said: "Just as your sword has left
women childless, so your mother will be left childless among women." And
Samuel split up Agag before the LORD in Gilgal. |
34. Then Samuel went to Ramah; and Saul went
up to his house to Gibeath-shaul. |
34. And Samuel went to Ramah, and Saul went up to his
house to Gibeah of Saul. |
35. And
Samuel never beheld Saul again until the day of his death; for Samuel mourned
for Saul; and the LORD repented that He had made Saul king over Israel. {P} |
35. And Samuel did not see Saul any more until the day
of his death, for Samuel grieved over Saul. And the LORD regretted His Memra
that he made Saul king over Israel. |
By: HH Giberet Dr. Elisheba bat Sarah
Hebrew |
English |
Torah Seder Deu
24:19-25:19 |
Psalms Psa 2:1-12 |
Ashlamatah 1 Sam
15:1-34 |
אָבָה |
willing |
Deut. 25:7 |
1 Sam. 15:9 |
אַחַר |
following, again |
Deut. 24:20 |
1 Sam. 15:11 |
אִישׁ |
men, man |
Deut. 25:1 |
1 Sam. 15:3 |
אֱלֹהִים |
Deut. 24:19 |
1 Sam. 15:15 |
אִם |
if, though |
Deut. 25:2 |
1 Sam. 15:17 |
אָמַר |
say, said |
Deut. 25:7 |
Ps. 2:7 |
1 Sam. 15:1 |
אֶרֶץ |
land, earth |
Deut. 24:22 |
Ps. 2:2 |
אִשָּׁה |
wife, woman |
Deut. 25:5 |
1 Sam. 15:3 |
אֲשֶׁר |
whom, which |
Deut. 25:6 |
1 Sam. 15:2 |
בּוֹא |
go, came |
Deut. 25:5 |
1 Sam. 15:5 |
בַּיִת |
house |
Deut. 25:9 |
1 Sam. 15:34 |
בֵּן |
deserves, son |
Deut. 25:2 |
Ps. 2:7 |
1 Sam. 15:6 |
בָּרַךְ |
bless |
Deut. 24:19 |
1 Sam. 15:13 |
דָּבַר |
speak |
Deut. 25:8 |
Ps. 2:5 |
1 Sam. 15:16 |
דָּבָר |
thing, words |
Deut. 24:22 |
1 Sam. 15:1 |
דֶּרֶךְ |
way |
Deut. 25:17 |
Ps. 2:12 |
1 Sam. 15:2 |
הָיָה |
shall not have, came |
Deut. 25:13 |
1 Sam. 15:10 |
זֶה |
this |
Deut. 24:22 |
1 Sam. 15:14 |
זָקֵן |
elders |
Deut. 25:7 |
1 Sam. 15:30 |
חָזַק |
siezed |
Deut. 25:11 |
1 Sam. 15:27 |
יָד |
hand |
Deut. 24:19 |
1 Sam. 15:12 |
יהוה |
Deut. 24:19 |
Ps. 2:2 |
1 Sam. 15:1 |
יוֹם |
day |
Deut. 25:15 |
Ps. 2:7 |
1 Sam. 15:28 |
יָלַד |
bares, begotten |
Deut. 25:6 |
Ps. 2:7 |
יָשַׁב |
lives, sits together |
Deut. 25:5 |
Ps. 2:4 |
יִשְׂרָאֵל |
Israel |
Deut. 25:6 |
1 Sam. 15:1 |
כִּי |
surely, indeed, when |
Deut. 24:19 |
Ps. 2:7 |
1 Sam. 15:24 |
כֹּל |
all |
Deut. 24:19 |
Ps. 2:12 |
1 Sam. 15:3 |
כֵּן |
therefore, so |
Deut. 24:22 |
1 Sam. 15:33 |
לָקַח |
get, took |
Deut. 24:19 |
1 Sam. 15:21 |
מָה |
what, why |
Ps. 2:1 |
1 Sam. 15:14 |
מוּת |
die, death |
Deut. 25:5 |
1 Sam. 15:3 |
מֶלֶךְ |
king |
Ps. 2:2 |
1 Sam. 15:1 |
מִנִּי |
both, off |
Deut. 25:9 |
1 Sam. 15:3 |
מִצְרַיִם |
Egypt |
Deut. 24:22 |
1 Sam. 15:2 |
נָגַשׁ |
come, bring |
Deut. 25:1 |
1 Sam. 15:32 |
נַחֲלָה |
inheritance |
Deut. 25:19 |
Ps. 2:8 |
נָכָה |
beaten, beat |
Deut. 25:2 |
1 Sam. 15:3 |
נָתַן |
gives |
Deut. 25:15 |
Ps. 2:8 |
1 Sam. 15:28 |
עַיִן |
eyes |
Deut. 25:3 |
1 Sam. 15:17 |
עַל |
over, against, therefore |
Deut. 24:22 |
Ps. 2:2 |
1 Sam. 15:1 |
עָלָה |
go, coming |
Deut. 25:7 |
1 Sam. 15:2 |
עֲמָלֵק |
Amalek |
Deut. 25:17 |
1 Sam. 15:2 |
עַתָּה |
now |
Ps. 2:10 |
1 Sam. 15:1 |
פָּנֶה |
east, in his presence |
Deut. 25:2 |
1 Sam. 15:7 |
קוּם |
assume, carried |
Deut. 25:6 |
1 Sam. 15:11 |
שֵׁבֶט |
rod, staff, tribe |
Ps. 2:9 |
1 Sam. 15:17 |
שׁוּב |
shall not go, turned back |
Deut. 24:19 |
1 Sam. 15:11 |
שׁוֹר |
ox |
Deut. 25:4 |
1 Sam. 15:3 |
שָׁלַח |
puts, sent |
Deut. 25:11 |
1 Sam. 15:1 |
שָׁמַיִם |
heaven |
Deut. 25:19 |
Ps. 2:4 |
שָׁפַט |
judges |
Deut. 25:1 |
Ps. 2:10 |
arey" |
fear |
Deut. 25:18 |
1 Sam. 15:24 |
ry[i |
city |
Deut. 25:8 |
1 Sam. 15:5 |
hf'[' |
acts, did |
Deut. 24:22 |
1 Sam. 15:2 |
Greek |
English |
Torah Seder Deu
24:19-25:19 |
Psalms Psa 2:1-12 |
Ashlamatah 1 Sam
15:1-34 |
13:11-14:12, 15:2-4 |
ἅγιον |
holy |
Psa 2:6 |
1Sa 15:1 |
Rev 14:2 |
ἀκούω |
hear, heard |
1Sa 15:1 |
Rev 14:2 |
ἀληθινός |
true |
Deu 25:15 |
Rev 15:3 |
ἀναβαίνω |
ascending |
Deu 25:7 |
1Sa 15:2 |
Rev 13:11 |
ἄνθρωπος |
men, man |
Deu 25:1 |
1Sa 15:29 |
Rev 13:13 |
ἀπαρχή |
first-fruits |
1Sa 15:21 |
Rev 14:4 |
ἀποκτείνω |
killed |
1Sa 15:3 |
Rev 13:15 |
ἀριθμός |
number |
Deu 25:3 |
Rev 13:17 |
βασιλεύς |
king |
Psa 2:2 |
1Sa 15:1 |
Rev 15:3 |
γῆ |
land, earth, ground |
Deu 24:22 |
Psa 2:2 |
Rev 13:11 |
γυνή |
women, woman, wife |
Deu 25:5 |
1Sa 15:3 |
Rev 14:4 |
δίδωμι |
gives |
Deu 25:15 |
Psa 2:8 |
1Sa 15:28 |
Rev 13:14 |
δίκαιος |
just |
Deu 25:1 |
Psa 2:12 |
Rev 15:3 |
δοξάζω |
glorify |
1Sa 15:30 |
Rev 15:4 |
δύο |
two |
Deu 25:11 |
1Sa 15:29 |
Rev 13:11 |
ἔθνος |
Nations/ Gentiles |
Psa 2:1 |
Rev 14:6 |
εἴδω |
see, saw, behold |
1Sa 15:35 |
Rev 13:11 |
ἔργον |
works |
Deu 24:19 |
1Sa 15:9 |
Rev 3:15 |
ἔρχομαι |
came |
1Sa 15:5 |
Rev 14:7 |
ζάω |
lived, alive |
1Sa 15:8 |
Rev 13:14 |
ἥκω |
comes |
1Sa 15:12 |
Rev 15:4 |
ἡμέρα |
day |
1Sa 15:35 |
Rev 14:11 |
θάνατος |
death |
1Sa 15:32 |
Rev 13:12 |
θεός |
1Sa 15:15 |
Rev 14:4 |
θυμός |
wrath, rage |
Psa 2:5 |
Rev 14:8 |
ἰδού |
behold |
1Sa 15:12 |
Rev 14:1 |
ἵστημι |
established, standing |
Deu 25:8 |
1Sa 15:13 |
Rev 14:1 |
καταβαίνω |
down |
1Sa 15:12 |
Rev 13:13 |
κατοικέω |
dwelling |
Deu 25:5 |
Psa 2:4 |
Rev 13:12 |
κέρας |
horns |
1Sa 15:34 |
Rev 13:11 |
κρίσις |
judgment |
Deu 24:17 |
Rev 14:7 |
κύριος |
Deu 24:19 |
Psa 2:2 |
1Sa 15:1 |
Rev 15:3 |
λαλέω |
spoke, speak |
Psa 2:5 |
1Sa 15:13 |
Rev 13:11 |
λαμβάνω |
receives, take, took |
Deu 24:19 |
1Sa 15:21 |
Rev 14:9 |
λαός |
people |
Psa 2:1 |
1Sa 15:1 |
Rev 14:6 |
λέγω |
saying |
1Sa 15:10 |
Rev 13:14 |
μέγας |
great |
Deu 25:13 |
Rev 13:13 |
μικρόν |
small |
Deu 25:13 |
1Sa 15:17 |
Rev 13:16 |
νύξ |
night |
1Sa 15:11 |
Rev 14:11 |
ὁδός |
ways |
Deu 25:17 |
Psa 2:12 |
1Sa 15:2 |
Rev 15:3 |
ὄνομα |
name |
Deu 25:6 |
Rev 13:17 |
ὀργή |
wrath, anger |
Psa 2:5 |
Rev 14:10 |
ὄρος |
Mount Zion |
Psa 2:6 |
Rev 14:1 |
ὅσος |
as many as |
Deu 25:17 |
1Sa 15:13 |
Rev 13:15 |
οὐρανός |
heaven |
Deu 25:19 |
Psa 2:4 |
Rev 13:13 |
πᾶς |
every, all |
Deu 24:19 |
Psa 2:10 |
1Sa 15:3 |
Rev 13:12 |
ποιέω |
executes, did |
Deu 24:22 |
1Sa 15:2 |
Rev 13:12 |
πολύς |
more, many |
Deu 25:3 |
Rev 14:2 |
πρεσβύτερος |
elders |
1Sa 15:30 |
Rev 14:3 |
προσκυνέω |
obeisance |
1Sa 15:25 |
Rev 13:12 |
πτωχός |
poor |
Deu 24:19 |
Rev 3:17 |
στόμα |
mouth |
1Sa 15:8 |
Rev 14:5 |
τεσσαράκοντα |
forty |
Deu 25:3 |
Rev 14:1 |
φοβέω |
fear |
1Sa 15:24 |
Rev 14:7 |
φυλή |
tribes |
1Sa 15:17 |
Rev 14:6 |
φωνή |
sound, voice |
1Sa 15:1 |
Rev 14:2 |
χείρ |
hand |
Deu 24:19 |
1Sa 15:12 |
Rev 13:16 |
χιλιάς |
thousand |
1Sa 15:4 |
Rev 14:1 |
Revelation 13:11 – 14:12, 15:1-4
By: H.Em. Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu ben
& Hakham Dr. Yosef ben Haggai
Revelation 13:11 And [I] saw
another beast of prey rising up out of the earth, and having two horns,
similar to a lamb, and speaking as a dragon, (serpent) And he executes all
the authority of the first beast of prey in his presence, (in the presence of
the first beast of prey) and he makes the earth and its inhabitants prostrate
in worship before the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed, And he
performs great signs, in order to make fire to come down out of the heavens
to the earth in the presence of men. And
leads astray [all] the inhabitants of
the earth by means of signs given to him to perform in the presence
of the [first] beast of prey; saying to the inhabitants of the earth, make a
statue (image - icon) of the [first] beast of prey that had the wound of the
sword and lived. And to him was given [ability] to grant spirit (life-breath)
to the image of the beast of prey, in order for the statue (image - icon) to
speak (as golem), and to make as many as would not worship the image (icon)
of the beast of prey to be put to death. And
(he – the image - icon) makes all small, the great, the rich, the poor, the
free, and the bond slave to place an image (stamp, emblem or stigmata) [bite
of the snake] on his right hand or on [and] his forehead; and in order
not to buy or sell if [he did] not have the image (stamp, emblem or stigmata)
[bite of the snake] or name (remembrance) [usually שֵם
shem in Hebrew however in D’varim 25:19, the very
antithesis זֵכֶר
z¢ker] of beast of prey or a fixed number of his name
(remembrance) [usually שֵם shem in Hebrew however in D’varim 25:19 זֵכֶר z¢ker]. Here is the wisdom (hokhma) let the one having understandng (bina) make a judgment
[concerning] the number or the beast of prey for it is the number of man and
the number of it [is] six hundred, sixty [and] six (666) [cf.
Kohelet/ Ecclesacties 7:25-29 the very antithesis to Divine Hohkma and
Bina]. 14:1 And I looked and behold
[a] lamb standing on the mountain [of] Tzion and with him 144,000’s having
the name (remembrance) of the Father having been written on their foreheads.
And I heard a voice out of the Heavens as [a] sound of many waters and as [a]
sound of great thunder [voices] and the sound of Lyres (harp) singers playing
in [on] their lyres (harps). And they sang new song before the throne and
before the four chayot, (living creatures) and before the Elders (Zekenim)
and no one could learn (perceive the understanding or meaning of) the song
except the 144,000’s set free (redeemed) the earth. These are [those] who
were not rendered ritually impure by [foreign] women, chaste (uncontaminated
from apostasy) for they are the talmidim of (following) the lamb wherever it
may lead (ones following the Mesorah of the lamb lit. under the Lamb’s
guidance). These are bought (purchased
or redeemed) from the first fruits of royal men (anashim) to G-d and the
lamb. And in their mouth was not found any deceit, for they are present
before the throne of G-d. And I saw another messenger rushing (davening) at
midday (highest part of the Sun’s circuit) [Prayer at Minchah dressed with Talit]
having the eternal Mesorah heralding the Mesorah to the ones sitting on the
earth, and every [to] (non-Jewish) nation and [to every] race, language and
people. Saying with a loud voice being in reverential awe of G-d (worship):
give Glory to Him because the hour of His judgment (decision) [has come] and
prostrate yourselves before the Maker of the Heavens and the earth and the
sea and springs (fountains) of waters. And another messenger accompanying
(follows) saying it falls, it falls Babylon the great city because out of the
wine of fury (wrath) of her prostitution (apostasy) she has made the gentiles
drunk (saturated with apostasy). And a third messenger
accompanying (follows) them, speaking in a loud voice (saying) if anyone is] worshiping (prostrating
before) the statue [icon] beast of [the] prey and received the image (stamp,
emblem or stigmata) on the forehead or on his hand, The same shall drink the
wine of G-d’s wrath being undiluted and blended with the cup of His
punishment, [and they] shall be tormented in the fire and sulphur in the
presence [and] (in the judgment) [and the] of the holy messengers (Prophets)
and the presence (judgment) Lamb. And the smoke of their torment [will be] forever
and ever unceasing day and night (for) the ones (who) worshiped the beast of
prey and its statue/icon and received the image (stamp, emblem or stigmata)
of its name (remembrance). Here is the perseverance of the
Righteous/Generous ones keeping the mitzvot (commandments) of G-d and
faithful to Yeshua’s [example and teachings]! 15:2
And I saw a sea of glass mixed with fire, (and) and those who do gain the victory over the beast of prey and over
his statue/icon and the number (calculations) of its name (remembrance)
standing on the sea of glass having the Lyres (harp) of G-d. And they sang
the song of Moshe the servant of G-d and the song of the Lamb, saying great
and wonderful are Your acts Adonai, LORD G-d Almighty (El Shaddai),
righteous/generous and faithful are Your ways [Halakhot], King of the
Tsadiqim Who do fear You Adonai and glory to HaShem who alone is G-d; for all
the Gentiles will come before You, for Your Righteousness/generosity has been
made known. |
The Revelation of Yeshua HaMashiach
be it for us to tell anyone how difficult it is to translate, comprehend and
comment on this symbolic Revelation.
When we talk of the “Revelation” is usually open with the first verse to
establish some ground rules and interpretive keys.
Revelation 1:1 The Revelation of Yeshua HaMashiach, which God gave
unto him, (Yeshua) to show unto His bond slaves (God’s servants) things which
must shortly come to pass; and he sent (Yeshua) and signified it (put in
symbolic language) by his messenger unto his servant Yochanan:
opening passage is loaded with information needed for interpreting the
Revelation of Yeshua HaMashiach. The
key statement to this Revelation is that it is established in symbolic
language. Therefore, all that we read must
be filtered through the ancient system of Jewish symbols.[26]
will cite one other passage from the Revelation that will help us in our
understanding of So’od materials.
Rev. 1:20 “As for the So’od (secret) of the seven stars which you saw in my
right hand, and the seven golden Menorot: the seven stars are the messengers (angels) of the seven congregations, and the seven
Menorot are the seven congregations.
into the So’od of Revelation is an interpretative key that helps us understand
the meaning of the Secret (So’od). In the present verse, we see that the “seven
stars” are actually the Seven Officers of the Congregations. And that Seven
Menorot are the Seven Congregations. Therefore, we note that So’od often
includes interpretative keys. However, we must state that this is not always
the case and interpreting So’od is based on understanding Jewish signs and
this foundational information, we will look at the pericope relative to the Revelation
and our Torah Seder, Shabbat Zakhor.
Beasts of
Rev 13:11 And
I saw another beast of prey rising up out of the earth, and having two horns,
similar to a lamb, and speaking as a dragon (serpent).
pericope opens with a line of symbols.
1. Beast of Prey
image of the beast of prey along with its horns and speech are all interrelated
and multifaceted. The beast of prey is
relative to the ravenous nature of the character that seconds the first beast
of prey. The first beast of prey is described
in chapter 13 verses 2ff. Lexicons offer
several options for the Greek word θηρίον
Among them are words like monster, wild animals and wicked persons. However,
the lexicons only allow us to see that the imagery of this “beast of Prey” is
that of animal characteristics. It is common to find these characteristics in
Rabbi Eleazar said: "Nimrod used to entice people
into idolatrous worship by means of those garments, which enabled him to
conquer the world and proclaim himself its ruler, so that people offered him
worship. He was called 'Nimrod,' for the reason that he rebelled [himrid]
against the most high King above, against the higher angels and against the
lower angels."[27]
was Nimrod that put Abraham Avinu to the great test.
Nimrod called Abraham and commanded him to worship
Fire. Abraham said to him, "So let's worship water since water has the
power to extinguish fire." "Right," said Nimrod, "We should
worship water." "In that case, we should worship the clouds, since
they carry water." "Yes, we should worship the clouds." "Then
we should worship the wind, since it drives the clouds across the sky."
"Yes, we should worship the wind [the word ruach also means spirit, a key
to the next point of the argument]" "But," said Abraham,
"humans have the power to rule over the spirit. Should we worship human
beings?" "You're playing with words," cried Nimrod. "I
worship only fire, and I am going to throw you into a huge furnace. Let the God
you worship come along and save you from it!"[28]
is endowed with two natures, the yetser hatov and the yetser hara. The yetser hara is the animal nature that
each of us is given to overcome, control and balance. However, the world is filled with men who
have no control over the animal nature. Or, they have given over to it and its
development. This “Beast of Prey”
typifies a man who has given himself totally over to his animal nature. The man who balances between the two
natures is a Tzadik. The man who does not labor to balance the two natures is
only the animal that resides within his yetser hara. We could follow the
imagery to suggest that he is only a man seeking things of man. However, the “Beast of Prey” not only seeks
the things of man; he seeks to persuade other men to follow him and worship
humanism as if it were a god.
was the King of Babel. His Eminence Rabbi Dr Hillel ben David has taught us
that the practice of the constituents of that city was making bricks. They did
not make bricks in order to build something, they gathered just to make bricks. Humanity has a way of worshiping idle
practice. Or, to put it another way, just doing nothing. We would further, the
idea by saying humanity has a habitual practice of worshiping self in these
self-indulgent moments of aimlessness. Of course, the “Beast of Prey” is not
concerned with idleness but defiant opposition to G-d and G-dly practices.
2. Rising out of the Earth
specific connotations here differ from the first beast of prey that rises out
of the sea indicating his ascension from Gentile humanity. The second beast of
prey is associated with the earth rather than the sea. This may very well be
because his association with the earth deals with his realm of influence, which
we will see, in the next verse.
3. Two horns like that of a lamb
horn is symbolic of war and military campaign.[29]
Furthermore, the horn (Shofar) is often used as a call to assembly, war, alarm
and the new moon. The horns of a lamb seem to indicate a more subtle approach
when we place the horns of a lamb, a meek animal on a beast of prey. Here we
see a picture of deception. Therefore, the horn, also a symbol of power, is the
power of deception possessed by the second beast of prey.
4. Speech like a serpent
The imagery of the Dragon speaking like a serpent
is deeply So’od. The image of Gan Eden and the conflict between the serpent and
the temptation of man comes to mind. Dragons were thought to be mythological
personifications.[30] Beresheet tells us that of all the “beasts of the
field” the serpent was the most subtle.[31] The beast of prey with horns of a lamb, speaking
like a serpent tells us of the subtlety and deception that the second beast of
prey employs in his reign of power. Therefore, the character of the second
beast of prey is that of deception.
13:12-13 And he executes all the authority of the first beast of prey in his
presence, (in the
presence of the first beast of prey) and
he makes the earth and its inhabitants prostrate in worship before the first
beast, whose deadly wound was healed, And he performs great signs, in order to
make fire to come down out of the heavens to the earth in the presence of men
power of this beast of prey is borrowed, or, should we say that it rests in the
imagery of the Prophet Eliyahu. Here
again we seek the meaning of this power in the imagery borrowed from some other
entity. Eliyahu called fire down from the heavens in his great conflict with
the prophets of Baal. So why does the beast of prey call down fire from the
heavens? Note that it is not a real ability, and that it is based on what
Eliyahu did. The imagery is once again deception. If this beast of prey follows
the practices of a G-dly Prophet what will the inhabitants of the earth think?
Therefore, the lie is associated with truth. When a lie is associated with a
truth, it is all the more deceptive.
Rev 13:14 And leads astray [all] the inhabitants of the
earth by means of signs given to him
to perform in the presence of the first
beast of prey; saying to the inhabitants of the earth, make a statue (image
- icon) of the first beast of prey that had the wound of the
sword and lived.
the language of Revelation is symbolic, the exact idea of the “image” is a bit
ambiguous. Here our Greek text of Revelation uses εἰκών
which is easily translated “icon.” In the world of computers, the “icon” is
abundant. In a manner of speaking, the
icon represents a program or process. However, this is not the context of the
icon of Biblical or ancient history. Icons used in the first century and after
were pictures filled with symbolic imagery.
More broadly the term (icon) is used in a wide number
of contexts for an image, picture, or representation; it is a sign or likeness
that stands for an object by signifying or representing it either concretely or
by analogy, as in semiotics; by extension, icon is also used, particularly in
modern culture, in the general sense of symbol — i.e. a name, face, picture,
edifice or even a person readily recognized as having some well-known
significance or embodying certain qualities: one thing, an image or depiction,
that represents something else of greater significance through literal or
figurative meaning, usually associated with religious, cultural, political, or
economic standing.[32]
old cliché that a picture is worth a thousand words is apropos here. The icon
captures the nature of the first beast of prey’s character. The first beast of
prey is concisely pictured as a one who opposed G-d directly. His direct
blasphemy is pointed against the “Mishkan” of G-d. We have discussed the ideas
of the Mishkan in previous pericopes Mordechai 91 and
(See especially discussion on Mishkan in Pericope 96) The Mishkan’s imagery
here is understood as the new “living stones” rather than the literal Mishkan.
What now becomes important is the fact that the first beast of prey slanders
the “living stones.”
Rev 13:6 And he opened his
mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle, that
is, those who dwell in spirituality.[33]
will be specifically relevant later on in our commentary. Therefore, the icon
is something associated with the fact that the first beast of prey blasphemes
the “living stones” of G-d.
second beast of prey leads all the
inhabitants of the earth astray by use and employment of this icon.
Rev 13:15 And to him was given ability to grant spirit (life-breath) to the image of the beast of prey, in
order for the statue (image - icon)
to speak (as golem), and to make as
many as would not worship the image (icon) of the beast of prey to be put to death.
The second beast of prey has the ability to give life
to or animate the icon whereby the icon can speak, as does the golem when the
appropriate words and actions are accomplished.
GOLEM, a creature, particularly a human being, made in
an artificial way by virtue of a magic act, through the use of holy names. The
idea that it is possible to create living beings in this manner is widespread
in the magic of many peoples. Especially well known are the idols and images to
which the ancients claimed to have given the power of speech.
Among the Greeks and the Arabs these activities are
sometimes connected with astrological speculations related to the possibility
of “drawing the spirituality of the stars” to lower beings.[34]
golem is a body without a soul. The Rabbis use this same word to describe the
ignorant who do not conduct themselves in a wise manner.[35] If we interpret these symbols correctly, we
see that the second beast of prey brings soullessness to the people of the
earth. Or, we might say that he depreciates the soul of those who would
otherwise love G-d and follow His Torah. The animation (life breath) of this
golem (soulless being or thing) causes its follower or person who accepts the “image (stamp, emblem or stigmata) bite
of the snake on his right hand or on and his forehead” to become soulless like
the golem. The golem is made of earth or clay. Again, the imagery carries
weight worth mentioning. Contemporary scientists brag of their ability to clone
animals, humans and other objects. However, one thing stands clear; they have
to use the materials that G-d created ex
nihlio. The golem made of clay or dirt is brought to life by writing
certain letters on the forehead of the golem spelling אֱמֶת
(emeth) “truth” and following some ritual. The live golem serves its
master following its every command. This again teaches us what the beast of
prey will do. After the animation of the icon, all will worship it and the
first beast of prey or die. However, I will reiterate the point that what is
actually being alluded to here in the Revelation is the stripping away of the
soul and spirit of those who would be G-dly. This is applied to ALL the (Gentile) inhabitants of the earth.
With regard to the fact that the “inhabitants
of the earth,” which are gentiles we see that they are forbid knowing and
practicing truth through stripping away the genuine soul. This stripping away
comes through the power of deception we have mentioned above.
Rev 13:16 And (he – the image - icon) makes all small, the great, the rich,
the poor, the free, and the bond slave to place an image (stamp, emblem or
stigmata) [bite of the snake] on his right hand or on [and] his forehead;
golem, by power and command of its master causes ALL who have receive the image
(stamp, emblem or stigmata) [bite of the snake] on his right hand or on [and]
his forehead. The image received in the hand or forehead is also
symbolic and antithetical. Because the
Jew places the Tefillin on
his right hand and forehead, we now see that the substitution and antithesis of
Judaism is prescribed as a way of life.
R. Akiba stated: As it might have been presented that
a man shall wear tefillin on Sabbaths and festivals, it was explicitly said in
Scripture: And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand, which denotes:
on those days only that require a sign; but these, since they themselves are a
sign, are excluded.[36]
articles of tefillin are a sign of covenantal relationship between G-d and the
Consequently, the image (stamp,
emblem or stigmata) bite of the
snake on his right hand or on and his forehead is a sign of
covenantal union with the first beast of prey and his system of worship.
The image (stamp, emblem or
stigmata) bite of the snake is placed on his right hand or on and his forehead. Therefore, we see that the placement of this
image on the hand or forehead is in some was an alliance with the antithetical
system of G-d’s tefillin. The tefillin represent devotion and faithfulness to
G-d. Therefore, the faithfulness of the system implemented by the beast of prey
is faith in man and his humanistic system. However, we should note that those
who subscribe to this system believe they are following a path that leads to
G-d. I will discuss this in more detail later.
Rev 13:17 and in order not to buy or sell if he did not have the image (stamp, emblem or stigmata) bite of the snake or name (remembrance)
usually שֵם shem in
Hebrew however in D’varim 25:19, the very antithesis זֵכֶר z¢ker of beast of prey or a fixed
number of his name (remembrance) usually
shem in
Hebrew however in D’varim 25:19 זֵכֶר z¢ker.
we translate and comment on various pericopes of the Nazarean Codicil, we must
always do so within the confines of our Hermeneutic genre. Furthermore, we must
always translate and comment from the context of the material genre. Therefore,
when we translate, comment and elucidate the present pericope of the Revelation
we must do so within the genre of Shabbat Zakhor.
above-cited verse is hard to read with all my notes and elucidations. I have
left all these elucidations for the reader to note that there is a direct
verbal connection to the Shabbat Zakhor theme in this Revelation pericope.
Greek word ὄνομα onoma {on'-om-ah} indicates a “name.” However, something of great interest happens
in the Greek version of D’varim 25:19.
The authors of the LXX have translated the Hebrew word זֵכֶר
(remember) as name ὄνομα onoma.
Deu 25:19 καὶ
ἔσται ἡνίκα ἐὰν
καταπαύσῃ σε κύριος
ὁ θεός σου ἀπὸ
πάντων τῶν ἐχθρῶν
σου τῶν κύκλῳ
σου ἐν τῇ γῇ ᾗ κύριος
ὁ θεός σου δίδωσίν
σοι ἐν κλήρῳ
ἐξαλείψεις τὸ ὄνομα
Αμαληκ ἐκ τῆς ὑπὸ
τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ
οὐ μὴ ἐπιλάθῃ
text would then read…
Deu 25:19 And it will come to pass whenever the LORD
your God will have given you rest from all your enemies round about you, in the
land which the LORD your God gives you to inherit, you will blot out the name of Amalec from under heaven, and will not forget to
do it. [38]
translation of the same passage reads…
Deu 25:19 [Therefore,] it will be, when the Lord your
God grants you respite from all your enemies around [you] in the land which the
Lord, your God, gives to you as an inheritance to possess, that you shall
obliterate the remembrance of Amalek from beneath the
heavens. You shall not forget! (Rashi)
our pericope of Revelation ties directly to the Amalek.
all the data and symbology from our pericope is weighed against the Torah Seder
of Shabbat Zakhor, we find amazing insights into its imagery.
wickedness of the Amalek is so prevalent that it demands notice and
Revelation reveals the identity of the beast of prey in its connection to
Shabbat Zakhor as the Amalek. When we
realize that the beasts of prey are the Amalek, or at least Amalek in nature
and conduct we can begin to better understand all the imagery and symbology.
Amalek are identified with Esau, Esau is identified as Rome and Esau is further
allied with Yishmael through the marriages to the daughters of Yishmael.[39]
The reader should read the following comments with
great care and caution. These comments are NOT designed to be offensive or
contentious. It is an absolute fact that we should follow the example of
Yeshua. It is also a fact that we believe Yeshua is Mashiach. However, we do
NOT believe that the Christian system of worship has replaced Jewish Orthodox
practice. Therefore, any system that has replaced Jewish Orthodoxy is under
scrutiny. Furthermore, we believe that the Messianic practices are not
authentic unless they embrace Jewish Orthodoxy.
unfolding of the mystery reveals that Rome (The Church and Christianity) are
the pseudo-prophets that have established a system of mimicking G-d’s
established system and order.
heritage passed to those who follow the antithetical system of Rome is
Jer 16:19 O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my
refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles will come unto You from the ends
of the earth, and will say, Surely our
fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.
(Christianity) has inherited the lies of their fathers. The Mishnah records the
“Sayings of the Fathers” as an ethical system of mores, which we are to
emulate. The Church also has “fathers,” which publish an antithetical system of
worship. Christian worship is fully endowed with icons, images all of which are
places in and on hands and foreheads.
I find it so apropos that we read of Shabbat Zakhor
so near the season of “Lent” and “Ash Wednesday” where the worshipers receive a
mark, image, or stamp of ash in their right hand or forehead.
Note the cross of ash on a worshiper’s forehead in
the image.
note the image[40] on
the Wikipedia site which shows men and women receiving the mark of the cross on
their forehead.
entire system of Lent and its representation is taken out of season and
context. It is another form of deception and replacement theology, which brings
us to the core of the Revelation. The beast of prey has presented ALL Gentile
humanity with a seeming suitable substitute. However, the substitute is sold
under the guise of replacement.
of the greatest enemy Judaism has had to fight is the Replacement theology
movement. In short this theology teaches that the Church is the “New Israel.”
This theology had great acceptance when there was no nation of Yisrael in the
land. However, with the advent of
Yisrael’s return the replacement theology has suffered. However, there is a new “Replacement Theology
looming on the horizon. Messianic groups in many places have labeled themselves
“Jews.” Many of these groups (not necessarily all) are more interested in
“dress up” than the genuine practice of Judaism. The implement new laws, or
should I say they pervert the true mitzvot in practices such as tying fringes
on their belt loops. I reiterate; this commentary is not intended to offend
these individuals. It is intended to
teach that these practices are WRONG and ILIGITAMATE! They are substitutions
for truth. To further play in the imagery of the golem mentioned above. When
the first letter of אֱמֶת (emeth)[41] (truth) is removed then the life of the golem is
removed and it dies or should I say it returns to the dirt from whence it came.
The Hebrew word מֶת means “death.” To take away the truth of a thing
causes its death. As footnoted below the Alef (א) represents Elohim (G-d).
Therefore, to take G-d out of the equation is death.
Revelation further reveals the Amalek as a group that identifies themselves as
Jews but are not.
Rev 3:9 'Behold, I will
cause those of the synagogue of the adversary (Satan), who
say that they are Jews, and are not, but lie - behold, I will make them to come
and bow down at your feet, and to know that I have loved you.
reiterate; anyone who claims to have replaced the Jewish people and Jewish
Orthodoxy subscribes to the antithetical system of the beast of prey, the
second beast of prey and its icon.
Rev 13:18 Here is the
wisdom (chokhma) let the one having understanding (bina) make a judgment
[concerning] the number or the beast of prey for it is the number of man and
the number of it [is] six hundred, sixty [and] six. (666) [cf.
Kohelet/Ecclesiastes 7:25-29, the very antithesis to Divine Chokhma and Bina].
play of words “here is the wisdom (chokhma) let the one having understanding
(bina) make a judgment [concerning]” is found in Kohelet 7:25-29
Ecc 7:25 I directed my mind
to know, to investigate, and to seek wisdom and an explanation, and to know the
evil of folly (stupidity) and the foolishness (stupidity) of madness.
and Bina (Wisdom and Understanding) weigh against stupidity and insanity in
this illustration. Furthermore, the passages from Kohelet speak of the snares
of a woman. (Obviously, the text is not speaking about the virtuous woman
Proverbs 31) This will serve to help explain the Whore of Babylon.
Eminence Rabbi Dr Hillel ben David deals with the number 666 in his article on Tefillin. Therefore, we will not try
to elaborate on this number here. We would suggest reading the entire article.
This will further explain much of the material I am not covering here.
make a play on words we could call the “mark of the beast” a “mark of
stupidity.” This idea is compounded when we realize that the Hebrew word כָסַל (k’sal) is also the foundation for the word constellations כְּסִיל (k’sîl).[42] We
would here draw on the fact that the Jewish system of Moedim is counterfeited
by Church liturgy.
association with stupidity and the constellations are forwarded in the entire
Christian replacement system. Easter
replaces Pesach and the Christian calendar replaces the Biblical Seder and
we were, very young man we have heard more tales about this myth than we care
to remember. We must assert here that the system that everyone looks for is
non-literal symbolism. Because the Revelation is in symbols, we should
understand that this economic system would most likely NEVER be established
literally. We guess we should try to invent some elaborate system of false
concoction to please an audience like a recent series of books that have hit
the market teaching the manifold tribulations that will present themselves to
those who are “Left Behind.” The buying and selling must be understood as
economics (Grk. οικονόμια, economia)
Eph 3:8-9 8 To me, the very
least of all Tsadiqim, this chesed was given, to herald to the Gentiles the
unfathomable riches of Messiah, and to bring to light what is the
(οικονόμια, economia) administration of the Sod which for
ages has been hidden in God who created all things;
Shaul speaks here of the So’od. While speaking on the level of “Hint,” (Remez)
we can see that the οικονόμια,
economia of So’od has been hidden.
However, hidden does NOT mean that we cannot understand its meaning or that the
meaning was never revealed before. The οικονόμια,
economia only means that So’od must
be confined to its hermeneutic genre. This is its appropriate οικονόμια,
economia. Therefore, we see that
the “buying and selling” is a οικονόμια,
economia, administration or order of
hierarchy within a given system. If one subscribes to the hierarchy of the
pseudo-prophetic system, one must have identification within that system. Herein is the relation to our Psalm. (Psalm
Tehillim (Psa) 2:1 Why do
the nations conspire, and peoples plot vain things; 2 kings of the
earth take their stand, and princes intrigue together against the LORD and
against his anointed? 3 "Let us break their bonds asunder,
shake off their ropes from us!"
Psa 2:4 He who is enthroned
in heaven laughs; the LORD holds them in derision. 5 Then he speaks
to them in anger, terrifying them in His rage. 6 "I have
installed My king on Zion, My holy mountain!"
Psalm 2 presents itself by sections, these formed by
change of speaker and audience as well as shifts in emphasis. (It does not rely
on the more frequently used format of word repetition.) The poem is divided
into four sections of three verses each, with a brief postscript (the last
The first two sections share a structure: an anonymous
speaker makes his point to an unidentified audience through two verses,
followed by a supporting quotation. In the first section, the speaker “asks” a
mocking question, citing the words of the kings of other nations, and in the
second section he reveals God’s reaction, ultimately citing Him. The third
section, too, is formed by a statement and a quotation, but this time the
speaker is the king of Israel (though this becomes clear only after reading the
first few words), the quote (again from the LORD) is longer, and it carries the
Psa 2:10 So now, O kings,
be prudent; be warned, you rulers of the earth!
11 Serve the LORD in awe, rejoice with trembling, 12 pay
homage in good faith, lest He be incensed and you be lost on the way, as
his anger flashes up in an instant.
is a powerful Psalm! Note that the kings of the earth plot in their wickedness
to overthrow the οικονόμια,
economia of G-d. What is the
result? G-d gets a good laugh! We find a bit of humor here as well. Why? Because just when they think they have it all
under control G-d mixes things up.
The LORD’s singularity (οικονόμια, economia)
or control is taken for granted. The assurance is that the human king in fact
is God’s chosen. (He rules over God’s chosen mountain.) Citing God articulates
the conflict as a clash of voices—those of the subject kings and that of God.[44]
much as the Kings of the earth (Amalek or otherwise) seek to overthrow G-d the οικονόμια,
economia remains constant for
those who are faithful to His οικονόμια,
economia. For a better understanding
of this idea we need to further develop the understanding that His Eminence
Rabbi Dr. Yoseph ben Haggai teaches on the government of G-d as meted out
through the Ten men of the congregation and the governance of G-d through the
Bet Din.
Mordechai 1:14-15 Now after
Yochanan was arrested and put in prison, Yeshuah came into Galilee, proclaiming
the good news (the Masorot – the Traditions) of the kingdom (governance) of G-d
[through the Hakhamim and Bate Din as opposed to human kings], 15.
And saying, The [appointed period of] time is fulfilled (completed), and the
kingdom (governance) of G-d [through Hakhamim and Bate Din] is at hand; repent
(have a change of mind and return to Torah wisdom) and faithfully obey the
Masorah (Traditions/Oral Law).[45]
The Hand of G-d, Further
recognition of the Amalek
would like to look at the passage of Shemot that deals with the Amalek to
further understand the identity of the Amalek.
Shemot 17:16. And he said,
For there is a hand on (against) the throne of the Eternal, [that there shall
be] a war for the LORD against Amalek from generation to generation.
16 וַיֹּ֗אמֶר
Hebrew word for throne is כִּסֵּא kisse. Note the word Kisse
above missing the Alef (א). We
noted that the removal of the alef from the golem’s forehead meant its death.
The removal of the alef from the throne of G-d means that the Amalek have
challenged the throne of G-d. The Amalek were not afraid to confront and make
war with the Bne Yisrael. By making war with the Bne Yisrael they realized that
they were warring against G-d. This is common among the enemies of Yisrael.
However, the subtle approach of warring against G-d and the challenge against
His Throne is more successful when it is more subtle. This is why the speech of
the second beast of prey is like that of a dragon or serpent.
1. The Amalek challenge Throne of G-d, G-dliness
absence of the genuine system of G-d in our society has lead to a collapse of
society. We now have replacement theology is abundance. However, some Jewish scholars have suggested
that the word Amalek is also associated with the monkey. The thought here is that man originated from
the monkey. Again, we have an affront to the Throne of G-d and another system
that tries to dethrone G-d through the teachings of evolution.
2. The Oral Torah
Mishneh Torah is referred to as the “Mighty Hand” insinuating the “Mighty Hand
of G-d.” The Amalek is personified in all who try to take away the Oral Torah.
I am amazed at the historical implications. The Tz’dukim (Sadducees) refused to
accept the Oral Torah. They were epicurean hedonists in practice. It is so
curious that this eventually became the title for Christianity. Why is it that
Christians have this title?
In talmudic literature a number of terms are used to
refer to heretics, min, apikoros, kofer, and mumar, each of which also has
other meanings.
The term apikoros seems to be derived from the
*Epicureans, whose skeptical naturalism denied divine providence, and hence,
divine retribution. The sages in accordance with their method of interpretation
derived apikoros from an Aramaic form of the root p-k-r-, to be free of
restraint”(Sanh. 38b). The suggestion is that one who denies divine providence
and retribution will feel free not to obey the laws of the Torah. In the Talmud
the term apikoros refers to the *Sadducees (Kid. 66a); to those who denigrate
rabbinic authority even in such seemingly insignificant ways as calling a sage
by his first name; and to those who shame neighbors before the sages (Sanh.
99b). Maimonides defined the apikoros as one who denies the possibility of
prophecy and divine revelation, that Moses was a prophet, or that there is
divine providence (Yad, Teshuvah 3:8; cf. Guide of the Perplexed, 2:13 (end),
and ibid., 3:17 (start), in which Maimonides identifies the apikoros with
someone who agrees with the opinions of Epicurus).[46]
Sanh. 10:1, 28b; cf. also Maimonides’ introduction to
the above Mishnah, which explicitly states that it is an Aramaic word). They
extended its meaning to refer generally to anyone who throws off the yoke of
the commandments, or who derides the Torah and its representatives.[47]
title “epicurean” is therefore, associated with “lack of restraint” or lack of
the Oral Torah and consequently heresy. However, the association of the
Christian with the epicurean is the result of the word apikoros being a heretic and their abandonment of the Mitzvot. It
is worth noting that the person who throws off restraint is associated with the
apikoros. Thus, Amalek, symbolically
speaking have thrown off all restraint. They refuse to submit to the “mighty
hand.” Or, we could say that they oppose the “mighty hand.”
of time restraints, I will abbreviate my thoughts on the rest of the pericope
of Revelation. It is my firm intention
to complete these thoughts in the near future.
1 ¶
And I looked and behold [a] lamb standing on the mountain [of] Tzion and with
him 144, 000’s having the name (remembrance) of the Father having been written
on their foreheads. 2 And I heard a voice out of the Heavens as [a] sound of
many waters and as [a] sound of great thunder [voices] and the sound of Lyres
(harp) singers playing in [on] their lyres (harps). 3 And they sang a new song
before the throne and before the four chayot, (living creatures) and before the
Elders (Zekenim) and no one could learn (perceive the understanding or meaning
of) the song except the 144,000’s set free (redeemed) the earth. 4 These are
[those] who were not rendered ritually impure by [foreign] women, chaste
(uncontaminated from apostasy) for they are the talmidim of (following) the
lamb wherever it may lead (ones following the Mesorah of the lamb, lit. under
the Lamb’s guidance). These are bought (purchased or redeemed) from the first
fruits of royal men (ish) to G-d and the lamb. 5 And in their mouth was not
found any deceit, for they are present before the throne of G-d.
I would note that the numbers represented here are symbolic. They represent the
tribes of Bne Yisrael and should not be read literally. The symbology represents
the unified wholeness of the Bne Yisrael not an exclusive number of Jews. The numbers symbolically relate to the number
of Jews present at Sinai. The thunder, mountain and voices remind us of Matan
haTorah at har Sinai. (Giving of the Torah at Sinai) Consequently, the families
of Jews that received the Torah at Sinai are resident within the families of
Jews living today.
I saw another messenger rushing (davening) at midday (highest part of the Sun’s
circuit) [Prayer at Minchah dressed with Talit] having the eternal Mesorah
heralding the Mesorah to the ones sitting on the earth, and [to] every
(non-Jewish) nation and [to every] race, language and people. Saying with a
loud voice being in reverential awe of G-d (worship): give Glory to Him because
the hour of His judgment (decision) [has come] and prostrate yourselves before
the Maker of the Heavens and the earth and the sea and springs (fountains) of
waters. And another messenger
accompanying (follows) saying it falls it falls Babylon the great city because
out of the wine of fury (wrath) of her prostitution (apostasy) she has made the
Gentiles drunk (saturated with apostasy). And a third messenger accompanying
(follows) them, speaking in a loud voice (saying) if anyone [is]
worshiping (prostrating before) the statue/icon [of the] beast of prey and
received the image (stamp, emblem or stigmata) on the forehead or on his hand,
The same shall drink the wine of G-d’s wrath being undiluted and blended with
the cup of His punishment, [and they] shall be tormented in the fire and
sulphur in the presence (in the judgment) of the holy messengers (Prophets) and
[in] the presence (judgment) [of the] Lamb. And the smoke of their
torment [will be] forever and ever unceasing day and night (for) the ones (who)
worshiped the beast of prey and its statue/icon and received the image (stamp,
emblem or stigmata) of its name (remembrance). Here is the perseverance of
the Righteous/Generous, the ones keeping the mitzvot of G-d and faithful to
Yeshua’s [example and teachings]!
sixth verse is usually translated…
Rev 14:6 And I saw another
angel flying in midheaven, having an eternal gospel to preach to those who live
on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people;
the language demonstrates that the messenger is not flying πέτομαι
petomai but
rushing. When is used of men it is never translated “flying” but rushing. μεσουράνημα
means midday. The rushing messenger of midday is the cantor of the Mincha
service dressed in his talit. It is an interesting point to note that the word
“kanaph” fringe of the garment i.e. tzitzit is often translated wing. Consequently, the Messenger is seen as
“flying” when he davens (prays).
do the followers of G-d and His Messiah overcome? They are granted power and
ability to overcome the beast of prey by perseverant practice of the mitzvoth
(commandments) as taught by Jewish Sages.
is so much more to say about these matters. We apologize that this commentary
has been so vague and brief and needs to end so abruptly. Time restraints have
force our brevity. As noted above we wish to elaborate further on the matters
in the near future.
will note one final time that none of our comments is intended to be
confrontational but rather revealing.
Torah Seder
The selected pericope’s of
Revelation connect to the Torah Seder through the word “name” in various places
in the Revelation selection and the Torah Seder D’varim 25:19.
The Psalm connects with the
Revelation through the idea presented in Psalm 2:2 where the Kings of the land
(earth Gentiles) rise against G-d and His anointed. (Messiah) Yet G-d laughs
because nothing that the adversary has planed can thwart the plan of G-d!
Uses of the word “fly” 1
Sam 15:19 relates to the Messenger in 14:6
And the sheep, lamb of 15
relating 14:1
Some Questions to Ponder:
Blessing After Torah Study
Barúch Atáh
Adonai, Elohénu Meléch HaOlám,
Ashér Natán
Lánu Torát Emét, V'Chayéi Olám Natá B'Tochénu.
Barúch Atáh
Adonái, Notén HaToráh. Amen!
Blessed is
Ha-Shem our God, King of the universe,
Who has
given us a teaching of truth, implanting within us eternal life.
Blessed is
Ha-Shem, Giver of the Torah. Amen!
“Now unto
Him who is able to preserve you faultless, and spotless, and to establish you
without a blemish,
before His
majesty, with joy, [namely,] the only one God, our Deliverer, by means of
Yeshua the Messiah our Master, be praise, and dominion, and honor, and majesty,
both now and in all ages. Amen!”
Coming Festivals:
Fast of Esther
Adar 13, 5775 – Wednesday 4th
of March, 2015
For further information see:
Adar 14, 5775 – Thursday 5th
of March, 2015
For further information see: ; ; &
Next Shabbat: Shabbat “R’eh HaChiloti” - “See, I have begun”
Shabbat |
Torah Reading: |
Weekday Torah Reading: |
הַחִלֹּתִי |
“R’eh HaChiloti” |
1 – Debarim 2:31-35 |
Reader 1 – D’barim 2:23-25 |
“See, I have begun” |
2 – Debarim 2:36-38 |
Reader 2 – D’barim 3:26-28 |
“Mira, he comenzado” |
3 – Debarim 3:1-4 |
Reader 3 – D’barim 3:23-29 |
Debarim (Deut.) 2:31 – 3:22 |
4 – Debarim 3:5-7 |
Ashlamatah: Joshua 10:12-21 |
5 – Debarim 3:8-11 |
6 – Debarim 3:12-17 |
Reader 1 – D’barim 3:23-25 |
Psalm 109:1-31 |
7 – Debarim 3:18-22 |
Reader 2 – D’barim 3:26-28 |
Maftir – Debarim 3:20-22 |
Reader 3 – D’barim 3:23-29 |
N.C.: Mk. 14:12-16; Lk 22:7-14; Rm. 9:1-5 |
Joshua 10:12-21 |
Shalom Shabbat!
Hakham Dr.
Yosef ben Haggai
Rabbi Dr.
Hillel ben David
Rabbi Dr.
Eliyahu ben Abraham
[1] Psalms one and two are treated as a single composition
according to Berachoth 9b.
[2] I found this hint in “The Bible – Psalms with the
Jerusalem Commentary”, volume one. By Amos Hakham.
[3] Yehoshua (Joshua) 1:8
[4] If we are paying attention, we will see that the
sacrifices also reverse the normal order of night and day.
[5] Ibid. 5.
[6] In our Haftarah, Saul was commanded to wipe out the
Amalekites, but he preserved Agag. During the time he was preserved alive, he
fathered another child. Haman was the descendant of this child.
[7] Mordechai was a member of the Sanhedrin.
[8] Plishtim
[9] II Shmuel 5:17
[10] See verse 2; Radak
[11] Psalm 2:4
[12] Ibid. 11
[13] Philistines are the progenitors of the Palestinians. The Palestinians display Amalek's
willingness to destroy Jews with no concern for their own well-being. – Rabbi
Mattityahu Glazerson
[14] See 2 Samuel 7:14; Psalm 2:7-9
[15] Sanhedrin 20b
[16] The holy Temple
[17] I Samuel 8.
[18] Ibid. 17 - 25:19
[19] Ibid. 17 - 17- 12:10. The three were to be in that order.
[20] [Ms. M. ‘R. Nehemiah.’]
[21] Ibid. 17:14.
[22] It was not a command to appoint a king, but a prophecy
that Israel would demand one; then, a king having been appointed, he would be
subject to the laws stated in the section.
[23] Ibid.
[24] Midrash Rabbah, Naso, ch.8
[25] Shabbat 88a
[26] We will not rehearse all the information that can be
found on His Eminence Rabbi Dr. Hillel ben David’s Web page concerning the
Revelation. Revelation and the Seven Congregations, Revelation
Chapter 4, Revelation
chapter 5.
[27] Zohar, Beresheet, Page 74a
[28] Midrash Beresheet 38.13
[29] Ellen Frankel and Betsy Platkin Testch, The
Encyclopedia of Jewish Symbols, Jason Aaronson
Inc, 1995, p.76
[31] Cf. Beresheet 3:1
[33] I have translated the Greek word “heaven” symbolically
here to mean periphrasis for Godliness or the Godly.
[34] Encyclopedia
Judaica, Second Edition, Keter Publishing House Ltd Volume 7 pp. 735-34
[35] Cf. Abot 5:10
[36] Eiruvin 96a
[38]Sir Lancelot C.L. Brenton, The Septuagint with
Apocrypha: Greek and English, Hendrickson Publishers, 2009 p. 265
[39] Cf. Pesiqta deRab Kahana’s Midrashic Homilies for
Shabbat Zakhor and Beresheet 28:9
[41] The א represents
[42] TWOT 1011.0, a-e
[44] Ibid with my
emphasis (οικονόμια,
[45] Translated by
His Eminence Rabbi Dr. Yoseph ben Haggai.
[46] Encyclopedia Judaica, Second Edition, Keter Publishing
House Ltd Volume 9 p. 20
[47] Ibid Volume 2
p. 256