Luckey Summit
San Antonio, TX 78252
918-2905 - Cell
May 14, 2021
Dear Hiring Manager,
As a successful IBM mainframe systems programmer and hands-on Director for 30 years, with a solid background in z/OS and Windows, I have been the leader for multiple infrastructure projects involving mainframe and distributed systems, performance tuning, capacity planning, troubleshooting, project management, hardware sizing, cooling, upgrades, data and systems migration. I have been Intimately involved in data center planning, operations, management, and production control. I possess planning, leadership, presentation, written, and oral communication skills. My strengths are in mentoring, teaching, research, tactical and strategic planning, and in the execution of plans. My adopted quote is: If not now, when?
My skills for this position include a solid understanding of z/OS, mainframe, and Windows server technologies that I have used to execute many successful software and hardware projects. As the senior systems programmer, I have been managing mainframe hardware and software projects in a complex multi-platform environments, for more than thirty years. During this time I have been involved in problem management, capacity planning, performance improvement, problem escalation, and building business cases for technology changes and process improvements.
Communicating with executive management, business units leaders, and vendors has been a normal part of my career. Understanding business unit needs has been a key ingredient of my success. These skills have been used to understand day to day issues and for the successful completion of major multi-million dollar, hardware and software projects.
My ability to research and apply technology to business needs has been a significant strength in my career, having managed the projects which migrated major applications from Wintel environments to both AIX and mainframe environments, managed mainframe and distributed hardware upgrades, software upgrades, and infrastructure components. I work well as a catalyst with high performance groups as they innovate with diverse projects that include: Interfacing Siri on the iPhone 4S with the mainframe, and using crowd sourcing to populate mainframe based mapping projects. In short, I am an innovator. Imagine using your phone to get answers from DB2?
I am a very enthusiastic, high energy leader
with proven leadership, technical, and communications skills that could be used
to build, or continue, a dynamic environment with growth opportunities for the
business and for the staff. I appreciate the time
that you are taking to read this letter and to review the attached resume. I
would love to further discuss my skills with you in person.
Sincerely yours,
Dr.Greg Killian
Luckey Summit
San Antonio, TX 78252
918-2905 - Cell
As a IBM mainframe systems programmer / supervisor I was responsible for installing, maintaining, and upgrading systems software. Installed z/OS maintenance, built consolidated res volumes and exploited new z/OS features. Installed new releases of ISV products including JCLPREP, VPS, Control-M, MIM, IOF, Endevor, and Syncsort. Installed IBM tape library and replaced STK silos. Introduced SMS control for tapes and esoterics. Made numerous IOCDS changes using HCD / HMC. Replaced unsupported systems software (USCCOPY, JCLCHECK) without additional cost by exploiting existing software features. Exploited new features in ISV software. Converted CA MIM to IBM’s GRS. I mentored two young innovators who pushed the limits of new technology on the mainframe (Siri used to get mainframe data). Used WLM for implementing management priorities.
Wachovia Bank
As the IBM mainframe systems programming, systems engineering, storage management, and DBA Director in a matrix organization, I enthusiastically led a team of eleven systems programmers. Architected, planned, and upgraded CPUs, DASD, z/OS, AIX, and ISV products. Provided data center operational expertise to write procedures, diagnose and repair problems, optimize schedules, and train operators and production control. Moved Lotus Domino Notes system from clustered Wintel to a z9 mainframe. Established and managed SLAs. Used project management skills to architect and build a web based system to access content management data (OnDemand ODWEK) through Websphere (JAVA) by a .Net based IIS application, via JNbridge. Used project management skills to replicate DASD to a DR site via Hitachi True Copy as part of a Parallel Sysplex project. Architected and built a new mainframe system without tape, utilizing Shadow Image. Implemented VSM and replicated mainframe tapes to DR site. Managed mainframe and open system disk capacity and performance planning. Developed and managed an 18M dollar budget, evaluated staff, managed projects, and presented to upper management. Provided regulatory (SOX, FFIEC) oversight, vendor management and contract negotiations, capacity, and resource planning. Prepared estimates (FPA), budget forecasts, business cases, reports, capital planning, and capital requests to senior management. Responsible for staff reviews, hiring, firing, training, and development plans.
Dr. Gregory John Killian
Luckey Summit
San Antonio, TX 78252
918-2905 - Cell
center planning, building, migration, cooling,
and power consumption. Provided extensive interaction and communication with
business units to prioritize projects and resolve issues. Implemented ITIL, Six
Sigma, and PMI concepts.
Bet Emunah Institute
Manage the
computing, training, facility, and staff resources. Install and configure
desktop operating systems (Windows XP), and productivity software (Microsoft
Office). Install, configure, and manage LAN and WAN routers, switches, and
firewalls. Provide Access database creation, conversions, and reports. Install,
configure, maintain, and manage Windows Server 2003 servers running Sharepoint,
file sharing, and application servers. Install and manage the network. Develop
and teach technical and non-technical courses. (Volunteer work)
National Processing Company
Led a team of five systems programmers to
architect, plan, install, configure, and migrate to OS/390 and to z/OS 1.2.
Hired and evaluated staff. Performed vendor management. Converted and coded
JES2 BAL and HLASM exits. Assisted in CICS and network software upgrades.
Performed extensive tuning and capacity planning based on reports from CMF,
Sysview, and Omegamon. Implemented and tuned Parallel Sysplex, WLM goal mode,
Websphere, and DFSMS. Prepared and delivered reports for executive management.
Used Best/1 for modeling and capacity planning. Upgraded DASD and STK’s HSC.
Used project management skills to upgrade CPU several times including memory,
new processors, and new CPU type. Provided data center and network operational
expertise to write procedures, diagnose / repair problems, optimize schedules,
and train operators and production control personnel. Maintained an extensive
TCP/IP and SNA communications network. Used Strobe to tune application programs
and VSAM datasets. Built and maintained ICF catalogs. Performed Dump analysis
using IPCS. Provided project management for software and hardware upgrades.
Boeing Computer Services
Used project management skills to implemented
web and network technologies (Neon Shadow web server and HTTP server) for the
mainframe to serve all departments. Maintained, modified, and automated SMF
accounting programs and capacity planning reports in PL1 and MXG. Designed and
implemented programs in rexx. Installed, configured, maintained, tuned, and
exploited MVS, OS/390, Internet / intranet (ICSS [alias Websphere]. Designed
and implemented remote operator consoles using PCs and ISDN terminals. Migrated
from FDR/ABR to DFHSM and ABARS. Participated in CPU consolidations.
Responsible for dump analysis using IPCS. Worked with RACF for web security.
Installed, and maintained APPC (LU 6.3) in rexx. Worked extensively with FTP
and TCP/IP. Used Six Sigma training to improve department quality.
Seafirst Bank
Used project management skills to architect,
plan, configure, and implement LPARs and a mainframe CPU upgrade for this
commercial loan processor. Assisted in disaster recovery planning and testing.
Installed, tuned, and maintained MVS/ESA and third party software products.
Provided project management and capacity planning for MVS software and
mainframe hardware.
Dr. Gregory John Killian
Luckey Summit
San Antonio, TX 78252
918-2905 - Cell
FIserv-Fresno Corp.
Installed, tuned, and maintained MVS/XA
operating system and exits (BAL). Installed and supported CA7. Participated in
the planning and testing for disaster recovery and business resumption
planning. Performed extensive ICF catalog work. Used project management skills
to plan and implement an automated operation project for multiple data centers.
Provided operator training, trouble shooting, and dump analysis.
Dresser-Rand Company
Install, configure, tune, maintain, and trouble
shoot Windows, MVS, and ISV systems software. Provided direction, expertise,
and training for systems programmers, operators, and DBAs. Performed desktop
and LAN hardware and software trouble shooting, testing, and installations.
Coded exits in assembler. Installed and managed the Novell network.
Geary Corporation
Maintained MVS system software, administered RACF, and provided customer training in CICS, JCL, and COBOL. Wrote BAL applications.
IBM Corporation
As a PSR and As part of the MVS level II, and
Change team, I was responsible for providing problem determination, dump
analysis (IPCS), GTF trace analysis and resolution for complex MVS operating
system problems, using BAL and PL1. Worked on all MVS components and VTAM/NCP.
All BAL and PL/S fix testing was performed as a guest under VM. Provided
technical presentations to customer executives.
curriculum and taught RPGII programming.
of Science degree -
Bachelor of
Science courses (Computer Science) - California State College -
Project Management Certificate – University of Washington – Olympia, WA
Doctor of
Philosophy – Judaic studies, Bet Yosef Torah Institute - San Jose, Costa Rica
Rabbinic Ordination - Bet Yosef Torah Institute
Training, Project Management, Process Management, Management and Leadership training.
Boeing: Six Sigma and ITIL.
Dr. Gregory John Killian
Luckey Summit
San Antonio, TX 78252
918-2905 - Cell
z800, z900, z890, z990, z9, z10 (zSeries), zAAP, zIIP,
Coupling Facility, Sysplex Timer, 3174, 2074, AS/400, Compaq servers, HP
servers, STK silo, IBM blade servers, 3745, 3995, HDS TagmaStore USP600, DASD
(SAN, DAS, NAS): 9985, 9980, 9970, ESCON director 9032, STK SL8500, STK Virtual
tape (VSM), STK 9840B tape, 3584 - IBM VTS, 3494 Tape Library, ICF, True Copy,
DS8000, DS6800.
PRODUCTS (Mainframe and WINTEL servers)
products (ISV): Computer Associates Unicenter
(CA90S), CA-1, CA-7, CA-11, MSM, JARS, Pkzip, True Copy, Shadow Image, Endevor.
Tools: TMON (ASG), NaviGraph, NaviPlex, Omegamon, Epilog,
MainView, BMC Patrol, Netview, RMF, SMF, GTF, MOM, PERFMON, encryption,
Sysview, NetSpy, OPS/MVS, Best-1, True Copy(SAN, NAS, DASD), Shadow Image,
and Diagnostic Controls: WLM, HCD, HMC (LPAR management), EREP, IOCDS, IOCP,
Strobe, MXG, Compuware AbendAid, IPCS (dump reading / analysis).
Programming: JCL, PL/1, PLS, BAL (assembler), HLASM, REXX, CLIST,
COBOL, SAS, EZtrieve, PSF, RPG II, VBscript,
VB, JavaScript, HTML, Visual Studio, FORTRAN, BASIC, DreamWeaver, SOA, Focus,
WebFocus, Endevor.
Websphere MQ, Websphere HTTP server, Websphere application server (WAS), EXLM,
(TSM) ADSM, Apache, Samba, ksh, Harbor, T-Rexx, VSM, PPRC, PSF, VPS, MIM, GRS.
access: IMS (
Communications: Communication server (VTAM), NCP, SNA, TCP/IP, OSA,
VIPA, FTP, TPX, Netview, NetMaster, Netspy, Connect:Direct (NDM) with Secure+, Enterprise Extender, WS_FTP, IIS, APPN, APPC,
Apache, HFT, JNbridge, Lotus Domino Notes, HTTP server, Neon HTTP server, PPRC,
XRC, GDPS, Netware, Whats Up, HACMP, ODWEK.
Examine, Syncsort, Control-M, Comparex, Panapt, PanValet, Fileaid, VSAM,
JCLcheck, JCLPREP, Xpediter, Abend-AID, Change Action, Endevor.
Upgrades: ServerPac, CBIPO, CBPDO, SystemPac, MVS, OS/390,
z/OS, z/VM, AIX, SMP/E, UNIX System Services, GroupWise, Windows, Parallel
SYSPLEX, Windows XP, .NET 2.0 framework, Windows Server.
Reporting Tools: CM OnDemand (Content Management), Microsoft Office
(Word, Excel, Project, Power Point, Outlook, Access, Publisher, Visio), Remedy
(BMC), EventAction, Crystal Reports, Peregrine, Dispatch, Microsoft Sharepoint,