
Biblical Calendar Of Events

(This Day In History)

By Rabbi Dr. Hillel ben David (Greg Killian)



Last updated on Nisan 27, 5784


This paper was written in order for me to have a calendar of all the events recorded in the Torah, Prophets, Writings, and Nazarean Codicil, for every day of the year. From this calendar many amazing events and relationships were exposed.


The many events of Passover, for example, included the Pesach celebrated by Avraham, 400 years before the giving of the Torah!


That both Temples were started on the same day, and destroyed on the same day.


And many more …

Nisan (Aviv)     Always has 30 days. Mazal is Toleh (ram). Tribe is Reuben. 3

Iyar (Zif)        Always has 29 days. Mazal is Shor (Bull).  Tribe is Shimon. 11

Sivan         Always has 30 days. Mazal is Teomim (twins).  Tribe is Levi. 15

Tammuz       Always has 29 days. Mazal is Sartan (Crab).  Tribe is Yehudah. 18

Av     Always has 30 days. Mazal is Aryeh (Lion). Tribe is Yissachar. 21

Elul       Always has 29 days. Mazal is Bethulah (Virgin). Tribe is Zebulon. 24

Tishri (Ethanim)       Always has 30 days. Mazal is Moznaim (Scales). Tribe is Dan. 27

Cheshvan (Bul - "rain") Either has 29 or 30 days.    Mazal is Aqurav (Scorpion). Tribe is Naftali. 31

Kislev        Either has 29 or 30 days. Mazal is Keshet (Bow). Tribe is Gad. 33

Tevet         Always has 29 days. Mazal is Gedi (Goat). Tribe is Asher. 36

Shevat      Always has 30 days. Mazal is Deli (Water bearer). Tribe is Yosef. 38

Adar     Always has 29 days. Mazal is Dagim (Fishes). Tribe is Binyamin. 41



Nisan             is the month of liberation.

Iyar                 is the month of healing and introspection for the sake of self-improvement.

Sivan             is the month of wisdom.

Tammuz         is the month of refined vision and the month of tikkun, of repair.

Ab                   is the month of mourning.

Elul                 is the month of compassion.

Tishri             is the month of judgment.

Cheshvan       is the month of the Mashiach and of the flood.

Kislev             is the month of Chanukah and of security or trust.

Tebet              is the month of zot Chanukah and the beginning of the destruction.

Shevat            is the month of growth and fruitfulness.

Adar               is the month of joy and of good fortune for the Jewish people.


The Calendar for Gentile Kings


The First Day of Tishri is Hashanah for the following five matters[1]:


1. For Gentile Kings - They count their reigns from the First of Tishri, such that even if a King began his reign at the end of Elul, once Tishri began, it would be considered as the Second Year of his reign.


2. The Shmita cycle and the Yovel cycle begin – With the beginning of the month of Tishri in a Shmita or Yovel year, it is forbidden by the Torah to plow or plant in the land of Israel.


3. Years[2] – The first of Tishri is regarded as the new year for counting years.


4. For Planting Trees – The produce of fruit trees is forbidden as orlah for the first three years after the tree is planted. If a tree is planted more than forty-four days before the first of Tishri, then the first of Tishri marks the beginning of the second year of the tree’s life.


5. For Produce – The first of Tishri is regarded as the beginning of the year as regards the separation of Terumot and Ma’asrot from produce.


The Festival Calendar and for Jewish Kings[3]


The First Day of Nisan is Hashanah for the following five matters[4]:


1. Kings of Israel - They count their reigns from the First of Nisan, such that even if a King began his reign at the end of Adar, once Nisan began, it would be considered as the Second Year of his reign.


2. Pilgrim Festivals - The Festival which occurs in Nisan, namely Pesach, is considered the First of the three Pilgrim Festivals: Pesach, Shavuot, Succoth.


3. Months - Nisan is considered the first of the months. The Torah refers to other months as second, third,…twelfth with reference to Nisan.


4. Leap Years - The Court may proclaim a "Leap Year" only until the first of Nisan. Once that date has arrived, the time for "Leaping" has "Leapt"


5. Donation of Shekalim - All Communal Sacrifices brought from this day forward are paid from the Shekalim collected in the Current Year; last year's Shekalim are no longer used for this purpose.



Tishri (Ethanim)


Nisan (Aviv)


Nisan (Aviv)


Tishri (Ethanim)




Iyar (Zif)


Iyar (Zif)


Cheshvan (Bul)


































MONTH                 FEAST and EVENTS



Nisan (Aviv)  Always has 30 days.   Mazal is Toleh (ram). Tribe is Reuben.

     Nisan 1

        New Moon.  Numbers 10:8-10

        Creation of the world. Triennial cycle and Rosh Hashanah 1:1

        Beginning of the year.  Exodus 12:2, Mishna: Seder Moed: Tractate Hashanah: 1:1

        The latter rains begin falling in this month. Taanit 5a

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 91. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 24. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The consecration of Aaron and his sons. Day 1  Exodus 40:1-16, Leviticus 8:31-36, Rashi

        The tabernacle - Tent of meeting is permanently set up (Sunday 2449 BCE).  Ex.40:2, Numbers Rabbah 13, Zohar - Shemot

        The first time that fire fell from heaven happened when the altar was set up by Moses.  Shabbat 87b

        Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron were killed for offering strange fire.  Leviticus 10:1-2, Taanit 1

        Israelites camp at Kadesh (sanctuary) in 2484 AM. This is camp 32.  Study on Numbers 33, Seder Olam 9

        The altar dedication offering on the first day was Nahshon son of Aminadab of the tribe of Judah. Numbers 7:12

        The appointed time for the family of Arah (tribe of Judah) to bring firewood for the Temple.  Nehemiah 10:34, Taanit 26a            

        The Lord talks to Moses, in the tent of meeting, about Pesach. Numbers 9:1-4

        The mitzvah of the Red Heifer was given to the Jewish people.

        Miriam’s death in the fortieth year. Seder Olam

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 23 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 24.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        7 Year famine end for King Jehoram. 2 Kings 8:1, Joel 1:4, Taanit 5a

        Hezekiah began consecrating the temple, day 1.  II Chronicles 29:17

        Ezekiel gets the word that Nebuchadnezzar will get Egypt as pay for his army when fighting Tyre.  Ezekiel 29:17-21  

        Achashverosh’s party of 180 days, begins. Esther 1:4, HaMeor SheBiMegila (Yeshua Gedolah).              

        Cyrus was crowned “King of Babylonia and King of all lands”.

        Plot of Bigthan and Teresh to assassinate Xerxes is discovered by Mordecai. Apocrypha; Book of Esther.

        Ezra begins journey from Babylon.  Ezra 7:9

        Ezra finishes dealing with foreign wives, in 456 BCE.  Ezra 10:17

        The pur was cast for the Esther's people. Esther 3:7

        Nehemiah is sad before Artaxerxes.  Nehemiah 2:1

        Nehemiah leaves for Jerusalem. Nehemiah 2:1-9

        The sanctuary of Ezekiel's temple is purified.  Ezekiel 45:18


     Nisan 2

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 92. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 25. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The consecration of Aaron and his sons. Day 2  Exodus 40:1-16, Leviticus 8:31-36

        Moses performed the first "Parah Adumah", the red heifer purification. Seder Olam

        On the second day Nathaniel son of Zuar, the leader of Issachar, brought his altar dedication offering. Numbers 7:18

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 24 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 25.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        Levites still consecrating the temple in Hezekiah's day, day 2.  II Chronicles 29:17


     Nisan 3

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 93. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 26. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The consecration of Aaron and his sons. Day 3  Exodus 40:1-16, Leviticus 8:31-36

        The ashes of the red cow first used for Aaron and his sons. Rashi to Numbers 7:1.

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 25 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 26.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        Levites still consecrating the temple in Hezekiah's day, day 3.  II Chronicles 29:17

        On the third day, Eliab son of Helon, the leader of the people of Zebulun, brought his altar dedication offering.  Numbers 7:24


     Nisan 4

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 94. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 27. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The consecration of Aaron and his sons. Day 4  Exodus 40:1-16, Leviticus 8:31-36

        The fourth day Elizur son of Shedeur, the leader of the people of Reuben, brought his altar dedication offering. Numbers 7:30

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 26 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 27.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        Levites still consecrating the temple in Hezekiah's day, day 4.  II Chronicles 29:17


     Nisan 5

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 95. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 28. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The consecration of Aaron and his sons. Day 5  Exodus 40:1-16, Leviticus 8:31-36

        Joshua sent scouts to survey Jericho and the surrounding territory. Joshua 2:1, Rashi

        The fifth day Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai, the leader of the people of Simeon, brought his altar dedication offering. 

          Numbers 7:36

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 27 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 28.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        Levites still consecrating the temple in Hezekiah's day, day 5.  II Chronicles 29:17


     Nisan 6

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 96. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 29. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       The consecration of Aaron and his sons. Day 6  Exodus 40:1-16, Leviticus 8:31-36

       On the sixth day Eliasaph son of Deuel, the leader of the people of Gad, brought his altar dedication offering.  Numbers 7:42

       The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 28 Kiddushin 38a

       The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 29.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        Levites still consecrating the temple in Hezekiah's day, day 6.  II Chronicles 29:17


     Nisan 7

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 97. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 30. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        Aaron and his sons complete their ordination. Day 7  Exodus 40, Leviticus 8:30-36

        The seventh day Elishama son of Ammihud, the leader of the people of Ephraim, brought his altar dedication offering.

            Numbers 7:48

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 29 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 30.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        Levites still consecrating the temple in Hezekiah's day, day 7.  II Chronicles 29:17

        A sacrifice for the seventh day of the first month, entirely unknown from the Torah. (Cf. Ezekiel 18: 4, 20 with Exodus 20:5,

            24:7; Ezekiel 44:31 with Leviticus 22:8; Ezekiel 44:22 with Leviticus 21:14; also, Ezekiel 45:20, which mentions a

            sacrifice for the seventh day of the first month, entirely unknown from the Torah. V. Rashi to the above verses of Ezekiel,

            and Menachoth 45a, and Kiddushin 78a.)  Ezekiel 40:23

        April 9, 2003 Saddam Hussein is deposed.


     Nisan 8

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 98. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 31. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The eighth day Gamaliel son of Pedahzur, the leader of the people of Manasseh, brought his altar dedication offering. 

           Numbers 7:54

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 30 Kiddushin 38a

        Joshua orders the officers to get their supplies ready to cross the Jordan.  Day 1Joshua 1:11, Joshua 4:19-22

        Joshua secretly sends two spies to Jericho. Day 1 in hiding in the hills of Jericho.  Joshua 2:1-23

        The feast of King Achashverosh, which lasted for 180 days, came to an end. Esther 1:4; Manot Halevi

        Hezekiah reaches the portico of the Lord while consecrating the Temple, day 8.  II Chronicles 29:17


     Nisan 9

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 99. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 32. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       The ninth day Abidan son of Gideoni, the leader of the people of Benjamin, brought his altar dedication offering.

           Numbers 7:60

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 31 Kiddushin 38a

        Joshua orders the officers to get their supplies ready to cross the Jordan.  Day 2Joshua 1:11, Joshua 4:19-22

        Joshua secretly sends two spies to Jericho. Day 2 in hiding in the hills of Jericho.  Joshua 2:1-23

        Levites still consecrating the temple in Hezekiah's day, day 9.  II Chronicles 29:17

        Ezra assemble Jews at the Ahava canal prior to departing Babylon for Israel.  Day 1 Ezra 8:15

        Yeshua enters Bethany, six days before Pesach.  John 12:1


     Nisan 10

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 100. Genesis 7:24

        Abraham circumcises himself, Ishmael, and his entire household.  Genesis 17:22 - 18:2 Mid.Y.16.80,

(Pirke D’Rabbi Eleazar 28, Yalkut Chadash 121a - Nisan 13)

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 33. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Pesach lamb (in Egypt only), without blemish, is chosen.  Exodus 12:3, Targum Pseudo Jonathan 12:3

        The tenth day Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai, the leader of the people of Dan, brought his altar dedication offering.

          Numbers 7:66

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 32 Kiddushin 38a

        Joshua's secret spies return from Jericho. Day 3 in hiding in the hills of Jericho.  Joshua 2:1-23

        Israelites cross the Jordan River and enter the promised land, camping at Gilgal.  Joshua 4:19-22, Pesiqta Rabbah, Ch. 15

        Miriam dies on the Sabbath before Pesach.  Seder Olam 10

        The mobile well, which supplied water to the Exodus Jews, dries up. Seder Olam 10

        Israelites cross the Jordan and erect 12 monuments at Gilgal. Joshua 4:20

        Levites still consecrating the temple in Hezekiah's day, day 10.  II Chronicles 29:17

        We read about the sun’s healing power on Shabbat HaGadol.  Malachi 4:2

        Hezekiah is healed on Shabbat HaGadol. II Kings 20:4-11 + Chazal

        Ezekiel gets temple measurements.  Ezekiel 40, 41, 42, 43

        Ezra assemble Jews at the Ahava canal prior to departing Babylon for Israel.  Day 2 Ezra 8:15

        Tradition puts Yehoshua's composing of the second paragraph of Bircat haMazon.

        Yeshua feeds the multitude. John 6:4-15

        Yeshua enters Jerusalem, on the foal of a donkey, as Messiah King, on Shabbat.  John 12:12-15, Zechariah 9:9

        Yeshua heals the blind and lame.  Matthew 21:14


     Nisan 11

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 101. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 34. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The eleventh day Pagiel son of Ocran, the leader of the people of Asher, brought his altar dedication offering. Numbers 7:72

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 33 Kiddushin 38a

        Wilderness Israelites are circumcised by Joshua.  Zevachim 119a, Joshua 5:3; Seder Olam 11

        Ezra assemble Jews at the Ahava canal prior to departing Babylon for Israel.  Day 3 Ezra 8:15

        Levites still consecrating the temple in Hezekiah's day, day 11.  II Chronicles 29:17

        Yeshua curses the fig tree.  Mark 11:12-14

        Yeshua is presented as Messiah Priest, on the first day of the week.  Mark 11:12-19, Isaiah 56:7


     Nisan 12

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 102. Genesis 7:24

        Abraham and Isaac set out to offer Isaac (Akeida).  Genesis 22:1-18 (see the Zohar on Genesis 28:11)

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 35. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The twelfth day Ahira son of Enan, the leader of the people of Naphtali, brought his altar dedication offering. Numbers 7:78

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 34 Kiddushin 38a

        Ezra sets out for Jerusalem from the Ahava canal, with gold, silver, and a lot of people, in 457 BCE.  Ezra 8:31

        King Hezekiah fell critically ill. According to Seder Olam, King Hezekiah was taken ill three days before the defeat of King

            Sennacherib - day 1. 2 Kings 20:1, Seder Olam 23

        Levites still consecrating the temple in Hezekiah's day, day 12.  II Chronicles 29:17

        Cursed fig tree is withered.   Mark 11:20-25

        Yeshua talks about the end times.  Matthew 24, Mark 13, Matthew 26:2

        Yeshua tells the parable of the 10 virgins and their oil.  Matthew 25:1-13, Matthew 26:2

        Yeshua says that whoever feeds, clothes, or visits the least, visited Him.  Matthew 25:24 - 26:2

        Yeshua tells the parable of the talents.  Matthew 25:14-29

        Yeshua is presented as Messiah Prophet, on the second day of the week.  Mark 11:20 - 14:2


     Nisan 13

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 103. Genesis 7:24

        All leaven must be put away by this evening.  Exodus 12:15 - Gateway to Judaism

        HaShem and the angels visit Abraham, three days after his circumcision - 2048.  Genesis 18:1ff  Bava Metzia 86b

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 36. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 35 Kiddushin 38a

        Levites still consecrating the temple in Hezekiah's day, day 13.  II Chronicles 29:17

        King Hezekiah fell critically ill. According to Seder Olam, King Hezekiah was taken ill three days before  the defeat of King

            Sennacherib - day 2. 2 Kings 20:1, Seder Olam 23

        Haman buys the order for the destruction of the Jews.  Esther 3:7-12, Midrash Rabbah Genesis c:7

        Esther has Mordecai and the Jews fast for three days before seeing the king.  Esther 4:16

        Satan enters Judas Iscariot.   Luke 22:3       

        Yeshua sends two disciples, from Bethany, to Jerusalem to prepare for Pesach.  Mark 14:1-16

        Yahrzeit of R. Yosef Karo

        Yahrzeit of R. Moshe Alshich

        A-bomb framework with Iran signed. (April 1, 2015)


     Nisan 14

        Fast-day of the first-born. Soferim 21

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 104. Genesis 7:24

        Cain and Able offer their sacrifices.  Genesis 4:3-5, PdRE, section 21, Yonatan b. Uziel

        Og comes to Abram and relates the capture of Lot. Targum Pseudo Yonatan to Bereshit 14

        Isaac blesses Jacob and Esau. Genesis 27.  Targum Pseudo Yonatan on Genesis 27.

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 36 Kiddushin 38a

        On high they praise HaShem and the treasures of dew are opened. Targum Pseudo Yonatan on Genesis 27.

        Mordecai and the Jews fast for the second day.  Esther 4:16

        Preparation day.  John 19:14, 31

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 37. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        Levites still consecrating the temple in Hezekiah's day, day 14.  II Chronicles 29:17

        Naomi and Ruth arrived in Bethlehem. Targum, Ruth 1:22

        King Hezekiah fell critically ill. According to Seder Olam, King Hezekiah was taken ill three days before  the defeat of King

            Sennacherib - day 3. 2 Kings 20:1, Seder Olam 23

        Yeshua has a Pesach seder.  John 13:1

        Paschal lambs are killed at twilight.  Exodus 12:1-6

        Pilate releases Barabbas. Matthew 27:15-21

        Yeshua was crucified. John 19:42  

        Curtain of the temple rent.  Matthew 27:51                       

        Holy dead are raised to life.  Matthew 27:52-53

        Darkness came over all the land from the sixth until the ninth hour.  Matthew 27:34-45


    Nisan 15

       Pesach / Hag ha-Matza. A Sabbath of Sabbaths (Leviticus 23:6-7) (15 - 21) Exodus 12:17-20 

       Cain and Abel brought their offering to HaShem. Pirkei d'Rabbi Eliezer 21

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 105. Genesis 7:24

       Abram leaves Haran  Exodus 12:40-41, Genesis 12:1-10

       God afflicts Pharoah, orders Abram and Sarai to leave Egypt, with gifts. Genesis 12:15-20, Yalkut  Shimoni

       Abram leaves Egypt with great wealth after being oppressed by the Egyptians. Meam Loez to Bereshit 13:2

       Abraham learns of Lot’s captivity and defeats the 4 kings. “Legends of the Bible”, Ginzberg

       Covenant betwixt the parts, with Abraham 430 years before the Exodus. Genesis 15:18Seder Olam 5, Pirke d’Rabbi Eliezer

       Abraham is visited by angels and told that Isaac will be born next year in 2047. Rashi on Genesis 18:10, Seder Olam 5, Alshich

       Lot entertains two angels  Genesis 19:1, 18:14, Midrash Rabbah - Genesis L:12

       God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah.  Genesis 19

       God afflicts Abimelech in a dream, regarding Sarah. Genesis 20, The Haggada

       Isaac was born after a 7-month pregnancy, in a leap year - 2048. Exodus 12:40-41, Genesis 18, 19, Rosh Hashanah 10b

       Rebekah was born at the same time that Isaac, who was then 26 or 39 years old, was bound on the altar. Seder Olam Rabbah 1

       Abraham binds Isaac (Akeida). This is the tenth trial. Genesis 22:1-18 (see the Zohar on Genesis 28:11) Rashi on Gen. 18

       Isaac was sacrificed. Seder Olam

       Isaac blesses Jacob. Genesis 27:4; Yonatan b. Uziel; PdRE 2, Rashi on Genesis 27:9

       God tells Laban to leave Jacob alone, in a dream. Genesis 31:24, The Haggada

       Jacob wrestles with an angel. Genesis 32:24, The Haggada

       Death of Job. Jer. Sotah 5:8

       Jacob and sixty-nine descendants enter Egypt.  Exodus 12:40-42 - 2238 AM

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 38. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Moses saw the burning bush in 2447 – Day 1 of 7. Exodus 3:2, Bachya, Bo, Midrash Rabbah - Leviticus XI:6

       Israelites in Egypt celebrate the first Pesach (2448 BCE). Exodus 12:6-11

       Egyptian officials beg Moses and the Israelites to leave (Yom Chamishi).  Exodus 11:8

       Egyptians bury their firstborn.  Exodus 33:3-4

       Israelites leave Rameses and journey towards Succoth, day one. The Exodus begins! Exodus 12:48-51 - 2448 AM

       All males to appear before the Lord in Jerusalem.  Deuteronomy 16:16

       Israelites celebrate Pesach in the Sinai desert.  Numbers 9:1-5

       The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 37 Kiddushin 38a

       Joshua and the Israelites celebrate Pesach at Gilgal.  Joshua 5:10

       Joshua and the Israelites besiege Jericho and march around the city – day 1.  Joshua 6:1ff

       Gideon is visited by an angel regarding the salvation of Israel.  Judges 6

       Gideon destroys Midian with the omer’s barley cake.  Judges 7, Midrash Yalkut 62, The Haggada

       HaShem swept away the army of the prince of Charoshes (Sisera) with the stars of night. Judges 4 and 5, The Haggada

       Levites still consecrating the temple in Hezekiah's day, day 15.  II Chronicles 29:17

       God heals the people.  II Chronicles 30:1-20   

       Exiles celebrated with joy because Assyrian King to help with temple.  Ezra 6:22

       Josiah celebrates Pesach in the midst of removing idolatry. II Kings 23:19-25

       Hezekiah recovers from his fatal illness and goes up to the LORD on the third day. Rashi to Isaiah 38:1ff

       The Assyrian army of Sennacherib, which threatened Jerusalem was destroyed. 2 Kings 19:35, Targum Rav Yosef

       Nebuchadnezzar had a dream about a statue of four metals. Daniel 2 and 3, The Haggada

       The hand writing on the wall delivers a message of judgement to Belshazzar. Daniel 5, The Haggada

       Daniel is thrown into the lion's den in 3389.  Daniel 6, The Haggada

       Israelites who returned from Babylonian exile, celebrated Pesach. Ezra 6:19-22

       King Achashverosh has his sleep disturbed.  Esther 6:1

       Vashti is executed by King Achashverosh. Esther 1:21; Derash le-Purim

       Mordecai is honored by Haman and king Achashverosh.  Esther 5:1 - 6:10

       Mordecai and the Jews fast for the third and last day.  Esther 4:16

       Esther invites the king to feast.  Esther 5:1-4, Seder Olam 29

       To be celebrated during the millennium.  Ezekiel 45:21-24

       John the Baptist is born. Luke 1:24

       Joseph and Mary celebrate Pesach in Jerusalem with 12 year old Yeshua. Luke 2:39-41

       Yeshua performs miracles and is believed.  John 2:23

       Yeshua's first day in the grave.  Matthew 27:62

       Chief priests and Pharisees get Pilate to make the tomb of Yeshua secure.  Matthew 27:62-66

       Peter is arrested.  Acts 12:3

       The day of vengeance when the winepress is trodden. Isaiah 63, The Haggada

       The exile ends with unique day, without daytime or nighttime. Zechariah 16:6, Micah 7:15 and Psalm 139:12, The Haggada

       Double misfortune will You bring in an instant upon Utsis (Edom) on Passover. Isaiah 47, The Haggada

       Pesach will be celebrated in Ezekiel's future.  Ezekiel 45:21-22

       Torah section is Exodus 12:21-51; Numbers 28:19-25. Haftorah is Joshua 5:2 - 6:1.


    Nisan 16

       Hag ha-Matza - Second day. A partial Sabbath (Mishna: Seder Moed: Tractate Moed Katan).   Exodus 12:17-20  

       The Omer or the day after Pesach - bread of the FIRSTFRUITS (Pharisees) Leviticus 23:15

       The Omer is offered.  Leviticus 23:14, Rambam, Temidin U'Musafin 7:2-17

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 106. Genesis 7:24

       Sodom is destroyed while Lot and his daughters are delivered.  Genesis 19:1, 18:14, Midrash Rabbah - Genesis L:12

       Birth of Levi in the year 2195am. Midrash Tadshe, Midrash Yalkut 1

       Yahrzeit of Levi ben Yaakov Abinu, Prince of the Tribe.

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 39. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Moses saw the burning bush in 2447 – Day 2 of 7. Exodus 3:2, Bachya, Bo, Midrash Rabbah - Leviticus XI:6

       Israelites leave Succoth and journey to Etham. Exodus 13:20 Our heritage, Eliyahu Kitov

       The supply of manna was exhausted in 2488. Kiddushin 38a

       The Omer was offered for the first time by Jews in Israel. Joshua 5:11, Rosh Hashanah 13a

       Israelites eat produce of the promised land (2488 BCE). Joshua 5:11

       Bread from heaven (Manna) stopped.  Joshua 5:12

       Joshua and the Israelites march around Jericho – day 2.  Joshua 6:1ff

       An angel ordered Gideon to attack the Midianites. Judges 6:19, Rashi

       King Saul’s seven sons were killed. Midrash Rabbah, Naso, ch.8

       David and his men eat consecrated bread.  Luke 6:1-5 and 1 Samuel 21:1-6?

       Hezekiah finishes consecrating the Temple, day 16. II Chronicles 29:17

       Esther, Haman, and the king feast. King kills Haman.  Esther 5:5-5

       Haman was hanged in 3404. Esther 7:10, Seder Olam 29

       Mordecai becomes chief minister in place of Haman. Esther 8:2

       Cyrus, King of Persia, captured Babylon in 539 BCE.

       Yeshua's disciples pick grain on the day (partial Sabbath) after Pesach.  Luke 6:1, Matthew 12:1 - 13:30 [5]

       Yeshua tells the parable of the wheat and the tares.  Matthew 13:24-30

       Yeshua heals the man with the withered hand.  Matthew 12:9-16

       Yeshua gives sight and hearing to a demon possessed man.  Matthew 12:22-23

       Yeshua tells the parable of the wheat and the tares.  Matthew 13:24-30

       Two Miriams prepared spices and perfumes to embalm Yeshua.  Luke 23:56

       Yeshua's second day in the tomb.  John 19:30-36  

       Torah section is Leviticus 22:26 - 23:44; Numbers 28:19-25. Haftorah is 2 Kings 23:1-9; 21-25.


    Nisan 17

       Hag ha-Matza - Third day.  Exodus 12:17-20  

       The Omer, day 2.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 107. Genesis 7:24

       Noah’s ark came to a rest on Mt. Ararat on the 17th day of the seventh month of the flood.   Genesis 8:4  Genesis 8:4, Rashi

       Abraham returns to his family in Beer Sheva. Genesis 22:19

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 40. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Moses saw the burning bush in 2447 – Day 3 of 7. Exodus 3:2, Bachya, Bo, Midrash Rabbah - Leviticus XI:6

       Israelites stay in Succoth for the Sabbath. Meam Loez

       Moses collects Joseph's bones.  Exodus 13:19

       Joshua and the Israelites march around Jericho – day 3.  Joshua 6:1ff

       Haman’s plans came to naught.  Esther 3:12, 4:16, 5:1, 7:2-9

       Resurrection Sabbath. Yeshua rose from the dead, at the end of the third day. It is a Sabbath.  Matthew 12:48

       Yeshua heals the man with a withered hand on the Sabbath after Pesach.  Luke 6:6-11

       Peter is arrested and imprisoned by Herod.  Acts 12:3

       Torah section is Exodus 13:1-16; Numbers 28:19-25. There is no Haftorah.


    Nisan 18

       Hag ha-Matza - Fourth day.  Exodus 12:17-20  

       The Omer, day 3.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 108. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 41. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Pharaoh was informed that the Hebrew slaves had escaped. Exodus 14:5, Rashi

       Moses saw the burning bush in 2447 – Day 4 of 7. Exodus 3:2, Bachya, Bo, Midrash Rabbah - Leviticus XI:6

       Israelites travel back towards Egypt.  Exodus 14:2,  Meam Loez

       Joshua and the Israelites march around Jericho – day 4.  Joshua 6:1ff

       Yeshua, at 12 years old, stays in Jerusalem, teaching, when His parents find Him.   Luke 2:41-51  

       God removes Yeshua's grave covering stone.  Mark 16:2-4

       Two Miriams come to Yeshua's tomb to embalm Him.  John 20:1-9

       Yeshua tells the women not to touch Him.  John 20:17

       Yeshua opens the scriptures on the road to Emmaus. Luke 24:13

       Yeshua shows Himself to ten apostles in the upper room, the evening of the first day of the week. John 20:19

       Torah section is Exodus 22:24 - 23:19; Numbers 28:19-25. There is no Haftorah.


    Nisan 19

       Hag ha-Matza - Fifth day.  Exodus 12:17-20  

       The Omer, day 4.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 109. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 42. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Moses saw the burning bush in 2447 – Day 5 of 7. Exodus 3:2, Bachya, Bo, Midrash Rabbah - Leviticus XI:6

       Pharaoh set out in pursuit of the Israelites. Exodus 14:5, Rashi

       Israelites turn back towards Pi Hahiroth on Yom Rishon.  Exodus 13:20,  Our heritage, Eliyahu Kitov

       Joshua and the Israelites march around Jericho – day 5.  Joshua 6:1ff

       Yeshua appears to the ten apostles. John 20:19, Luke 24:21-36                         

       Torah section is Exodus 33:12 - 34:26; Numbers 28:19-25. There is no Haftorah.


    Nisan 20

       Hag ha-Matza - Sixth day.  Exodus 12:17-20  

       The Omer, day 5.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 110. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 43. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Moses saw the burning bush in 2447 – Day 6 of 7. Exodus 3:2, Bachya, Bo, Midrash Rabbah - Leviticus XI:6

       Pharoah chases the Israelites to Pi Hahiroth.  Exodus 13:20, Our heritage, Eliyahu Kitov

       Pharaoh and his army caught up with the Israelites at Pi HaChiroth. Exodus 14:5-9, Rashi

       Joshua and the Israelites march around Jericho – day 6.  Joshua 6:1ff

       Yeshua needs the sprinkling for touching the dead.  Numbers 19:11-13  

       Torah section is Numbers 9:1-14;  28:19-25. There is no Haftorah.


    Nisan 21

       Hag ha-Matza - Seventh day.  Exodus 12:17-20  

       The Omer, day 6.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 111. Genesis 7:24

       The Lord wipes out the world with water in Noah's day. Noah and his family preserved.  Genesis 6:6-7 - TC, AC

       Jacob left Laban’s home to return to Israel. Genesis 31:17, Book of Jubilees 29:5.

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 44. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Pharaoh’s decree against Israelite male infants was canceled. Sotah 12b

       Moses is set adrift in an ark on the Nile river, 81 years before The Exodus. Sotah 12b

       Moses saw the burning bush in 2447 – Day 7 of 7. Exodus 3:2, Bachya, Bo, Midrash Rabbah - Leviticus XI:6

       Moses departed from Midian to redeem Israel from Egypt. Eliyahu Kitov – “Our Heritage”

       Moses tells the Israelites to see the salvation of HaShem.  Exodus 14:13, Sotah 12b

       Israelites cross the Reed Sea.  Exodus 14:26-29, Sotah 12b

       God removes wheels from Egyptian chariots.  Exodus 14:24-25

       God destroys Pharaoh's army, chariots, and horses with water.  Exodus 14:21-28, TC, AC

       Moses and Miriam sing the song of Moses to the Lord.  Exodus 15

       God refines Israel with fire, destroying the outskirts.  Numbers 11:1-3, TC

       Israelites crave meat from God.  Numbers 11:4, TC [6]

       God forms the Sanhedrin from the spirit of Moses.  Numbers 11:16-25, TC

       Joshua and the Israelites march around Jericho – day 7. Jericho’s walls recede. Jericho is destroyed.  Joshua 6:1ff

       Deborah holds court to decide disputes of the Israelites.  Judges 4:4-5, TC

       Deborah sings a song to the Lord.  Judges 5, TC

       David sings a song to the Lord.  2 Samuel 22, AC [7]

       Peter is freed by an angel.  Act 12:3-10   

       Disciples were gathered together for prayer.  Acts 12:3-12

       Peter is released from prison by an angel. Peter went to Mary's house (the mother of John Mark) Acts 12:3-12

       Herod searches for Peter, cross examines guards, executes guards, and travels from Judea to Caesarea.  Acts 12:18-19 

       This is the day God will destroy the wicked and baptize the righteous with fire.  Matthew 3:11, 2 Peter 3:3-16, TC

       Solemn Assembly required on this last day of the Hag ha-Matza.  Deuteronomy 16:8    

       Torah section is Exodus 13:17 - 15:26; Numbers 28:19-25. Haftorah is 2 Samuel 22:1-51.


     Nisan 22

       The Omer, day 7, week 1.

       Isru Chag in Eretz Israel.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 112. Genesis 7:24

       Isaac is circumcised. Genesis 21:4, Exodus 12:40-41, Genesis 18, 19, Rosh Hashanah 10b

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 45. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Israelites start crossing the desert of Etham, without any water. Day 1  Exodus 15:22, Numbers 33:8

       Joshua begins his march around Jericho, day 1. Seder Olam 11

       Zechariah and Elizabeth circumcise, and name, John the Baptist.  Luke 1:57-63 

       Yeshua, at 12 years old, stays in Jerusalem, teaching while look for Him.  Luke 2:41-51  

       Paul leaves Phillipi after spending 3 months there. Day 1  Acts 20:6


    Nisan 23

       The Omer, day 8, week 1 plus 1 day.

       Isru Chag in the diaspora.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 113. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 46. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Laban learns that Jacob has fled from him.  Genesis 31:22  Book of Jubilees

       Laban pursues Jacob. Day 1  Genesis 31:23  Book of Jubilees

       Israelites continue crossing the desert of Etham, without any water. Day 2  Exodus 15:22, Numbers 33:8

       Joshua is marching around Jericho, day 2. Seder Olam 11

       Some say that on this day were hung the seven sons of King Shaul, as demanded by the Givonim. 2 Samuel 21:9

       Yeshua, at 12 years old, stays in Jerusalem, teaching while parents go home.  Luke 2:41-51  

       Paul leaves Phillipi and travels five days to Troas. Day 2  Acts 20:6


    Nisan 24

       The Omer, day 9, week 1 plus 2 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 114. Genesis 7:24

       Laban pursues Jacob. Day 2  Genesis 31:23  Book of Jubilees

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 47. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Israelites finish crossing the desert of Etham, without any water. Day 3  Exodus 15:22, Numbers 33:8

       Moses threw a piece of wood in the waters of Marah and they became sweet.  Numbers 15:22-25

       Israelites observe Sabbath at Marah. Honor parents, rest on Shabbat, and Noachide laws are given.  Shabbat 87b

       The Lord made a decree and law for them, there He tested them, at Marah.  Exodus 15:25

       Joshua is marching around Jericho, day 3. Seder Olam 11

       Daniel's prayer is answered. Daniel is shown what will happen to his people, in the future.  Daniel 10:4 - 12:13     

       Yeshua, at 12 years old, stays in Jerusalem, teaching, when His parents find Him.   Luke 2:41-51  

       Yeshua needs the sprinkling for touching the dead.  Numbers 19:11-13  

       Paul leaves Phillipi and travels five days to Troas. Day 3  Acts 20:6


     Nisan 25

       The Omer, day 10, week 1 plus 3 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 115. Genesis 7:24

       Laban pursues Jacob. Day 3  Genesis 31:23  Book of Jubilees

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 48. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Israelites arrive at Elim. They will camp here for 20 days.  Shemot 15:27, Ibn Ezra

       Joshua is marching around Jericho, day 4. Seder Olam 11

       David called the people to arms after the incident with Uriah. Soncino Zohar, Bereshit, Section 1, Page 8b

       Yeshua shows Himself to doubting Thomas. Yeshua celebrates Havdalah with the Disciples.  John 20:26-28  

       Paul leaves Phillipi and travels five days to Troas. Day 4  Acts 20:6


     Nisan 26

       The Omer, day 11, week 1 plus 4 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 116. Genesis 7:24

       Laban pursues Jacob. Day 4  Genesis 31:23  Book of Jubilees

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 49. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Joshua is marching around Jericho, day 5. Seder Olam 11

       Joshua, disciple of Moses, dies.  Taanit 1,  Bava Batra 14b

       Paul leaves Phillipi and arrives today in Troas, it is Sabbath. Day 5  Acts 20:6


     Nisan 27

       The Omer, day 12, week 1 plus 5 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 117. Genesis 7:24

       Laban pursues Jacob. Day 5  Genesis 31:23  Book of Jubilees

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 50. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Joshua is marching around Jericho, day 6. Seder Olam 11

       Paul stays seven days in Troas. Day 1  Acts 20:6


     Nisan 28

       The Omer, day 13, week 1 plus 6 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 118. Genesis 7:24

       Laban pursues Jacob. Day 6  Genesis 31:23  Book of Jubilees

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 51. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Joshua is marching around Jericho on Shabbat, day 7. Seder Olam 11, Yehoshua 6, Tanchum Nasa, 28

       The fall of Jericho.  Seder Olam 11

       Paul stays seven days in Troas. Day 2  Acts 20:6

       Osama Bin Laden is killed – he is 53 years old. 

       Yom HaShoah (Holocaust remembrance day in Israel).


     Nisan 29

       The Omer, day 14, week 2 plus 0 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 119. Genesis 7:24

       Laban pursues Jacob. Day 7. Laban catches Jacob.  Genesis 31:23  Book of Jubilees

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 52. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Paul stays seven days in Troas. Day 3  Acts 20:6

       Yom HaShoah


     Nisan 30

       The Omer, day 15, week 2 plus 1 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 120. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 53. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Paul stays seven days in Troas. Day 4  Acts 20:6


Iyar (Zif)        Always has 29 days.   Mazal is Shor (Bull). Tribe is Shimon.

     Iyar 1

       New Moon (Yom Shishi and Shabbat)Numbers 10:8-10

       The Omer, day 16, week 2 plus 2 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 121. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 54. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Egypt is afflicted with the first plague, blood for seven days. Exodus 7:19  Seder Olam 3

       An Israelite dies for gathering wood on the Sabbath. Yalkut, Numbers 15:32

       The Lord tells Moses to take a census of all those of Jewish lineage, except the Levites and priests.  Numbers 1:1-2 

       Foundation laid for Second Beit HaMikdash, 3391 [537 BCE] Ezra 3:8

       Paul stays seven days in Troas. Day 5  Acts 20:6


     Iyar 2

       The Omer, day 17, week 2 plus 3 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 122. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 55. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Egypt is afflicted with the first plague, blood for seven days. Exodus 7:19  Seder Olam 3

       Solomon begins building the temple in 2928 AM. II Chronicles 3:1-2

       Zerubbabel begins rebuilding the temple in 3408 AM. Ezra 3:8, 1 Esdras 5 

       Paul stays seven days in Troas. Day 6  Acts 20:6


     Iyar 3

       The Omer, day 18, week 2 plus 4 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 123. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 56. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Egypt is afflicted with the first plague, blood for seven days. Exodus 7:19  Seder Olam 3

       Paul stays seven days in Troas. Today is the Sabbath.  Day 7  Acts 20:6


     Iyar 4

       The Omer, day 19, week 2 plus 5 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 124. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 57. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Egypt is afflicted with the first plague, blood for seven days. Exodus 7:19  Seder Olam 3

       Paul stays seven days in Troas. It is the first day of the week.  Day 7  Acts 20:6

       Paul celebrates Havdalah, speaks till midnight, and resurrects the man who fell out the window.  Acts 20:7-11

       Paul walks to Assos from Troas.  Acts 7:13-14

       Yom HaZikaron (remembrance of the fallen Israeli soldiers and victims of terrorist attacks).


     Iyar 5

       The Omer, day 20, week 2 plus 6 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 125. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 58. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Egypt is afflicted with the first plague, blood for seven days. Exodus 7:19  Seder Olam 3

       Yom Ha'atzmaut is Israel's Independence Day. Israel became a nation in 1948.


     Iyar 6

       The Omer, day 21, week 3 plus 0 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 126. Genesis 7:24

       Egypt is afflicted with the first plague, blood for seven days. Exodus 7:19  Seder Olam 3

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 59. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Yom Ha’atzmaut State of Israel: The republic of Israel was proclaimed on May 15, 1948 which corresponds to:

         Saturday, Iyar 6, 5708).


     Iyar 7

       The Omer, day 22, week 3 plus 1 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 127. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 60. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Egypt is afflicted with the first plague, blood for seven days. Exodus 7:19  Seder Olam 3

       The wall around Jerusalem, built by Nehemiah, is dedicated. Nehemiah 12:27, Zeitlin,  Taanit 2

       The walls of Jerusalem are rededicated by the Hasmoneans.

       "Day Of Yerushalayim Wall Dedication", once a holiday  Taanit, 2

       Jewish defenders of Yerushalayim surrendered these walls to the Romans on this day in 3830 [70 CE]. Josephus,

         The Jewish Wars, 5:7


     Iyar 8

       The Omer, day 23, week 3 plus 2 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 128. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 61. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Jewish community of Speyer was massacred in the First Crusade, 4856 [1096],


     Iyar 9

       The Omer, day 24, week 3 plus 3 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 129. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 61. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.


     Iyar 10

       The Omer, day 25, week 3 plus 4 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 130. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 62. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       The Ark of the Covenant is taken captive by the Philistines.  1 Samuel 4:17-18,  Taanit 2

       The Tabernacle at Shiloh is destroyed.  1 Samuel 4:17-18

       Eli, the High Priest, and his sons died.  1 Samuel 4:17-18


     Iyar 11

       Death of Methuselah, and beginning of the entry into the ark of Noach. Sanhedrin 108b

       HaShem shuts the ark door – it is seven days before the flood will start. Rashi, Genesis 7:10

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 131. Genesis 7:24

       The Omer, day 26, week 3 plus 5 days.

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 63. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.


     Iyar 12

       The Omer, day 27, week 3 plus 6 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 132. Genesis 7:24

       HaShem shuts the ark door – it is six days before the flood will start- Day 2. Rashi, Genesis 7:10

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 64. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       The middle wall of Jerusalem in breached by Titus in 70AD.  Josephus, Jewish Wars 5:8


     Iyar 13

       The Omer, day 28, week 4 plus 0 days.

       HaShem shuts the ark door – it is five days before the flood will start- Day 3. Rashi, Genesis 7:10

      Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 133. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 65. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.


     Iyar 14

        Pesach sheni - Second Hag ha-Matza. Numbers 9:10-14

       The Omer, day 29, week 4 plus 1 days.

       HaShem shuts the ark door – it is four days before the flood will start- Day 4. Rashi, Genesis 7:10

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 134. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 66. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.


     Iyar 15

       The Omer, day 30, week 4 plus 2 days.

       HaShem shuts the ark door – it is three days before the flood will start- Day 5. Rashi, Genesis 7:10

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 135. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 67. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Hezekiah celebrates the Second Hag ha-Matza. II Chronicles 30:13-22

       Israelites leave Elim (12 springs & 70 palm trees) and go to the desert of Sin.  Exodus 16:1, Shabbat 87b

       The supply of "Egyptian" matzo was exhausted.  Targum Yonatan b. Uziel, Shemot 16:2

       God sends quail to eat. Day 1  Exodus 16:1-5, Seder Olam 5. Numbers 11:30-32

       Amalek attacks Israel as they left Egypt.

       Hezekiah celebrated because priests were unclean.  II Chronicles 30:2-4   


     Iyar 16

       The Omer, day 31, week 4 plus 3 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 136. Genesis 7:24

       HaShem shuts the ark door – it is two days before the flood will start- Day 6. Rashi, Genesis 7:10

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 68. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Israelites complain that they do not have enough food. Exodus 16:1-5, Seder Olam 5; Kiddushin 38a, Rashi.

       God sends bread from heaven (manna).  Exodus 16:1-5, Seder Olam 5; Kiddushin 38a, Rashi.

       God sends quail to eat. Day 2  Exodus 16:1-5, Seder Olam 5. Numbers 11:30-32

       HaShem sends a plague on those who craved meat. They die at the "graves of craving". Numbers 11:30-34

       Moses Rabbeinu composed the first Bracha of Bircat HaMazon, 2448 [1313 BCE], Berachot 48b


     Iyar 17

       The Omer, day 32, week 4 plus 4 days.

       HaShem shuts the ark door – The flood will start today. Rashi, Genesis 7:10

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 137. Genesis 7:24

       R. Joshua says that the Mabul, the flood began on this date. Rosh Hashanah 11b

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 69. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       God promises bread from heaven. Exodus 16:1-5, Seder Olam 5; Kiddushin 38a, Rashi.


    Iyar 18

       The Omer, day 33, week 4 plus 5 days. Lag B'Omer. 33rd day of counting the Omer.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 138. Genesis 7:24

       The beginning of Haman's downfall.

       Mabul – The flood started in earnest according to Rashi.

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 70. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       God sends bread from heaven (manna).  Exodus 16:1-5, Chatam Sofer.

       Plague among R. Akiva's Disciples Ends. Yevamot 62b

       Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai received smicha (rabbinic ordination) from Rabbi Akiva. – Lag B’Omer

       Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai revealed many secrets of the Torah, then he died.

       Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai was miraculously saved from the Roman government’s death decree for the spreading of Torah.

       Yeshua ascends into heaven.  Mark 16:19, Acts 1:3  

       Adolf Hitler is dead (May 1, 1945).


    Iyar 19

       The Omer, day 34, week 4 plus 6 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 139. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 71. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.


   Iyar 20

       The Omer, day 35, week 5 plus 0 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 140. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 72. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       The Israelites leave Horeb, in the 2nd year of the Exodus. First time with banners. Day 1  Numbers 10:11-12


   Iyar 21

       The Omer, day 36, week 5 plus 1 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 141. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 73. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       The Israelites leave Horeb, in the 2nd year of the Exodus. First time with banners. Day 2  Numbers 10:11-12


   Iyar 22

       The Omer, day 37, week 5 plus 2 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 142. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 74. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       The Israelites leave Horeb, in the 2nd year of the Exodus. First time with banners. Day 3  Numbers 10:11-12

       Israelites camp at Kivroth HaTaavah after a 3 day journey from Horeb stay for a month after demanding meat.

            Meam Loez Shlach, pg.333

       Hezekiah celebrates the Second Hag ha-Matza for 7 more days. Eighth day.  II Chronicles 30:13-22

       The first obligatory Sabbath observance during the Exodus. Exodus 16:27, Seder Olam 5


   Iyar 23

       The Omer, day 38, week 5 plus 3 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 143. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 75. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 1. Meam Loez Shlach

       Israelites camp at Rephidim (baluster place) in 2448 AM. This is camp 10, day 1.  Seder Olam 5

       Moses smote the rock to provide water for the people. Exodus 17:6, Seder Olam 5     

       Hezekiah celebrates the Second Hag ha-Matza for 7 more days. Ninth day.  II Chronicles 30:13-22

       Jews of Worms were massacred by Crusaders, 4856 [1096]


   Iyar 24

       The Omer, day 39, week 5 plus 4 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 144. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 76. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 2. Meam Loez Shlach

       Israelites camp at Rephidim (baluster place) in 2448 AM. This is camp 10, day 2.  Seder Olam 5

       Hezekiah celebrates the Second Hag ha-Matza for 7 more days. Tenth day.  II Chronicles 30:13-22


   Iyar 25

       The Omer, day 40, week 5 plus 5 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 145. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 77. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Israelites camp at Rephidim (baluster place) in 2448 AM. This is camp 10, day 3.  Seder Olam 5

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 3. Meam Loez Shlach

       Hezekiah celebrates the Second Hag ha-Matza for 7 more days. Eleventh day.  II Chronicles 30:13-22

       Sarah's days of purification, after the birth of Isaac, are complete.  Leviticus 12:2-4

       Elizabeth's days of purification, after the birth of John, are complete.  Leviticus 12:2-4

       The end of the six day war (June 4, 1967).


   Iyar 26

       The Omer, day 41, week 5 plus 6 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 146. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 78. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 4. Meam Loez Shlach

       Israelites camp at Rephidim (baluster place) in 2448 AM. This is camp 10, day 4.  Seder Olam 5

      Hezekiah celebrates the Second Hag ha-Matza for 7 more days. Twelfth day.  II Chronicles 30:13-22

      The six day war began in 1967. The Book of our Heritage, Eliyahu Kitov, volume 3 pg. 754


   Iyar 27

       The Omer, day 42, week 6 plus 0 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 147. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 79. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Israelites camp at Rephidim (baluster place) in 2448 AM. This is camp 10, day 5.  Seder Olam 5

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 5. Meam Loez Shlach

       Hezekiah celebrates the Second Hag ha-Matza for 7 more days. Thirteenth day.  II Chronicles 30:13-22


   Iyar 28

       The Omer, day 43, week 6 plus 1 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 148. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 80. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 6. Meam Loez Shlach

       Israelites camp at Rephidim (baluster place) in 2448 AM. This is camp 10, day 6.  Seder Olam 5

       The Shulchan Aruch, section 580, reports that on the 28th day of the month of Iyar a fast day is observed, marking the

          anniversary of the death of Shmuel HaNavi

       Samuel the prophet dies Taanit, concluding chapter

       Hezekiah celebrates the Second Hag ha-Matza for 7 more days. Fourteenth day.  II Chronicles 30:13-22

       The battle with Amalek took place on Erev Shabbat (Erev Shabbat).   Shemot 17:12, Seder Olam 5

       Yom Yerushalayim - Israel captures Jerusalem during the six day war in 1967. The Book of our Heritage, Eliyahu Kitov,

          volume 3 pg. 754


   Iyar 29

       The Omer, day 44, week 6 plus 2 days.

       Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 149 of 150. Genesis 7:24

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 81. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 7. Meam Loez Shlach

       Israelites camp at Rephidim (baluster place) in 2448 AM. This is camp 10, day 7.  Seder Olam 5

       Israelites, in Hezekiah's day, smash the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles.  2 Chronicles 30, 31:1

       Yerushalayim was liberated, including Har Habayit and the Kotel Hamaaravi, in the Six Day War, 5728 [1967]

       Yahrzeit of Shmuel HaNavi 2882 [878 BCE].  Taanit.


Sivan  Always has 30 days.   Mazal is Teomim (twins).       Tribe is Levi.

   Sivan 1

       New Moon.  Numbers 10:8-10

       The Omer, day 45, week 6 plus 3 days.

       God's wind begins drying up the Noachian flood. Water had prevailed for 150 days.  Genesis 7:24 - 8:11 Genesis 8:3, Rashi       

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 82. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Israelites arrive at Mt. Sinai. It is a day for establishing peace and harmony between men and a covenant with God (Yom sheni)  

           Exodus 19:1, Rashi.  The Book of our Heritage, Eliyahu Kitov, volume 3 pg. 762

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 8. Meam Loez Shlach

       Korach and his followers vanished into the depth of the earth.  Meam Loez Shlach

       The southern kingdom entered a covenant to seek HaShem.  II Chronicles 15:8-15 The Book of our Heritage, Eliyahu Kitov

       Ezekiel received the word of the Lord concerning Egypt with a tree story.  Ezekiel 31:1


   Sivan 2

       The Omer, day 46, week 6 plus 4 days.

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 83. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Moses went up Mt. Sinai for the first time. He was instructed to offer the Jews the opportunity of accepting the Torah, and of

          becoming a holy people. (19:3-6). That same day Moses descended and assembled the elders and passed on the message. The

          entire people responded in unison that whatever HASHEM says, they will do. (19:7-8).  Exodus 19:3-8

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 9. Meam Loez Shlach

       The six day war, in 1967, ends in victory for Israel.  The Book of our Heritage, Eliyahu Kitov, volume 3 pg. 757


   Sivan 3

       The Omer, day 47, week 6 plus 5 days.

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 84. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Moses makes his second ascent of Mt. Sinai to bring the people's response.  Exodus 19:8-9

       Beginning of the three days of preparation, during which the Jews were to purify themselves and abstain from uncleanliness.

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 10. Meam Loez Shlach


   Sivan 4

       The Omer, day 48, week 6 plus 6 days.

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 85. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Moses descend from Mt. Sinai and sets the bounds for Sinai that will last for three days.  Exodus 19:10

       People prepare to meet God at Mt. Sinai, day 1. Exodus 19:10-11

       Moses wrote the first part of the Torah, from Genesis to Sinai. Exodus 24:4, Rashi

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 11. Meam Loez Shlach


   Sivan 5

       The Omer, day 49, week 7 plus 0 days.

       Reuven found mandrakes (Dudaim) in the field.

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 86. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Moses builds an altar, makes an offering, and sprinkles the blood of the covenant.  Exodus 24:4-8 Rashi 19:11

       People prepare to meet God at Mt. Sinai, day 2.  Exodus 19:10-11

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 12. Meam Loez Shlach


   Sivan 6    Moon is in Aryeh.

       Hag Shavuot  Leviticus 23:15-16

       Pentecost Acts 2:1

       The Day of the Firstfruits / Yom HaBikkurim  Numbers 28:26

       The Day of the Congregation / Yom HaKahal  Deuteronomy 18:16

       Feast of Harvest / Hag HaKazir Exodus 23:16  

       Feast of Weeks / Hag Shavuot  Exodus 34:22

       New Year for trees - Trees are judged.  Megillah 31b

       Death of  Abel - Bereshit Rabbah (chap. 22)  (might have been Kislev 25)

       Enoch ascended to heaven. Ginzberg, Legends of the Jews 1:137

       The Tower of Babel is built, language is confused.  Genesis 11, Soncino Zohar, Bereshit, Section 1, Page 31b

       Abraham defeats the 5 kings and gives tithes to Melchizedek. Genesis 14

       Issachar is born.  Bne Issachar

       Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 87. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

       Moses is drawn out of the water (Nile) by Pharaoh's daughter.  Sefer Matamim, Midrash Rabbah - Exodus I:24

       The Torah was given at Sinai (first Shabbat in Sivan). Exodus 19:1-11, Exodus 24:1-8, Shabbat 86b                           

       People prepare to meet God at Mt. Sinai, day 3.

       The Ketubah was "signed" at Sinai (2448 BCE). Exodus 19:1-11                            

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 13. Meam Loez Shlach

       This is the day for the priests to draw near to teach the Torah.  Numbers 17:12 - 18:24

       All males to appear before the Lord in Jerusalem.  Deuteronomy 16:16

       The tribe of Benyamin gets wives.  Judges 21

       David was born on Shavuot and died on Shavuot'. Bechor Shor, Shabbat 30b

       King David dies.  Jerusalem  - Chagigah 2,3.

       The wedding of King Solomon allegorically refers to Messiah and Israel. Song of Songs 3:11

       Asa renewed the covenant. II Chronicles 15:8-15

       John the Baptist preaches preparation, in those days, w/judgement for the trees.  Matthew 3:1-12

       Yeshua prays all night.  Luke 6:12

       The sermon on the mount is given.  Matthew 5,6,7

       Yeshua chooses his apostles ("one of those days", i.e. Omer days). Luke 6:12-17

       Yeshua delivers the sermon on the mount ("one of those days", i.e. Omer days).  Luke 6:12-49

       Yeshua heals the centurion's servant because he has not seen such great faith in Israel. Luke 7:1-10

       Yeshua keeps the feast. John 7:37

       The Holy Spirit comes (Babel is reversed)! Acts 2:1

       Paul reaffirms the law. Acts 20:16 + Acts 21:17 - 22:1

       James reaffirms the law for gentiles. Acts 20:16 + Acts 21:17 - 22:1

       Paul's stays in Ephesus until today because he has an open door and opposition.  1 Corinthians 16:8 

       The covenant made at Sinai will be "renewed".  Jeremiah 31:31-40

       God is betrothed to Israel. Hosea 2:14-23, Jeremiah 2, Jeremiah 31:31-32

       Torah section, in the annual cycle, is Exodus 19:1 - 20:23; Numbers 28:26-31. Haftorah is Ezekiel 1:1-28; 3:12.


    Sivan 7

       Isru Chag in Eretz Israel.

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 1.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 14. Meam Loez Shlach

       Uriah gives Bathsheba a conditional divorce before going to war.  Shabbat 56a, Soncino Zohar, Bereshit, Section 1, Page 8b

       Hosea, the son of Beeri, died.


    Sivan 8

       Isru Chag in the diaspora.

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 2.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 15. Meam Loez Shlach


    Sivan 9

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 3.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 16. Meam Loez Shlach


   Sivan 10

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 4.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 17. Meam Loez Shlach


   Sivan 11

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 5.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 18. Meam Loez Shlach

       Operation Solomon airlifts 14,400 Ethiopian Jews to Israel: May 24, 1991 (Sivan 11, 5751)


   Sivan 12

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 6.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 19. Meam Loez Shlach


   Sivan 13

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 7.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 20. Meam Loez Shlach


   Sivan 14

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 8.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 21. Meam Loez Shlach

       Elizabeth gets pregnant (after Temple). Luke 1:24


   Sivan 15

       Birth of Judah in 2196am. Midrash Tadshe

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 9.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 22. Meam Loez Shlach


   Sivan 16

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 10.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 23. Meam Loez Shlach


   Sivan 17

       Ark rests on Mt. Ararat. Genesis 8:4

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 11.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 24. Meam Loez Shlach


   Sivan 18

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 12.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 25. Meam Loez Shlach


   Sivan 19

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 13.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 26. Meam Loez Shlach

       Moses' spies sent to search out the promised land. Targum Pseudo Yonathan


   Sivan 20

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 14.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 27. Meam Loez Shlach


   Sivan 21

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 15.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Israelites eating quail for 30 days – Day 28. Meam Loez Shlach


   Sivan 22

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 16.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Israelites camp at Chatzeroth (courtyard) in 2449 AM. This is camp 13.  Meam Loez Shlach, pg.333

       Miriam was afflicted with leprosy and confined for seven days – Day 1. (2nd year of the Exodus) Seder Olam 8

       The thirty days of eating quail in the desert ended.


   Sivan 23

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 17.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Miriam was afflicted with leprosy and confined for seven days - day 2. Taanit 29a

       King Yerovam stopped the Jews of the north from bringing Bikkurim, and set up two golden calves.   Taanit 3

       Mordechai's edict to save the Jews is written. Haman hung on own gallows after 70 days.  Esther 8:9-11, Mid. Rab. - Gen C:7


   Sivan 24

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 18.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Miriam was afflicted with leprosy and confined for seven days - day 3.  Taanit 29a


   Sivan 25

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 19.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Miriam was afflicted with leprosy and confined for seven days - day 4. Taanit 29a


   Sivan 26

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 20.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Miriam was afflicted with leprosy and confined for seven days - day 5. Taanit 29a


   Sivan 27

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 21.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       First forty days of the Flood ended.

       Miriam was afflicted with leprosy and confined for seven days - day 6. Taanit 29a


    Sivan 28

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 22.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Miriam was afflicted with leprosy and confined for seven days - day 7. Taanit 29a


   Sivan 29

       Israelites camp at Rithmah (juniper like) [aka Paran] in 2449 AM. This is camp 14.  Study on Numbers 33, Seder Olam 8

       Israelites stayed at Paran desert for 19 years.  Seder Olam 9, from Deuteronomy 1:46

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 23.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Miriam's confinement ends. Taanit 29a

       Moses' spies sent to search out the promised land. Day 1  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       The Entebbe Raid:  June 27, 1976 (Sivan 29, 5736)


   Sivan 30

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 24.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 2  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


Tammuz         Always has 29 days.   Mazal is Sartan (Crab).          Tribe is Yehudah.

   Tammuz 1

       New Moon.  Numbers 10:8-10

       The tops of the mountains appeared as the Flood water receded.

       Abraham circumcised himself.

       Joseph, son of Jacob, is born in 2199am. He died on this date 110 years later.  Midrash Yalkut Shemot 1, Midrash Tadshe

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 25.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 3  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


   Tammuz 2

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 26.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 4  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


   Tammuz 3

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 27.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 5  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       Joshua commanded the sun to stand still , there were giant hail stones thrown down. Joshua 10:12, Seder Olam 11


   Tammuz 4

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 28.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 6  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


   Tammuz 5

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 29.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 7  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       Ezekiel sees the heavens opened up. This is Ezekiel's first appearance as a prophet.  Ezekiel 1:1  


   Tammuz 6

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 30.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 8  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       Ezekiel sits among the exiles for 7 days. This is day one.  Ezekiel 3:15  


   Tammuz 7

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 31.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 9  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       Ezekiel sits among the exiles for 7 days. This is day two.  Ezekiel 3:15  


   Tammuz 8

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 32.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 10  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       Ezekiel sits among the exiles for 7 days. This is day three.  Ezekiel 3:15  


   Tammuz 9

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 33.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 11  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       Ezekiel sits among the exiles for 7 days. This is day four.  Ezekiel 3:15  

       Jerusalem has no more food to eat during Babylonian siege.  2 Kings 25:3

       Babylon breaches the walls of Jerusalem and conquers Israel in 586 BCE.  II Kings 25:2-7, Jer. 39:2-7, Jer. 52:6-10


   Tammuz 10

       Noah opened the window of the Ark and sent out the raven. Genesis 8:7, Seder Olam Rabba, Ch.4

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 34.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 12  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       Ezekiel sits among the exiles for 7 days. This is day five.  Ezekiel 3:15  

       King Tzedkiah is captured by the Babylonians, in the plains of Jericho in 586 BCE. Jeremiah 39:4-5, 2 Kings 25:5


   Tammuz 11

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 35.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 13  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       Ezekiel sits among the exiles for 7 days. This is day six.  Ezekiel 3:15  


   Tammuz 12

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 36.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 14  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       Ezekiel sits among the exiles for 7 days. This is day seven.  Ezekiel 3:15  


   Tammuz 13

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 37.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 15  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       Ezekiel is made a watchman for Israel.  Ezekiel 3:17-21  

       HaShem speaks to Ezekiel on the plain.  He is shut in his house and bound by a rope.  Ezekiel 3:22-27


   Tammuz 14

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 38.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 16  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


   Tammuz 15

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 39.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 17  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       Hur, the son of Miriam, was killed when he attempted to dissuade the Israelites from demanding a golden calf.   Sanhedrin 7a


   Tammuz 16

       Moses goes up on Sinai, the first time, to receive the Torah - day 40.   Rashi 32:1, Exodus 24:18

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 18  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       Aaron fashions a golden calf, from jewelry, and an alter for offerings.  Exodus 32:1-5, Seder Olam 6  

       Chur, the son of Caleb and Miriam, the prophetess, died.


   Tammuz 17

       Noach sent out the first dove to see if the Flood waters had receded, in 1650. Bereshit 8:8, Seder Olam Rabba, Ch.4

       Joseph and Samuel are born. It is 40 weeks after Tishrei 1.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 19  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       The sin of the golden calf is committed (Yom Chamishi).  Shemot 32:20, Seder Olam 6, Taanit 30b - Rashi

       Moses breaks the tablets containing the Ten Commandments, after 40 days on Mt. Sinai.  Exodus 24:18 - 31:18, Taanit 28b

       Levites kill 3000 Israelites and become set apart to HaShem.  Exodus 32:25-29

       Boaz married Ruth.[8]

       Cessation of the daily sacrifice in the first temple in 3184. Taanit 28b

       Jerusalem walls destroyed. Titus takes the outer city. Tamid offering ceased.   Arachin 11b

       King Menashe  had an idol placed in the Holy Sanctuary of the Temple. Melachim II 21:7

       Apostomos, captain of the occupation forces, publicly burned the Torah. Mesechta Taanit 28b

       Titus and Rome breached the walls of Jerusalem in 3760.  Taanit 28b

       Fast of Tammuz. the beginning of bein ha-mezarim, a three-week period of semi-mourning for the destruction of the

              Temple. This is the fast of the fourth month.  Zechariah 9:19

       The Declaration of Independence was announced on July 4, 1776.

       In 1239, Pope Gregory IX ordered the confiscation of all manuscripts of the Talmud.

       In 1391, more than 4,000 Spanish Jews were killed in Toledo and Jaen, Spain.

       In 1559 the Jewish Quarter of Prague was burned and looted.

       In 1944, the entire population of the Kovno ghetto was sent to the death camps.

       In 1970, Libya ordered the confiscation of all Jewish property.


   Tammuz 18

       Moses destroyed the golden calf.  Exodus 32:20; Seder Olam 6; Rashi, Taanit 30b

       Moses ascended Mt. Sinai to atone for the sin of the golden calf (Yom Shishi).  Exodus 33:31

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 20  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       HaShem strikes Israel with a plague because of the golden calf.  Exodus 32:30-35


   Tammuz 19

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 1. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses ascended Mt. Sinai for the second time. He remained there for 40 days, pleading for the Jews who were guilty of

         the sin of the golden calf (Rashi, Exodus 33:11).       

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 21  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


   Tammuz 20

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 2. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 22  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       The appointed time for the family of David (tribe of Judah) to bring firewood for the Temple.  Nehemiah 10:34, Taanit 26a            


   Tammuz 21

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 3. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 23  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


   Tammuz 22

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 4. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 24  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


   Tammuz 23

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 5. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 25  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


   Tammuz 24

       Noah sent out the dove for the second time to determine if the Flood had receded, in 1650 Bereshit 8:10, Seder Olam ch4

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 6. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 26  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


   Tammuz 25

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 7. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 27  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


   Tammuz 26

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 8. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 28  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


   Tammuz 27

       Yahrzeit of Yosef HaTzadik ben Yaakov Abinu, Prince of the Tribe.

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 9. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 29  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       US / Iran deal. The carefully choreographed timing of the announcement after so many delays could not have been more

       significant from the Jewish point of view, given that it fell on July 14, 2015 / 27 Tammuz 5775, bang in the middle of the ‘Three

       Weeks’ period from the Fast of 17 Tammuz (4 July) until the Fast of Tisha B’Ab (26 July), when we soul-searchingly

       contemplate our collective past, our present and our future destiny,” he wrote. Although the White House is attempting to push

       the agreement through the United Nations before Congress has had a chance to review the measure, there is another striking

       connection between the Iran nuclear deal and the Jewish calendar.


   Tammuz 28

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 10. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 30  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


   Tammuz 29

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 11. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 31  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


Av       Always has 30 days.   Mazal is Aryeh (Lion).            Tribe is Yissachar.

   Av 1

       New Moon.  Numbers 10:8-10

       Peaks of high mountains emerged above the receding flood waters.  Genesis 8:5, Rashi

       Egypt was afflicted with the plague of frogs for seven days.  Exodus 8:2  Seder HaDoros

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 12. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 32  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       Aaron dies, on Mt. Hor (also called Moserah Deu. 10:6), forty years after leaving Egypt (2488 BCE).  Numbers 33:38

       Elazar, son of Aaron, the second High Priest dies.  "An Old Flame"

       Ezekiel’s prophecy on the port Tyre. Ezekiel 26

       Ezra arrives in Jerusalem, 457 BCE.  Ezra 7:9 

       People returning from Babylon fast. Zechariah 7:3              


   Av 2

       Egypt was afflicted with the plague of frogs for seven days.  Exodus 8:2  Seder HaDoros

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 13. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 33  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


   Av 3

       Egypt was afflicted with the plague of frogs for seven days.  Exodus 8:2  Seder HaDoros

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 14. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 34  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


   Av 4

       Egypt was afflicted with the plague of frogs for seven days.  Exodus 8:2  Seder HaDoros

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 15. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 35  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       Nehemiah began to build a wall around Jerusalem, 444BCE. Nehemiah 6:15


   Av 5

       Egypt was afflicted with the plague of frogs for seven days.  Exodus 8:2  Seder HaDoros

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 16. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 36  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       The appointed time for the family of Parosh (tribe of Judah) to bring firewood for the Temple.  Nehemiah 10:34, Taanit 26a            


   Av 6

       Egypt was afflicted with the plague of frogs for seven days.  Exodus 8:2  Seder HaDoros

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 17. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 37  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a


   Av 7

       Egypt was afflicted with the plague of frogs for seven days.  Exodus 8:2  Seder HaDoros

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 18. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 38  Numbers 13, 14 Taanit 29a

       Nebuchadnezzar’s soldiers entered the Temple and ate and desecrated it, day 1.  Taanit 29a

       The last captives go to Babylon.  II Kings 31:11-12 

       The appointed time for the family of Jonadab (the Rechabites) to bring firewood for the Temple.  Nehemiah 10:34, Taanit 26a            


   Av 8

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 19. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies search out the promised land. Day 39  Numbers 13, 14, Taanit 29a

        Nebuchadnezzar’s soldiers entered the Temple and ate and desecrated it, day 2.  Taanit 29a


   Av 9 Tish B’Ab

       Fast of Av.  Zechariah 7:1-3

       Jacob is confronted by Esau, on his return to Canaan. Genesis 33:1ff. Rashal Bereshit Vayish quoted in Seder HaDorot.

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 20. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses' spies return from Israel, after 40 day, ten with a wicked report, two with a good report.  Numbers 13:25 Taanit 29a

       It was decreed that Israel should not enter the promised land.  Taanit 29a, Numbers 13:25

       Wilderness generation died on this day when they reached 60 years of age. Taanit 30b, Midrash Rabba Numbers 16:23

       Jeremiah was born.  Midrash Yalkut Yirmiyahu 36

       Jerusalem and the Solomon's temple are burned and looted by Babylon. II Kings 25:8-24, Taanit 29a - 3338 AM

       A year after the Temple was burned, Micah 3:12 was fulfilled.

       This is the day spoken of in Lamentations 7:2.

       This is the `fast day', of the fifth month, spoken of in Zechariah 8:19.

       The Rabbis say that Herod's temple was also destroyed on this date in 70 C.E.  Taanit 29a - 3828 AM

       Emperor Hadrian established a heathen temple on the Temple mount.  Taanit 29a

       Ezekiel/God tells elders to put away idols. Ezekiel 20

       132 AD (135AD?) - Betar, the last fortress to hold out against the Romans during the Bar Kochba revolt fell.

       1095 AD – First Crusade declared by Pope Urban II. 10,000 Jews killed in first month of the Crusade.

       1290 AD – Expulsion of Jews from England by King Edward I, accompanied by pogroms and confiscation of books + property.

       1492 AD - Expulsion of Jews from Spain by King Ferdinand. Also, Columbus (a Jew in hiding) sailed from Spain.

       1555 AD - Ghetto established in Rome. Pope Paul IV moves all the Jews into a foul-smelling area near the Tiber River.

       1914 AD – WW1 begins. 75% of all Jews lived in war zones.

       1941 AD – A decree went forth expelling all Jews from Hungarian Ruthenia.

       1989 AD – Iraq walks out of talks with Kuwait and the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq took place.

       1990 AD – Gulf war starts Desert Storm that was started on Tisha B’Ab ended on the Feast of Purim.

       1994 AD – Deadly bombing of the Jewish community center in Argentina, killing 86 and wounding 300.

       The Israeli withdrawal from 25 settlements in the Gaza Strip and northern Samaria began on August 14, 2005.

       Classical Jewish sources maintain that the Jewish Messiah will be born on Tisha B’Ab.

       Torah section is Deuteronomy 4:25-40. Haftorah is Jeremiah 8:13 - 9:23.  Morning

       Torah section is Ex. 23:11-14; 34:1-10. Haftorah is Isaiah 55:6 - 56:8; Micah 7:18-20; Hosea 14:2-10. afternoon.


    Av 10

       Birth of Issachar in 2198am. Midrash Tadshe

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 21. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Israel weeps all night because of the spies' wicked report.  Numbers 14:1

       Israel wants to stone Moses and Aaron for leading them to Israel.  Numbers 14:1-10

       The ten spies, the evil congregation, die by plague.  Numbers 14:36-37

       God swears that wicked Israel will not see the Land of Israel. Numbers 14:20-23

       Elders inquire of the Lord through Ezekiel.  Ezekiel 20:1

       The appointed time for the family of Senaah (Benjamin) to bring firewood for the Temple.  Nehemiah 10:34, Taanit 26a            

       Jerusalem and the Solomon's temple are burned and looted by Babylon, a second day. II Kings 25:8-24 - 3338 AM

       The Iraqi forces attacked Kuwait on Av 11, known since 5493 (1733) as Purim Bagdad.


    Av 11

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 22. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.


    Av 12

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 23. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

      The Israeli forced withdrawal from 25 settlements in the Gaza Strip and northern Samaria completed on August 17, 2005.


    Av 13

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 24. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.


    Av 14

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 25. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.


    Av 15

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 26. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       The appointed time for the family of Zattu (tribe of Judah) and with them were the priests and Levites and all those who were

          not certain of their tribes and the bene Gonbe'ali and the bene Koze Kezi'oth to bring firewood for the Temple. 

         Nehemiah 10:34, Taanit 26a            

       One of the two greatest days for celebration (Yom HaKippurim was the other).  Taanit 26b, Menachoth 85b

       Israelites camp at Divon Gad (sorrowing overcomers), 2488 AM. This is camp 38.  Study on Numbers 33  Taanit 30b

       The last of the exodus generation died. Bava Batra 121a

       Inter-tribal marriage permitted, after the parcelization of the land. Soncino Zohar, Shemot, Section 2, Page 135a

       Reconciliation between of Benyamin and the other tribes.  Judges 21:14, Soncino Zohar, Shemot, Section 2, Page 135a

       Hoshea ben Elah, King of Israel, removed the blockades set by Yerovam ben Nebat had constructed to prevent the people

         from ascending to Jerusalem for the pilgrimage festivals.  The Book of Our Heritage, Eliyahu Kitov

       Day of courtship.  Gateway to Judaism, Pg.341, Soncino Zohar, Shemot, Section 2, Page 135a

       The last day of planting for the year with reference to the Sabbatical Year and orlah.


    Av 16

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 27. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.


    Av 17

       Dove sent out by Noah for the first time.

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 28. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.


    Av 18

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 29. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Ner Tamid extinguished because of King Ahaz.  II Chronicles 29:7, Megillat Taanit, concluding chapter


    Av 19

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 30. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       End of Ezekiel’s lying on his side. Ezekiel 4:4


    Av 20

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 31. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       The appointed time for the family of Pahath Moab (tribe of Judah) to bring firewood for the Temple.

           Nehemiah 10:34, Taanit 26a            


    Av 21

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 32. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.


    Av 22

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 33. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.


    Av 23

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 34. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.


    Av 24

       Dove sent out second time.

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 35. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.


    Av 25

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 36. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.


    Av 26

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 37. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.


    Av 27

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 38. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.


    Av 28

       Moses goes up on Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 39. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       Moses came down from Mt. Sinai to hew the second set of tablets.


    Av 29

       Moses returns from after Sinai, a second time, to plead for mercy after the golden calf - day 40. Exodus 32:30-35, Taanit 28b.

       G-d commanded Moses saying "Carve out for yourself two tablets of stone like the first ones."  Exodus 34:1           


    Av 30

       Moses Rabbenu ascended Har Sinai for the third time, to receive the Second Luchot and G-d's forgiveness for the People.


Elul     Always has 29 days.   Mazal is Bethulah (Virgin).    Tribe is Zebulon.

    Elul 1

       New Moon.  Numbers 10:8-10

       New year for tithe of animals. Mishna: Seder Moed: Tractate Hashanah: 1:1

       Period of teshuva / repentance begins.

       Egypt is afflicted with the plague of lice for seven days. Exodus 8:16  Zikhron Yemot Olam

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 1.  Exodus 34:1-4

       The revelation of the 13 attributes of HaShem was given to Moses.

       Jonah begins preaching in Nineveh.  Jonah 3:1-10

       Haggai/G-d chastises the people for not building the temple. G-d tells Zerubavel to rebuild the Temple Haggai 1        


    Elul 2

       Egypt is afflicted with the plague of lice for seven days. Day 2 Exodus 8:16  Zikhron Yemot Olam

       Jonah is still preaching in Nineveh, day 2.  Jonah 3:1-10

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 2.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 2.


    Elul 3

       Egypt is afflicted with the plague of lice for seven days. Day 3 Exodus 8:16  Zikhron Yemot Olam

       Jonah is still preaching in Nineveh, day 3.  Jonah 3:1-10

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 3.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 3.


    Elul 4

       Egypt is afflicted with the plague of lice for seven days. Day 4 Exodus 8:16  Zikhron Yemot Olam

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 4.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 4.


    Elul 5

       Egypt is afflicted with the plague of lice for seven days. Day 5 Exodus 8:16  Zikhron Yemot Olam

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 5.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 5.

       Ezekiel has the vision of detestable things, and the destruction of the Temple. Ezekiel 8 


    Elul 6

       Egypt is afflicted with the plague of lice for seven days. Day 6 Exodus 8:16  Zikhron Yemot Olam

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 6.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 6.


    Elul 7

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 7.

       Amram remarried Yocheved. Sotah 12a; Seder ha-Dorot

       Egypt is afflicted with the plague of lice for seven days. Day 7 Exodus 8:16  Zikhron Yemot Olam

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 7.

       The ten wicked spies died. Targum Pseudo Jonathan to Numbers 14:37

       Nehemiah dedicated the reconstructed walls of Jerusalem.   Gateway to Judaism, Pg.341

       Agrippa I dedicated the new gate of the wall of Yerushalayim, once a holiday. Megillat Taanit 6


    Elul 8

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 8.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 8.


    Elul 9

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 9.

       Birth of Dan, son of Yaakov Abinu, in 2196am. Midrash Tadshe

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 9.

       The Ramban renewed Jewish settlement in Yerushalayim, and founded a Beit HaKneset, 5027 [1267]. The Beit HaKneset was

           used for 700 years until 1948, and was reestablished in 1967.


    Elul 10

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 10.

       Noah opened the ark window and sent out the raven. Genesis 8:5, Rashi

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 10.


    Elul 11

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 11.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 11.

       R. Yosef Karo finished his Beit Yosef on the Tur, 4302 [1542] in Tzfat , having begun in Adrianapole, Turkey in 4282 [1522].


    Elul 12

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 12.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 12.

       Birthday of the Ramban, R. Moshe b. Nachman, 4954 [1194], Gerona, Spain.


    Elul 13

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 13.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 13.

       Yahrzeit of R. Yosef Chayim of Baghdad, the "Ben Ish Chai", Sephardic Posek and Kabbalist, author of Ben Ish Chai,

           Od Yosef Chai, Rav Pealim, Ben Yehoyada and Mekabtziel.


    Elul 14

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 14.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 14.


    Elul 15

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 15.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 15.


    Elul 16

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 16.

       Noah opened the ark window and sent out the Dove. Genesis 8:8, Rashi

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 16.


    Elul 17

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 17.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 17.

       Moses' spies give a bad report and the Lord kills them.  Numbers 14:36

       Noah releases the dove. Genesis 8:5, 8 Rashi

       Roman garrison in Yerushalayim destroyed by Jewish insurgents, once a holiday. Megillat Taanit 6


    Elul 18

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 18.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 18.

       Amalekites defeated the Jews. Numbers 14:45

       Yahrzeit of R. Yehudah Loew b. Betzalel, the Maharal of Prague.


    Elul 19

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 19.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 19.

       Anti-Jewish riot in London at the coronation of Richard I.


    Elul 20

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 20.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 20.

       The appointed time for the family of Adin (tribe of Judah) to bring firewood to the Temple. Nehemiah 10:34, Taanit 26a


    Elul 21

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 21.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 21.


    Elul 22

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 22.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 22.


    Elul 23

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 23.

       Noah kept the dove 6 days before dispatching it the next morning. Genesis 8:5, Rashi

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 23.

       Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the world trade center.


    Elul 24

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 25.

       Noah's dove brings back an olive branch.  Rashi on Genesis 8:11

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 24.

       David marries Bathsheba. Shalshelet ha-Kabbalah, Soncino Zohar, Bereshit, Section 1, Page 8b

       Preparations made to work on Ezra's temple begins.  Haggai 1:14-15  

       Yahrzeit of R. Yisroel Meir Kagan of Radin, author of Chafetz Chayim, Mishnah Berurah and Shmirat HaLashon, 5693



    Elul 25

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 26.

       The world was created on this day, according to the Rabbis. “Let there be light”.

        First generation – Adam. Shaar ha-Kollel

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 25.

       The Jerusalem wall was finished, in 52 days, by Nehemiah.  Nehemiah 6:15  

       Yahrzeit of R. Elazar son of R. Shimon bar Yochai, 3862 [102].


    Elul 26

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 27.

       Second generation – Seth. Shaar ha-Kollel

       God separates the waters above from the waters below. Genesis 1:6

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 26.

       Massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at Munich Olympics: September 5, 1972 (Elul 26, 5732)


    Elul 27

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 28.

       God creates dry land and plants. Genesis 1:9-12

       Third generation – Enosh. Shaar ha-Kollel

       Baker and Cup Bearer have dreams that Joseph interprets. Genesis 40:9-13, Meam Loez 3A pg.342.

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 27.  Exodus 34:1


     Elul 28

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 29.

       Fourth generation – Kenan. Shaar ha-Kollel

       God creates the sun, moon, and stars. Genesis 1:14-16

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 28.  Exodus 34:1


     Elul 29

       Period of teshuva / repentance day 30.

       God creates animals. Genesis 1:20

       Fifth generation – Mahalalel. Shaar ha-Kollel

       Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 29. Elul must have

          had 30 days that year. Exodus 34:1


Tishri (Ethanim)       Always has 30 days.   Mazal is Moznaim (Scales).   Tribe is Dan.

     Tishri 1    Moon is in Bethulah.

        New Moon.  Numbers 10:8-10

        Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashanah). Leviticus 23:24 

        Beginning of the Sabbatical year.  Exodus 23:11

        The month of the strong - 1 Kings 8:2

        The new year for  Kings begins. Mishna: Seder Moed: Tractate Hashanah: 1:1

        The Awesome Days / Yamim Noraim, day 1.

        Period of teshuva / repentance day 30.

        Sixth generation – Jared. Shaar ha-Kollel

        Adam and Eve are created, it is the sixth day of creation. Sanhedrin 38b

        Cain and Abel and three twin sisters are born. Bereshit Rabbah 22

        Noah's birthday. 1st day of the 1st month, 1056 AM (ATB, pg.307[9]).  Genesis 8:13,  Seder Olam; Radak 

        Noah has dry land. Noah removes the cover of the ark and dispatches the dove – 3rd time.  Genesis 8:5, 8:13 Rashi 

        HaSatan stands before HaShem to accuse Job.  Job 1:6, Targum Jerus

        Avraham and Jacob were born. Rosh HaShana 10b

        Sarah conceives Isaac. Yevamot 64b

        The binding of Isaac (I Tishrei, 2086; September 26, 1676 B.C.E.). Meam Loez on Genesis 22:4

        Yahrzeit of Sarah Emeinu.

        Rebecca and Leah are remembered. Tanchuma, Vayera

        Isaac blesses Jacob after game meal. Shulchan Aruch [O.C. 583], Zohar Emor 99b

        Rachel conceives Joseph. (Rosh Hashanah 10b) Yevamot 64

        Pharaoh's cup bearer and baker have dreams related to their judgement carried out today. Oznaim L'Torah, Rosh Hashanah 10a

        Joseph was released from prison. Tishri 1, 2230 (Sept. 24, 1532 BCE. Rosh Hashanah 10b-11a

        Pharaoh freed the Israelites from Slavery. Rosh Hashanah 11a

        Egypt afflicted with the Plague of wild beasts for seven days (Plague number 4). Exodus 8:24  Zichron Yemot Olam

        Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 31.  Exodus 34:1

        Hannah conceives Samuel. Yevamot 64  1 Samuel 1:2-10

        Nabal refuses to feed David's men. Abigail did feed them. 1 Samuel 25:1-35

        David is forgiven after sinning with Bathsheba.  Shabbat 56a

        Elisha prophesied the birth of a son to the Shunamite (Jonah the Prophet). 2 Kings 4:16, Zohar, Be-Shallah

        Daniel 7:9-14 took place on this day. (seated for judgement) Joseph Good

        Daniel sees a vision of judgement.  Daniel 7:9-10

        Zerubbabel brought the first offering on the new altar in Jerusalem in 538 BCE, Nehemiah 8:2

        Daily sacrifice restored by Zerubbabel.   Zevachim 62a

        Ezra begins to reads the law to the people in 444 BCE.  Nehemiah 8:2

        Burnt offerings begin before Ezra's foundation.  Ezra 3:6

        Herod slays the children trying to kill Yeshua.  Matthew 2:13-23 (see the haftorah for the second day.)

        John the Baptist wants to know if Yeshua is the "expected" One, after raising widow's son.  Luke 7:11-35

        Judgement of the righteous  Revelation 20:4-6

        The resurrection of the righteous.  1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, I Corinthians 15:51-57

        Remembrance of the fathers  Revelation 21:12-14

        Revelation 4:1-4 took place on this day (seated for judgement) Joseph Good

        Coronation of the King  Revelation 11:15-18

        "The day of the Lord" begins on this day.  Zephaniah 1:14,16

        The revelation of Yeshua took place on this day.  Revelation 1:9-11

        Torah section for the first day is Genesis 21:1-34, Numbers 29:1-6. Haftorah is 1 Samuel 1:1 - 2:10.

        Torah section for the second day is Genesis 22:1-24, Numbers 29:1-6. Haftorah is Jeremiah 31:1-19.


    Tishri 2

        Period of teshuva / repentance day 31.

        The Awesome Days / Yamim Noraim, day 2.

        God blesses the seventh day and sanctifies it because He rested from all the work of creating. Genesis 2:3, Sanhedrin 38b

        Seventh generation – Enoch. Shaar ha-Kollel

        Egypt afflicted with the Plague of wild beasts for seven days (Plague number 4). Exodus 8:24  Zichron Yemot Olam

        Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 32.  Exodus 34:1

        The letters engraved on law tablets were created at dusk on the eve of the first Sabbath. Pirke De-Rabbi Eliezer 19

        Ezra celebrates the second day of Yom Teruah by reading the law again. Nehemiah 8:13    


    Tishri 3

        Period of teshuva / repentance day 32.

        The Awesome Days / Yamim Noraim, day 3.

        Eighth generation – Methuselah. Shaar ha-Kollel

        Egypt afflicted with the Plague of wild beasts for seven days (Plague number 4). Exodus 8:24  Zichron Yemot Olam

        Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 33.  Exodus 34:1

        Achashverosh’s party of 180 days, ends. Esther 1:4, HaMeor SheBiMegila (Yeshua Gedolah).                                                                                                              

        King Gedalia is killed by Yishmael ben Nethaniah (on Tishri 1, but observed on the third.).

II Kings 25:22-26, Jeremiah 41:1-10, Taanit chapter 7, RH 18b  

        This is the ‘fast day’, of the seventh month, spoken of in Zechariah 8:19.

        Fast of Gedalia.  2 Kings 25:25


    Tishri 4

        Period of teshuva / repentance day 33.

        The Awesome Days / Yamim Noraim, day 4.

        Ninth generation – Lamech. Shaar ha-Kollel

        Egypt afflicted with the Plague of wild beasts for seven days (Plague number 4). Exodus 8:24  Zichron Yemot Olam

        Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 34.  Exodus 34:1


    Tishri 5

        Period of teshuva / repentance day 34.

        The Awesome Days / Yamim Noraim, day 5.

        Tenth generation – Noah. Shaar ha-Kollel

        Naftali's birthday and yahrzeit in 2198am. Midrash Tadshe

        Egypt afflicted with the Plague of wild beasts for seven days (Plague number 4). Exodus 8:24  Zichron Yemot Olam

        Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 35.  Exodus 34:1


    Tishri 6

        Period of teshuva / repentance day 35.

        The Awesome Days / Yamim Noraim, day 6.

        Eleventh generation – Kenan. Shaar ha-Kollel

        Egypt afflicted with the Plague of wild beasts for seven days (Plague number 4). Exodus 8:24  Zichron Yemot Olam

        Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 36.  Exodus 34:1

        Achashverosh’s one hundred-eighty-day feast commenced. Derash le-Purim


    Tishri 7

        Period of teshuva / repentance day 37.

        The Awesome Days / Yamim Noraim, day 7.

        Twelfth generation – Arpachashad. Shaar ha-Kollel

        Zebulon's birthday in 2200am. Midrash Tadshei

        Birthday of Dinah, Zebulon’s twin. Book of Jubilees

        Egypt afflicted with the Plague of wild beasts for seven days (Plague number 4). Exodus 8:24  Zichron Yemot Olam

        Death of the worshippers of the golden calf. Megillat Taanit; Kol Bo 

        Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 37.  Exodus 34:1


    Tishri 8

        Period of teshuva / repentance day 37.

        The Awesome Days / Yamim Noraim, day 8.

        Thirteenth generation – Shelach. Shaar ha-Kollel

        Abraham’s birthday. Rosh Hashanah 10b

        Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 38.  Exodus 34:1

        Commencement of the seven day feast of dedication of Solomon’s Temple. 2 Chronicles 7:10, Rashi 

        Ptolemy forced 70 sages to translate the Tanach into Greek – the Septuagint.


    Tishri 9

        Period of teshuva / repentance day 38.

        The Awesome Days / Yamim Noraim, day 9.

        Fourteenth generation – Eber. Shaar ha-Kollel

        Moses goes up Mount Sinai, the third time, to get the second set of stone tablets to spend forty days - day 39.  Exodus 34:1

        Moses gathers the people to discuss Sabbath and the construction of the Mishkan Exodus 35:1

        Yeshua is baptized by John the Baptist. Luke 3:21-23


    Tishri 10

        Yom HaKippurim     

        Period of teshuva / repentance day 40.

        The Awesome Days / Yamim Noraim, day 10.

        Fifteenth generation – Peleg. Shaar ha-Kollel

        Avraham and his household were circumcised. Genesis 17:26-27, Meam Loez, vol II, pg 158.

        Abraham places Isaac on the altar on Mt. Moriah, at Mincha time. Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer; Akedat Yitzhak, Asarah Maamarot 3

        Rebecca’s birthday. Bereshit Rabbah 57; Seder ha-Dorot 2088

        Death of Jacob’s wife, Bilha. Tanchuma, Ki Tisa 10

        Joseph is sold by his brothers. Jubilees 34:15

        The confrontation between Jacob and Esau occurred at the hour of Neilah, of Yom Kippur. Zohar Vayikra, Parshat Emor

        Jacob learns of Joseph’s death.  “Legends of the Bible”, Ginzberg , Book of Jubilees

        God is reconciled to the Israelites after the golden calf.  Deuteronomy 9:18 + Exodus 34

        Moses returns from his 3rd, trip up Mount Sinai with 2nd tablets (Yom sheni). (30 day from Elul 1, 2449).

Seder Olam Rabbah 6; Tishrei 10:8

        High priest atones for the sins of the people.  Leviticus 16:1-34

        Nabal dies after refusing to feed David's men. 1 Samuel 25:36-39

        Consecration festivities of Solomon’s Temple continue. Moed Katan 9a

        Zechariah b. Jehoiada, High Priest and Prophet, was killed in the Temple. 2 Chronicles 24:21, Eikhah Rabbah 4:14

        Ninevites repent and fast after Jonah preaches.  Jonah 3:1-10

        Chananyah, Mishael, and Azariah are given power, thrown into the furnace. Dan. 2:46-49 Rashi, Midrash Yalkut Dan. 1060.2

        Ezekiel measures the future Temple, in 573 BCE.  Ezekiel 40:1-5

        Ezekiel prophesied regarding the dry bones.  Daniel 3, Midrash Yalkut, Sanhedrin 92b

        Achashverosh’s party of 180 days, ends. Esther 1:4, HaMeor SheBiMegila (Yeshua Gedolah).

        People, returning from Babylon, fast.  Zechariah 7:3              

        Israel is commanded to "deny themselves" (five kinds of fasting.)  Leviticus 23:27

        The shofar is sounded everywhere to announce the beginning of the Jubilee year.  Leviticus 25:8-13

        Pharisees question John the Baptist on why he is baptizing.  John 1:24-28        

        Yom Kippur War (6-24):   On October 6, 1973 (Tishri 10, 5734

        Torah section is Leviticus 16:1-34, Numbers 29:7-11. Haftorah is Isaiah 57:14 - 58:14.

        Torah section is Leviticus 18:1-30. Haftorah is The book of Jonah; Micah 7:18-20.


     Tishri 11

        Sixteenth generation – Reu. Shaar ha-Kollel

        Work on the Tent of Meeting is begun.  First judicial session is held. Seder Olam 6, Midrash cited by Rashi on Exodus 35:1

        Moshe judged the people and Yitro advised him to get some help. Mechilta (from Ramban’s Torah comments to Ex.17:14)

        Moses appeals for contributions of material and metal for the Tabernacle. Exodus 31:18, Rashi

        Work on our succah begins.  Traditional

        John the Baptist first says, "Behold the Lamb of God".  John 1:29-34


     Tishri 12

        Seventeenth generation – Serug. Shaar ha-Kollel

        HaShem visits Avraham following his circumcision. Genesis 17:26-27, Meam Loez, vol II, pg 158.

        Israelites continue to bring materials for the Tabernacle. Exodus 35:21, Exodus Rabbah 5

        John the Baptist says, a second time, "Behold the Lamb of God".  John 1:35-42

        Yeshua has Andrew and Peter start following Him.  John 1:35-42


     Tishri 13

        Eighteenth generation – Nachor. Shaar ha-Kollel

        Avraham was unable to find ten righteous people in whose merit Sodom could be saved, Sodom, Amora, Admah, and Tzvoyim

              were totally destroyed by HaShem. Genesis 18:20ff

        Israelites continue to bring materials for the Tabernacle. Exodus 35:21, Exodus Rabbah 5

        Yeshua calls Phillip and Nathaniel. Yeshua sees Nathaniel under the fig tree. John 1:43-51     


     Tishri 14

        The artisans collected, assorted and organized Mishkan contributions. Gaon of Vilna

        Dedication ceremony of Solomon’s Temple was completed. 2 Chronicles 7:9


     Tishri 15

        Hag HaSuccoth , Sabbath, First day. (15th to 22nd).Leviticus 23:34   

        Hag HaAsif (Feast of IngatheringExodus 23:16

        Nineteenth generation – Terach. Shaar ha-Kollel

        A burnt offering of thirteen young bulls, two rams and fourteen male lambs a year old, all without defect.  Numbers 29:13

        Eliezer, Abraham’s servant, left to find Isaac a wife. ZYO

        Jacob’s ladder vision and the pouring of wine, water, and oil on pillar of stone. Targum Pseudo Yonatan to Genesis 35:14

        Death of Jacob.  Seder ha-Dorot 2255

        Esau is killed and buried. Sotah 13a      

        All males to appear before the Lord in Jerusalem.  Deuteronomy 16:16

        Read the Law on Succoth in Sabbatical year. Deuteronomy 31:9-13

        Construction of the Tabernacle is begun. The clouds of glory reappear.  Rabbi Moshe Shapiro / Rabbi Shlomo Riskin

        Ritual of the libation is performed. day 1. Sukkah 42b

        Joshua read the Law for the people.  Joshua 8:34-35

        The ark of the covenant is brought into the holy of Holies. II Chronicles 5:2-3

        Solomon dedicates temple II Chronicles 5:3 - 7:9, 1 Kings 8:65

        Heavenly Temple is filled with the glory of God. See II Chr.5. Revelation 15:8

        Jonah builds a shelter and God grows a plant to protect him.  Jonah 4:5-6

        Ezra Read the Law for the people. Nehemiah 8:1-18

        Yeshua is born.  Luke 1:26

        Peter identifies Yeshua as "the Messiah of God".  Luke 9:18-28

        No rain, during millennium, for non-observance. Ezekiel 14:16-17, Zechariah 14:16-19

        Torah section is Leviticus 22:26 - 23:34; Numbers 29:12-16. Haftorah is Zechariah 14:1-21.


     Tishri 16

        Hag HaSuccoth Second day. Leviticus 23:34   

        Torah section is Leviticus 22:26 - 23:34; Numbers 29:17-19. Haftorah is 1 Kings 8:2-21.

        Twentieth generation – Abraham. Shaar ha-Kollel

        A burnt offering of twelve young bulls, two rams and fourteen male lambs a year old, all without defect.  Numbers 29:17

        Cyrus, King of Persia, captured Babylon in 539 BCE

        Ritual of the libation is performed. day 2. Sukkah 42b


     Tishri 17

        Hag HaSuccoth Third day. Leviticus 23:34   

        Torah section is Numbers 29:20-22. There is no Haftorah.

        Noah’s ark came to a rest on Mt. Ararat on the 17th day of the seventh month of the flood.   Genesis 8:4  Genesis 8:4, Rashi

       Twenty-first generation – Isaac. Shaar ha-Kollel

        A burnt offering of eleven young bulls, two rams and fourteen male lambs a year old, all without defect.  Numbers 29:20

        Ritual of the libation is performed. day 3. Sukkah 42b

        Yeshua goes to a wedding feast, on the "third day", at Cana and turns 6 jars of water into wine.  John 2:1-11


     Tishri 18

        Hag HaSuccoth Fourth day. Leviticus 23:34   

        Torah section is Numbers 29:23-25. There is no Haftorah.

        Twenty-second generation – Jacob. Shaar ha-Kollel

        A burnt offering of ten young bulls, two rams and fourteen male lambs a year old, all without defect.  Numbers 29:23

        Ritual of the libation is performed. day 4. Sukkah 42b


     Tishri 19

        Hag HaSuccoth Fifth day. Leviticus 23:34   

        Torah section is Numbers 29:26-28. There is no Haftorah.

        Twenty-third generation – Levi. Shaar ha-Kollel

        A burnt offering of nine young bulls, two rams and fourteen male lambs a year old, all without defect.  Numbers 29:26

        Ritual of the libation is performed. day 5. Sukkah 42b

        Yahrzeit of Rabbi Eliyahu Kramer (1720-1797), known as the 'Vilna Gaon" ("the genius from Vilna").


     Tishri 20

        Hag HaSuccoth Sixth day. Leviticus 23:34   

        Torah section is Numbers 29:29-31. There is no Haftorah.

        Twenty-fourth generation – Kohat. Shaar ha-Kollel

        A burnt offering of eight young bulls, two rams and fourteen male lambs a year old, all without defect.  Numbers 29:29

        Ritual of the libation is performed. day 6. Sukkah 42b


     Tishri 21

        Hag HaSuccoth Seventh day. Leviticus 23:34   

        Hoshana Rabbah - the Great Rejoicing. The last and greatest  day of the feast.  Numbers 25:1, Gateway to Judaism Pg.342

        Twenty-fifth generation – Amram. Shaar ha-Kollel

        A burnt offering of seven young bulls, two rams and fourteen male lambs a year old, all without defect.  Numbers 29:32

        Ritual of the libation is performed. day 7. Sukkah 42b

        King Solomon finishes the dedication ceremonies of the Temple. 1 Kings 8:66

        Zerubbabel is strengthened and told that a future temple would be greater than Solomon's temple.  Haggai 2:1-9

        Yeshua invites the thirsty to drink living water.  John 7:1-39

        Yeshua is the light of the world.  John 8:12

        Following the Nuremberg trials, 10 Nazi war criminals were hanged.

        America launches war against Afghanistan terror in the eighth year of the shmita cycle of 5761.

        Torah section is Numbers 29:32-34. There is no Haftorah.


     Tishri 22

        Shemini Atzeret  / Simchat Torah, The Eighth day, Sabbath, solemn assembly. Leviticus 23:34, Numbers 29:33   

        Twenty-sixth generation – Moses. Shaar ha-Kollel

        Solomon dismisses the people at the end of the Temple dedication ceremony 1 Kings 8:66

        Yeshua is circumcised.   Luke 2:21

        We begin praying for rain.  Taanit 2a

        Yeshua begins His ministry. (Yeshua is 30 years old - Luke 3:23).  Luke 3:23   

        Yeshua is transfigured before Peter, John, and James. Peter wants to build 3 Succoth.  Luke 9:28-36

        America launches war against Afghanistan terror in the eighth year of the shmita cycle of 5761.

        On October 7, 2023 (5784), the terrorist group Hamas attacked Israel during the Jewish holidays of Shemini Atzeret and

          Simchat Torah. The attack resulted in thousands of casualties and hundreds of kidnapped civilians. 

        Torah section is Deuteronomy 14:22-16:17, Numbers 29:35-30:1. Haftorah is 1 Kings 8:54-66.


     Tishri 23

        Rebecca’s nurse, Deborah, dies. Book of Jubilees

        Moses waged war on Og. Tanchuma, Hukkat 24

        Solomon sends the people home, with joyful and glad hearts.  II Chronicles 7:10

        Yeshua rebukes a demon in a boy and heals him.  Luke 9:37-45

        Adulteress brought to Yeshua. He says, "let him who is without sin cast the first stone". John 7:27 - 8:11

        Yeshua spends the night on the Mount of Olives.  John 7:37-53

        The disciples debate "who will be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven."  Luke 9:44-48

        Torah section is Deuteronomy 33:1 - 34:26, Genesis 1:1 - 2:3, Numbers 29:35 - 30:1. Haftorah is Joshua 1:1-18.


     Tishri 24

        The Ezra's people fast, in sackcloth and ashes, read the law, and rededicate themselves to God.  Neh. 9:1 - 10:39

        The Jews under Nechemia cried out to Hashem and made a new covenant with Him. Yoma 69b 

        HaShem gave the evil inclination of idolatry into their hands, and it came flaming out of the Holy of Holies. Yoma 69b 


     Tishri 25


     Tishri 26

       A cease-fire resolution was passed by the U.N. Security Council to halt the Yom Kippur War. 


     Tishri 27

       The Anshe Knesset HaGedolah weakened the yetzer hara of arayot after three days of prayer, in 344 B.C.E. Yoma 69


     Tishri 28

       The Romans removed the last Nasi, Rabban Gamliel (the fourth), from office, destroying the last vestiges of Jewish

          self-government after the churban.


     Tishri 29

       Yahrzeit of the Tanna Shimon HaTzaddik, the last of the Anshe Knesset HaGedolah.

       October 25, 1973 Yom Kippur war ends.


     Tishri 30  Rosh Chodesh first day.

       Israeli forces reached the city of Suez on October 26, 1973  (Tishri 30, 5734), and trapped the Egyptian 3rd army on

          the eastern side of the Suez.


Cheshvan (Bul - "rain") Either has 29 or 30 days. Mazal is Aqurav (Scorpion).            Tribe is Naftali.

     Cheshvan 1

        New Moon.  Numbers 10:8-10

        Solomon finishes the temple.  I Kings 6:38  

        Egypt afflicted with the Cattle plague for seven days  (Plague number 4). Exodus 9:3    Zichron Yemot Olam

        The former rains begin falling in this month. Taanit 5a


     Cheshvan 2

        Egypt afflicted with the Cattle plague for seven days  (Plague number 4). Exodus 9:3    Zichron Yemot Olam


     Cheshvan 3

        Egypt afflicted with the Cattle plague for seven days  (Plague number 4). Exodus 9:3    Zichron Yemot Olam

        Cyrus, king of Persia, formally occupies Babylon in 539 BCE. Legacy newsletter


     Cheshvan 4

        Egypt afflicted with the Cattle plague for seven days  (Plague number 4). Exodus 9:3    Zichron Yemot Olam


     Cheshvan 5

        Egypt afflicted with the Cattle plague for seven days  (Plague number 4). Exodus 9:3    Zichron Yemot Olam


     Cheshvan 6

        Egypt afflicted with the Cattle plague for seven days  (Plague number 4). Exodus 9:3    Zichron Yemot Olam

        Zedekiah is blinded and the people are slaughtered by the Babylonians.  Megillat Taanit 13


     Cheshvan 7

        Egypt afflicted with the Cattle plague for seven days  (Plague number 4). Exodus 9:3    Zichron Yemot Olam

        Those living in Israel begin requesting rain by adding "Veten Tal U'Matar" to their Shmone Esrei prayers. Taanit 10a


     Cheshvan 8


     Cheshvan 9


     Cheshvan 10

        Noah, his wife, three sons, and their wives enter the ark to mourn for Methuselah. Day 1  Genesis 7:4-9 1, Ibn Ezra

        Birth of Gad in 2198am. Midrash Tadshei


     Cheshvan 11

        Methuselah died. Yalkut Shimoni 56, Sanhedrin 108b

        Noah, his wife, three sons, are in the ark mourning for Methuselah. Day 2  Genesis 7:4-9 1

        Benyamin is born in 2208am. Midrash Tadshei

        Benyamin dies on his birthday. Midrash Tadshei

        Rachel dies in childbirth. Rachel is 36 years old. Midrash Tadshei


     Cheshvan 12

        Noah, his wife, three sons, are in the ark mourning for Methuselah. Day 3  Genesis 7:4-9 1


     Cheshvan 13

        Noah, his wife, three sons, are in the ark mourning for Methuselah. Day 4  Genesis 7:4-9 1


     Cheshvan 14

        Noah, his wife, three sons, are in the ark mourning for Methuselah. Day 5  Genesis 7:4-9 1


     Cheshvan 15

        Noah, his wife, three sons, are in the ark mourning for Methuselah. Day 6  Genesis 7:4-9 1

        Jeroboam establishes a new feast of idolatry to cause Jews to sin. I Kings 12:32

        Matityahu ben Yochanan, of Maccabean fame, died. Megillat Taanit 8

        Kristallnacht: Night of the Broken Glass.


     Cheshvan 16

        Noah, his wife, three sons, are in the ark mourning for Methuselah. Day 7  Genesis 7:4-9 1


     Cheshvan 17

        The flood began on the 17th day of the second month, 1656 AM.   Genesis 7:11  [10]

        King Solomon completed the building of the First Temple (it was not inaugurated until the following Tishri however).

        If no rain has fallen by the 17th (in Israel), a drought is feared and ritual fasting and special prayer begins.

        Balfour Declaration British Gov’t Agree to Jewish Homeland Issued in 1917 (5678).


     Cheshvan 18

        Day 2 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4


     Cheshvan 19

        Day 3 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Operation Moshe airlifts 7,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel:  November 1984 (Cheshvan 19, 5745)


     Cheshvan 20

        Day 4 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4


     Cheshvan 21

        Day 5 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4


     Cheshvan 22

        Day 6 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4


     Cheshvan 23

        Day 7 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Pollution of the Temple during the Maccabean struggle.  1 Maccabaeus 4:46

        The defiled stones on the altar were removed by the Maccabeans. Megillat Taanit 8


     Cheshvan 24

        Day 8 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4


     Cheshvan 25 (approximate - fourth Sabbath of Cheshvan)

        Day 9 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Mary's days of purification, after the birth of Yeshua, are complete.  Leviticus 12:2-4

        Yeshua is consecrated. (Yeshua is a month old).  Luke 2:22-24

        Simeon sees the salvation of God, and prophesied regarding Yeshua.  Luke 2:25-35

        Anna gives thanks and speaks about Yeshua.  Luke 2:36-38

        Yeshua reads Haftorah of Isaiah 61:1-2. (Yeshua is 31 years old - Luke 4:14-16).

        Torah section, in the triennial cycle, is year 1: Genesis 39:1 - 40:22. Haftorah is Isaiah 52:3-9, Psalm 32

        Torah section, in the triennial cycle, is year 2: Leviticus 16:1-34. Haftorah is Ezekiel 44:1, Psalm 80

        Torah section, in the triennial cycle, is year 3: Deuteronomy 15:7 - 16:17. Haftorah is Isaiah 61:1-2, Psalm 131


     Cheshvan 26

        Day 10 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4


     Cheshvan 27

        Day 11 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Noah's Earth is dried out (365 days after the rain began). Noah leaves the ark and receives the rainbow covenant.  Genesis 8:14 


     Cheshvan 28

        Day 12 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4


     Cheshvan 29

        Day 13 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4


Kislev Either has 29 or 30 days.       Mazal is Keshet (Bow).           Tribe is Gad.

     Kislev 1

        New Moon.  Numbers 10:8-10

        Day 14 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Egypt was smitten with the plague of boils for seven days. Exodus 9:9  (ZYO)

        Yeshua ends His 40 day fast. (Yeshua is 30 years old - Luke 3:23 - 4:1).  Luke 4:1-2

        First day of winter in Israel. Rabbi Yehuda, Bava Metzia 106b


     Kislev 2

        Day 15 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Egypt was smitten with the plague of boils for seven days. Exodus 9:9  (ZYO)


     Kislev 3

        Day 16 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Egypt was smitten with the plague of boils for seven days. Exodus 9:9  (ZYO)

        Babylonian captivity begins.  Gateway to Judaism, Pg.343


     Kislev 4

        Day 17 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Egypt was smitten with the plague of boils for seven days. Exodus 9:9  (ZYO)

        A delegation of Babylonian Jews ask whether the fast of Tish B’Ab should be eliminated.  Zechariah 7:1

        The word of the Lord comes to Zechariah concerning fasting.  Zechariah 7:1


     Kislev 5

        Day 18 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Egypt was smitten with the plague of boils for seven days. Exodus 9:9  (ZYO)


     Kislev 6

        Day 19 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Egypt was smitten with the plague of boils for seven days. Exodus 9:9  (ZYO)


     Kislev 7

        Day 20 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Egypt was smitten with the plague of boils for seven days. Exodus 9:9  (ZYO)

        Herod the Great dies in 4 BCE. Taanit 9.

        Yehoiakim burned the scroll dictated by Jeremiah. Jeremiah 36:23 Taanit, concluding chapter.      


     Kislev 8

        Day 21 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4


     Kislev 9

        Day 22 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4


     Kislev 10

        Day 23 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4


     Kislev 11

        Day 24 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4


     Kislev 12

        Day 25 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4


     Kislev 13

        Day 26 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Ezra and the Israelites arrive in Jerusalem, from Babylon. They left on the 12th day of Nisan.  Ezra 8:31-32

        Ezra and the Israelites rest after their trip returning from Babylon. Day 1   Ezra 8:32


     Kislev 14

       Day 27 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

       Reuben was born in 2193am. He lived for 125 years. Midrash Tadshe

       Ezra and the Israelites rest after their trip returning from Babylon. Day 2   Ezra 8:32


     Kislev 15

        Day 28 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        A pagan altar was set up in the Beit HaMikdash, 167 B.C.E.

       Ezra and the Israelites rest after their trip returning from Babylon. Day 3   Ezra 8:32


     Kislev 16

        Day 29 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Ezra performs an audit on HaShem's freewill offering from Babylon.  Ezra 8:33

        Ezra mourns all day because the exiles have married foreign wives.  Ezra 9:1 - 10:6


     Kislev 17

        Day 30 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Unfaithful exiles who married foreign wives, begin gathering in Jerusalem. Day 1  Ezra 10:7-9


     Kislev 18

        Day 31 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Unfaithful exiles who married foreign wives, begin gathering in Jerusalem. Day 2  Ezra 10:7-9


     Kislev 19

        Day 32 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Unfaithful exiles who married foreign wives, begin gathering in Jerusalem. Day 3  Ezra 10:7-9


     Kislev 20

        Day 33 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        The unfaithful exiles, who married foreign wives, gather after three days at Ezra's command. Ezra 10:9

        Ezra’s address to the people to keep the Torah. Ezra 9:5-15


     Kislev 21

        Day 34 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

       Yahrzeit of Shimon ben Yaakov, Prince of the Tribe (1568-1448 BCE, died in Egypt).


     Kislev 22

        Day 35 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4


     Kislev 23

        Day 36 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4


     Kislev 24

        Day 37 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        The second Temple's foundation was laid today. HaShem promises to bless the crops from this day on.  Haggai 2:18-19

        The word of the Lord comes to Haggai predicting the restoration of Israel. Haggai 2:10

        Zerubbabel is to become the Lord's signet ring to overthrow nations. Haggai 2:22-23               


     Kislev 25    Moon is in Bethulah.

        Death of  Abel - Bereshit Rabbah (chap. 22)  (might have been Sivan 6)

        70 days of mourning for Jacob is complete. Genesis 50:3

         The construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) is complete. Seder Olam 7, Numbers Rabbah 13

        Antiochus Epiphanes offers a pig to Zeus on the altar of Temple in 168 BCE.

        Chanukah (Feast of Dedication / Light) First day. (25th - Tevet 3). 

        Day 38 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Issachar is conceived.  Bne Issachar (His birth is on Shavuot) this connects these two feasts.

        Joseph flees from Potiphar’s wife.  Emunas Eatechah – R. Moses Wolfson

        Seventy days of mourning for Jacob are complete.

        Mary gets pregnant with Yeshua.  Luke 1:26

        Mary visits Elizabeth.  Luke 1:36-40

        Yeshua gives sight to the blind.  John chapters 8-10

        Yeshua is the light of the world.  John 8:12

        Yeshua celebrates while Pharisees try to kill Him.  John 10:22-33     

        Maccabees light the Ner Tamid.

        Torah section is Numbers 7:1-17. There is no Haftorah .


     Kislev 26

        Chanukah Second day.  

        Day 39 of God's rain in Noah's day.  Genesis 7:4

        Torah section is Numbers 7:18-23. There is no Haftorah .

        General Edmund Allenby enters Jerusalem after the battle of Jerusalem in 1917.


     Kislev 27

        Chanukah Third day.  

        Day 40 of God's rain in Noah's day.   Genesis 7:11-12[11]    

        Torah section is Numbers 7:24-29. There is no Haftorah.

        Both the Pfizer as well as the Moderna vaccine miracles received approval during the holiday of Hanukkah, in 5781.


     Kislev 28

        Chanukah Fourth day.

        The rain ends in Noah's day. Rashi   Genesis 7:11-12      

        Torah section is Numbers 7:30-35. There is no Haftorah .


     Kislev 29

        Chanukah Fifth day.  

        Torrent begins water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 1 of 150. Ends on Iyar 29. Genesis 7:24

        Torah section is Numbers 7:36-41. There is no Haftorah .


      Kislev 30

        Chanukah Sixth day.  

         Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 2. Genesis 7:24

        Torah section is Numbers 7:42-47. There is no Haftorah .


Tevet  Always has 29 days.   Mazal is Gedi (Goat). Tribe is Asher.

      Tevet 1

        New Moon.  Numbers 10:8-10

        Chanukah Seventh day.  

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 3. Genesis 7:24

        Plague of hail and fire falls on Egypt for seven days. Exodus 9:24, ZYO

        Nebuchadnezzar sends King Jehoiachin and 10,000 Jews into captivity in 597 BCE. 2 Kings 24:11-14; ZYO

        Ezra and the people begin to investigate foreign wives.  Ezra 10:16          

        The appointed time for the family of Parosh (tribe of Judah), a second time, to bring firewood for the Temple.

                Nehemiah 10:34, Taanit 26a            

        Esther was taken to the house of Achashverosh, 3400. Esther 2:17

        Torah section is Numbers 7:48-53, Numbers 28:1-15. Haftorah is Isaiah 66:1-24.


      Tevet 2

        Chanukah Eighth day.  

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 4. Genesis 7:24

        Plague of hail and fire falls on Egypt for seven days. Exodus 9:24, ZYO

        Torah section is Numbers 7:54 - 8:4. There is no Haftorah .


      Tevet 3

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 5. Genesis 7:24

        Plague of hail and fire falls on Egypt for seven days. Exodus 9:24, ZYO


      Tevet 4

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 6. Genesis 7:24

        Plague of hail and fire falls on Egypt for seven days. Exodus 9:24, ZYO


      Tevet 5

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 7. Genesis 7:24

        Plague of hail and fire falls on Egypt for seven days. Exodus 9:24, ZYO

        Jerusalem falls to Babylon, in 586 BCE.  Ezekiel 33:21 

        Ezekiel gets his voice back.  Ezekiel 33:22


      Tevet 6

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 8. Genesis 7:24

        Plague of hail and fire falls on Egypt for seven days. Exodus 9:24, ZYO


      Tevet 7

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 9. Genesis 7:24

        Plague of hail and fire falls on Egypt for seven days. Exodus 9:24, ZYO


      Tevet 8

         The day that the Targum Shiv'im, the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Torah), was completed. Orach Chayim 580

         Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 10. Genesis 7:24


      Tevet 9

         Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 11. Genesis 7:24

         Ezra dies.  Selichot of Asarah be-Tevet, Ezkerah Mazok

         December 30, 2006 Saddam Hussein is executed.


     Tevet 10

        Fast of the tenth of Tevet. Zechariah 8:19, Rosh Hashanah 18b

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 12. Genesis 7:24

        Sale of Yosef by his brothers, according to some opinions.

        God tells Ezekiel to record this day for the siege of Jerusalem.  Ezekiel 24:1

        Babylon lays siege to Jerusalem, in 586 BCE.  Ezekiel 24:1, 2 Kings 25 

        Jeremiah purchased a field and prophesied, in 587 BCE. Jeremiah 32:9-15; Zikhron Yemot Olam

        Zechariah dies. DDD

        Malachi dies. DDD

        The day that the Targum Shiv'im, the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Torah), is observed. (See Tevet 8)

        Herod captured Yerushalayim, [37 BCE] Megillat Taanit.


     Tevet 11

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 13. Genesis 7:24

         11 Tevet 5428 – 1667 - Expulsion of Jews from Austria.

         11 Tevet 5251 – 1491 - 100,000 Jews of Sicily, Italy were expelled.


     Tevet 12

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 14. Genesis 7:24

        Ezekiel gets the Lord's word regarding the humbling of Egypt, in 587 BCE.  Ezekiel 29:1   


     Tevet 13

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 15. Genesis 7:24


     Tevet 14

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 16. Genesis 7:24


     Tevet 15

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 17. Genesis 7:24


     Tevet 16

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 18. Genesis 7:24


     Tevet 17

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 19. Genesis 7:24


     Tevet 18

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 20. Genesis 7:24


     Tevet 19

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 21. Genesis 7:24


     Tevet 20

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 22. Genesis 7:24


     Tevet 21

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 23. Genesis 7:24

        Birthday (2195) and Yahrzeit (2315) of Shimon, son of Yaakov Abinu. Jubilees 28:13,  Midrash Tadshe   


     Tevet 22

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 24. Genesis 7:24


     Tevet 23

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 25. Genesis 7:24

        23 Tevet 5256 – 1496 - Expulsion of the Jews from Portugal, 5257 [1496]. This was 4 years after being expelled from Spain.

        23 Tevet 5465 - January 19, 1705"Purim Sharif" (or Tripoli Purim) was established in Tripoli, Libya, to commemorate  

            deliverance from Ibraham al-Sharif, the cruel dictator who had laid siege to the town, who miraculously and suddenly died.

        23 Tevet 5471 - January 14, 1711 - Alexander I forcibly moved the Jews of Mogilev and Vitebsk to other cities.

        23 Tevet 5701 - January 22, 1941 - Three thousand Jews were deported from Piaseczno, to the Warsaw Ghetto.

        23 Tevet 5709 - January 24, 1949 - France recognized Israel.


     Tevet 24

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 26. Genesis 7:24

        24 Tevet 5597 - January 1, 1837 - A devastating earthquake struck northern Eretz Yisrael, killing at least 2,000 Jews in Tzfat

           and over 700 Jews in Teveria / Tiberias. Many of the survivors migrated to Chevron.

        24 Tevet 5709 - January 25, 1949 - Israel held elections for its first Knesset.

        24 Tevet 5714 - December 30, 1953 - Yahrzeit of HaRav Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler, zt"l, (1892-1953).


     Tevet 25

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 27. Genesis 7:24

        Second Chanukah  (Antiparis) is linked to a holiday of Second Temple days known as "Mount Gerizim Day". Yoma 69a

        25 Tevet 3442 - 320 B.C.E. - A historic meeting occurred between Shimon HaTzaddik and Alexander ('the Great").

        25 Tevet 5319 – 1559 - The first critical edition of Chovot HaLevavot (The Duties of the Heart) was published in Italy.



        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 28. Genesis 7:24


      Tevet 27

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 29. Genesis 7:24

        27 Tevet 5649 - December 31, 1888 - Yahrzeit of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, 1808-1888 (Germany).


      Tevet 28

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 30. Genesis 7:24

        Simeon ben Yaaqob was born in 2194am. Meam Loez, volume 3.

        R. Shimon b. Shetach reorganized the Sanhedrin, eliminating its Sadducean members Megillat Taanit 10

        Yom Har Gerizim.  The Samaritans asked Alexander the Great to destroy the Beit HaMikdash. He agreed. Shimon HaTzadik

          put on his Bigdei Kahuna and went out to greet him. Alexander came down from his chariot and bowed before him, saying

          that he saw a vision of him before every battle. He agreed not to destroy the Beit HaMikdash and allowed the Jews to do to

          the Samaritans as they wished. Yoma 69a 3448 [313 BCE].


      Tevet 29

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 31. Genesis 7:24


Shevat Always has 30 days.   Mazal is Deli (Water bearer). Tribe is Yosef.

     Shevat 1

        New Moon.  Numbers 10:8-10

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 32. Genesis 7:24

        New year for trees according to Bet Shammai. Rosh Hashana 2a

        According to Rabbi Yehudah, on this date the season of kor (extreme cold) begins.

        Egypt is afflicted with the Plague of locusts for seven days. Exodus 10:4  Zichron Yemot Olam

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 1.  Deuteronomy 1:3

        Moses views the promised land. Deuteronomy 3:27-28

        Prophecy of Ezekiel on Tyrus and Egypt.  Ezekiel 26


     Shevat 2

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 33. Genesis 7:24

        Egypt is afflicted with the Plague of locusts for seven days. Exodus 10:4  Zichron Yemot Olam

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 2.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Shevat 3

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 34. Genesis 7:24

        Egypt is afflicted with the Plague of locusts for seven days. Exodus 10:4  Zichron Yemot Olam

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 3.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Shevat 4

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 35. Genesis 7:24

        Egypt is afflicted with the Plague of locusts for seven days. Exodus 10:4  Zichron Yemot Olam

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 4.  Deuteronomy 1:3

        Yahrzeit of Asher ben Yaakov Abinu, Prince of the Tribe.


     Shevat 5

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 36. Genesis 7:24

         Othniel ben Kenaz becomes judge over Israel.  Seder Olam

        Egypt is afflicted with the Plague of locusts for seven days. Exodus 10:4  Zichron Yemot Olam

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 5.  Deuteronomy 1:3

        Barley for the wave offering on Nisan 16 is planted (70 days before Passover).  Menachoth 85a

        The Elders of Israel came to Ezekiel to receive G-d's guidance. Ezekiel 20:1


       Shevat 6

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 37. Genesis 7:24

        Egypt is afflicted with the Plague of locusts for seven days. Exodus 10:4  Zichron Yemot Olam

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 6.  Deuteronomy 1:3


       Shevat 7

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 38. Genesis 7:24

        Egypt is afflicted with the Plague of locusts for seven days. Exodus 10:4  Zichron Yemot Olam

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 7.  Deuteronomy 1:3

        Yahrzeits of Ezra the Scribe and Nechemia ben Hachaliah.

        Severe famine in Jerusalem before the destruction of the First Temple. Jeremiah 32:9


       Shevat 8

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 39. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 8.  Deuteronomy 1:3

        January 14, 2011 President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia resigns, protestors win after immolation on Dec. 17, 2010.


       Shevat 9

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 40. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 9.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Shevat 10

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 41. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 10.  Deuteronomy 1:3

        The king of Babylonia surrounded Jerusalem; Jeremiah bought the field. Jeremiah 32:9


     Shevat 11

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 42. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 11.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Shevat 12

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 43. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 12.  Deuteronomy 1:3

        Ezekiel's prophesy on Pharoah. Ezekiel 29:1


     Shevat 13

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 44. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 13.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Shevat 14

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 45. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 14.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Shevat 15

        New year for trees. Mishna: Seder Moed: Tractate Hashanah: 1:1

        Tithe for trees are calculated.

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 46. Genesis 7:24

        Rachel, wife of Yaakov, became pregnant.       

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 15.  Deuteronomy 1:3

        The fifteenth day of Shevat marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring.


     Shevat 16

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 47. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 16.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Shevat 17

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 48. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 17.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Shevat 18

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 49. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 18.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Shevat 19

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 50. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 19.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Shevat 20

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 51. Genesis 7:24

        Birth and death of Asher ben Yaaqob Abinu. (2198am, 1565bce) Midrash Tadshe

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 20.  Deuteronomy 1:3

        Yahrzeit of Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon the Rambam.


     Shevat 21

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 52. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 21.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Shevat 22

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 53. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 22.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Shevat 23

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 54. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 23.  Deuteronomy 1:3

        The Israelites assemble to wage war on the tribe of Benjamin. Judges 20:1,  Taanit, conclusion

        Idol made by Micha. Judges 17.


     Shevat 24

         Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 55. Genesis 7:24

         Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 24.  Deuteronomy 1:3

         Zechariah has the vision of the red, brown, and white horses. Predicts the restoration of Zion.  Zechariah 1:7-8        


     Shevat 25

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 56. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 25.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Shevat 26

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 57. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 26.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Shevat 27

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 58. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 27.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Shevat 28

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 59. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 28.  Deuteronomy 1:3

        Siege of Jerusalem raised.  Gateway to Judaism, PG.344


     Shevat 29

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 60. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 29.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Shevat 30

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 61. Genesis 7:24

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 30.  Deuteronomy 1:3


Adar   Always has 29 days.   Mazal is Dagim (Fishes).       Tribe is Binyamin.

     Adar 1

        New Moon.  Numbers 10:8-10

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 62. Genesis 7:24

        Egypt afflicted with the Plague of darkness for seven days. Exodus 10:21  Zikhron Yemot Olam.

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 31.  Deuteronomy 1:3

        Ezekiel receives the Lord's word regarding the destruction of Egypt.  Ezekiel 32:1  Radak

        Proclamation regarding the Shekalim and mixed seeds are made. Megillah 13b

        Ibn Ezra died.

        We teach laws of Pesach 30 days before Pesach.


     Adar 2

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 63. Genesis 7:24

        Egypt afflicted with the Plague of darkness for seven days. Exodus 10:21  Zikhron Yemot Olam.

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 32.  Deuteronomy 1:3


     Adar 3

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 64. Genesis 7:24

        Egypt afflicted with the Plague of darkness for seven days. Exodus 10:21  Zikhron Yemot Olam.

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 33.  Deuteronomy 1:3

        Ezra's temple is complete in 516 BCE.  Ezra 6:15 

        Ezra returned to the Land of Israel from Babylonia.

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 1.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)   


     Adar 4

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 65. Genesis 7:24

        Egypt afflicted with the Plague of darkness for seven days. Exodus 10:21  Zikhron Yemot Olam.

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 34.  Deuteronomy 1:3

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 2.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)   


     Adar 5

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 66. Genesis 7:24

        Egypt afflicted with the Plague of darkness for seven days. Exodus 10:21  Zikhron Yemot Olam.

        Moses proclaims the "second law" (Deuteronomy) to the Israelites - day 35.  Deuteronomy 1:3

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 3.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)

        March 11, 2011 Massive 9.0 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear plant explosions in Japan.


     Adar 6

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 67. Genesis 7:24

        Egypt afflicted with the Plague of darkness for seven days. Exodus 10:21  Zikhron Yemot Olam.

        Moses completed his review of the Torah, which began 36 days earlier on Shevat 1 (Seder Olam 8).

        Israelites enter again into a covenant with HaShem before Moses dies. Deuteronomy 29:1ff,  Seder Olam

        Moses was informed that the day of his death was approaching (Deut. 31:14; Seder HaDoros).

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 4.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)   


     Adar 7

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 68. Genesis 7:24

        Egypt afflicted with the Plague of darkness for seven days. Exodus 10:21  Zikhron Yemot Olam.

        Moses was born. Moses dies.  Deuteronomy 34 (Encyclopedia Judaica page 1390) Megillah 13b, Kiddushin 38a[12]

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 1. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        Moses recited the "Shirah" to the people of Israel (Abraham Ibn Ezra, Deuteronomy 32:48).

        Moses offered his farewell benediction (Deut. 33:1, Rashi).

        The Manna stopped falling. Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 5.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)   


      Adar 8

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 69. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 2. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 1.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 1 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 6.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)


      Adar 9

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 70. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 3. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 2.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 7.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147) 

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 2 Kiddushin 38a

        First controversy of Beit Hillel and Beit Shammai, once a fast day. Megillat Taanit

        Rain miraculously fell after blowing the ram's horn in prayer to G-d during a drought year. Megillat Taanit


     Adar 10

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 71. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 4. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 3.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 3 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 8.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)

        On this day in 5751 (1991) the allied forces attacked Iraq (Babylon). 


     Adar 11

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 72. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 5. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 4.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 4 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 9.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147) 


     Adar 12

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 73. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 6. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 5.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 5 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 10.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)   

        Ezekiel has the vision of the final destruction of Egypt. Ezekiel 32:1-16


     Adar 13

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 74. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 7. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 6.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 6 Kiddushin 38a

        The pur chose this day for the destruction of the enemies of the Jews. Esther 3:13           

        The Fast of Esther.

        Book of Esther written.

        Haman's sons were hanged. Esther 9:7

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 11.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)   

        The day of Nicanor. Yehuda Maccabee exacts vengeance on Greek tyrant.   Taanit 18b, II Maccabees 15:36


     Adar 14   Moon is in Aryeh

        Purim. The feast of Lots.  Esther 9:14-21

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 75. Genesis 7:24

        Brit mila of Moses (Mosses our teacher) Rabbeinu.

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 8. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 7 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 7.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        Three hundred men of Susa are killed.  Esther 9:15

        The second, compelling acceptance of the Torah took place during the story of Purim.  Shabbat 88a

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 12.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)   

        Stalin dies on March 5, 1953

        The gulf war ends. 29 scuds hit Israel with no fatalities. February 28, 1991

        March 19, 2003 Coalition attacks Iraq to displace Saddam Hussein.

        March 4, 2007 Total lunar eclipse over Israel.

        March19, 2011 Coalition attacks Libya to displace Khadafi

        Torah section is Exodus 17:8-16. There is no Haftorah .


     Adar 15

        Shushan Purim  Esther 9:14-21

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 76. Genesis 7:24

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 8.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 9. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 8 Kiddushin 38a

        Ezekiel has the vision of the final destruction of the unrighteous. Ezekiel 32:17-32

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 13. Ezra 6:16  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)   


     Adar 16

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 77. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 10. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 9 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 9.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        Nehemiah's people begin rebuilding the walls of JerusalemNehemiah 2:17, Megillat Taanit

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 14.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)   


     Adar 17

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 78. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 11. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 10 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 10.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 15.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)   


     Adar 18

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 79. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 12. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 11 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 11.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 16.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)   


     Adar 19

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 80. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 13. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 12 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 12.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 17.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)   


     Adar 20

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 81. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 14. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 13 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 13.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 18.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)   


     Adar 21

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 82. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 15. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 14 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 14.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 19.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)   

        Choni HaMeagel's prayer for rain answered  Taanit



        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 83. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 16. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 15 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 15.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        The Children of Israel celebrate the inauguration of the Temple, day 20.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)   


     Adar 23

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 84. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 17. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        Aaron vested as High Priest. Targum Pseudo Yonatan on Vayikra 8:3

        Mishkan assembled and disassembled – day 1. Bamidbar Rabba, Chapter 13

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 16 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 16.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        The Children of Israel end celebrating the inauguration of the Temple, day 21.  Malbim (Artscroll Tanach, Ezra, page 147)

        Dedication of Second Beit HaMikdash, [516 BCE].  


     Adar 24

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 85. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 18. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        Mishkan assembled and disassembled – day 2. Bamidbar Rabba, Chapter 13

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 17 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 17.  Deuteronomy 34:8


     Adar 25

        First day of Creation, according to R. Yehoshua. Rosh Hashanah 19a

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 86. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 19. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        Mishkan assembled and disassembled – day 3. Bamidbar Rabba, Chapter 13

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 18 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 18.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        Nebuchadnezzar died and succeeded by Evil Merodoch. Yalkut Daniel 2.1059

        Jehoiachin is released from prison. Jeremiah 52:31

        Mary return home after visiting Elizabeth.  Luke 1:56


     Adar 26

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 87. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 20. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        Mishkan assembled and disassembled – day 4. Bamidbar Rabba, Chapter 13

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 19 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 19.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        Yehoyachin released from Babylonian prison, after 36 years, upon the death of Nevudchanetzar, Seder Olam Rabah

        Yahrzeit of Tzedkiah, last king of Yehudah, died in captivity, in Bavel, 3364 (396 BCE)


     Adar 27

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 88. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 21. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        Mishkan assembled and disassembled – day 5. Bamidbar Rabba, Chapter 13

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 20 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 20.  Deuteronomy 34:8

        Tzidkiyahu HaMelech, last King of Judea, died in Babylonian captivity, 561B.C.E.

        The King of Babylon releases Jehoiachin from prison.  II Kings 25:27, Seder Olam Raba 

        Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty:  signed on March  26, 1979 (Adar 27, 5739)  


     Adar 28

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 89. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 22. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        Mishkan assembled and disassembled – day 6. Bamidbar Rabba, Chapter 13

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 21 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 21.  Deuteronomy 34:8


     Adar 29

        Water swells on the earth in the days of Noah. Day 90. Genesis 7:24

        Yocheved hides Moses after a 6 month and one day pregnancy - day 23. Artscroll Mesorah on Shavuos, page 61.

        Mishkan assembled and disassembled – day 7. Bamidbar Rabba, Chapter 13

        The Children of Israel used the manna which was in their vessels. Day 22 Kiddushin 38a

        The Children of  Israel mourn for Moses for 30 days - day 22.  Deuteronomy 34:8



This study was written by Rabbi Dr. Hillel ben David

(Greg Killian).

Comments may be submitted to:


Rabbi Dr. Greg Killian

12210 Luckey Summit

San Antonio, TX 78252


Internet address: gkilli@aol.com

Web page: https://www.betemunah.org/


(360) 918-2905


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Send comments to Greg Killian at his email address: gkilli@aol.com




[1] Sefer HaTodaah, Eliyahu Kitov

[2] Rosh Hashanah 1:1

[3] Artscroll Tanach on Ezra, page 155

[4] Sefer HaTodaah, Eliyahu Kitov

[5] From Luke 6:1 - 1207 deuteroprotos, dyoo-ter-op'-ro-tos; from 1208 and 4413; second-first, i.e. (spec.) a designation of the Sabbath immediately after the Passover (being the second after Passover day, and the first of the seven Sabbaths intervening before Pentecost):-second...after the first.

[6]  TC - Triennial Torah Cycle.

[7]  AC - Annual Torah cycle.

[8] The Chatam Sofer writes that the night Bo’az married Ruth was the night of the seventeenth of Tammuz. The calculation is as follows: Ruth came to Eretz Yisrael on the sixteenth of Nisan. According to halachah, female converts are required to wait three months from their conversion till their marriage in order to clearly distinguish between children born from pre-conversion and post-conversion marriages. (See the Midrash in Ruth Rahbah, end of chap. 3, which clearly states that she waited three months.) So on the sixteenth of Tammuz, Ruth went to the barn. Bo’az told her to wait for the next day for the other redeemer. The next day, on the seventeenth of Tammuz, they got married.

[9]  Artscroll Tanach on Bereshit.

[10]  The Rabbis understood that all references to months start with Tishrei until the Exodus when HaShem changed it. I have followed this same usage. Rosh Hashanah 11b. Note explanation in Artscroll Tanach - Genesis volume 1, page 249.

[11] אַרְבָּעִים יוֹם Forty days The first day is not included in this number because its night (i.e., the preceding night which is considered as the beginning of the following day) was not included with it, for it is written: [v. 11] “On that day all the wellsprings ... burst open” (Meaning literally during the daytime. Thus, during the first night there was no flood.).  Consequently, the forty days ended on the twenty-eighth day of Kislev according to R. Eliezer's [opinion] – [See verse 11. According to R. Yehoshua the forty days ended 28 Sivan], for when the months are counted regularly [then] one is complete and one deficient [the lunar month can have either 30 days---("complete") or 29 days--- ("deficient")], so, there are 12 days of Cheshvan (i.e., it rained 12 days in Cheshvan for it rained from the 17th of Cheshvan until the 29th) and 28 days of Kislev.


[12] Rashi’s Commentary on Joshua 2:1 And Joshua [the son of Nun]sent [two men out of Shittim to spy] Against my will I must say that he dispatched them during Moses’ mourning period, for after three days following the termination of Moses’ mourning period, they crossed the Jordan, for thence we deduced that Moses died on Adar 7 by counting back thirty-three days from the day they came up from the Jordan, namely, the tenth day of the first month. Now, of necessity, from the time the spies were dispatched, they did not cross the Jordan until the fifth day, as it is stated: and stayed there three days until the pursuers returned. On that night they crossed over and came to Joshua the son of Nun, and Joshua rose up early in the morning, and they moved from Shittim, here is a fourth day. And they lodged there before they crossed over. Hence, they did not cross until the fifth day.