

By Rabbi Dr. Hillel ben David (Greg Killian)



In this paper I would like to detail the Sephardi Pesach halachot, the Passover laws for Sephardim.


The following halachot were taken from the writings of Hakham Ya’aqob Menashe:


HaHodesh Hazzeh Lakhem Rosh Hodashem - this month shall be unto you, the first of the months (Shemoth/Exodus ch.12, v.2). Hodesh HaAbib, the month of Nisan is the first month of the year in the counting of the months. No Viddui (confession) is recited during the entire month and there is no fasting. One who has an anniversary of the passing of his father or mother, R”l, should consult a Hakham as to whether the fast should be held in Nisan or not.


Birkath Ha-ilanoth, the blessing of the trees should be recited during this month. It is preferable to say it with a minyan (quorum of ten males) so that a Qaddish may be recited. In Qabbalistic terms, the souls that returned to this world in Someyah (trees and the like), have the opportunity to make  the transition to Adam (humans) with the help of our prayers, without having to suffer a difficult intermediate step. From this we see that the recitation Birkath Ha-ilanoth and the Qaddish are very important indeed.


On the fifteenth day of the month of Abib (Nisan), falls the first day of the Festival of Pesach (Passover). This is the Holiday during which we remember and recount - in the Haggadah – the wonders that the Holy One, Blessed Be He performed for us in Egypt and how He sanctified His Holy Name in the eyes of all the nations.


It is also a festival in which there are a plethora of Minhaghim (customs) and Halakhoth (laws) which add to the excitement of an already important occasion. However, the very fact that there is a multitude of customs makes it impossible to treat them here in detail.


Ta’anith Bekhoroth (fast of the first born)


In most communities, Siyyum frees the first born from the obligation to fast.


Moroccan: Siyum at morning service.


Syrian: Observed by girls and boys who are first born. . Eating cake from the Siyyum (at shacharit) frees them from the obligation of fasting.


Spanish-Portuguese: A male first-born is required to observe the fast. Girls are not. For a very young first born, the father usually fasts for him, though not always. cake and wine served at the siyyum which frees from the obligation to fast. In Amsterdam, they did actually fast., last chametz meal by 10:30 (rough approximation, see the time table for your location). By 11:30 (grosso modo)- the chametz must be burned and the bittul chametz read.


Bediqath Chametz


On the eve of the fourteenth day, the head of the household makes the Bediqath Chametz (Search for Leaven) by the light of a candle with only one wick. He takes with him a knife (with which he thoroughly checks all cracks and crevices where Chametz may have been put) and a bowl in which a piece of bread is placed. A little salt should also be added, one reason for this being that salt is known to be a deterrent to Satan who is jealous of this Minhag. (The Minhag among Ashkenazim is to use a feather and a wooden spoon during the Bediqah.)


Moroccan tradition ten pieces of bread, sometimes with grilled liver have been hidden in different places of the house. In the evening, they are “discovered” by the father in the course of a candlelight search. They are burned the following morning (bi’ur chametz). Turkey-Greece, Eretz Israel: The wife has arranged ten pieces of bread, the hadassim and aravot set aside since Succoth, and a knife, in a platter that she will hide somewhere in the house. It is “discovered” in the evening by the family males who search for it with a candle. The aravot are used to “sweep away” the chametz. The pieces will be burned the following morning (bi’ur chametz). Spanish-Portuguese (Holland, Surinam, America). Bdikat Chametz is done with a candle and a feather, some pieces of bread are sometimes hidden (but not always). If any Chametz is found, it is burned the following morning at bi’ur chametz. Syrian tradition: 10 hidden pieces of bread wrapped in plastic by the wife, are found by the family males. They are burned the following morning.


It is the custom to hide ten pieces of bread (wrapped in Paper) for him to find and burn the next morning with all the remaining Chametz. No more may be eaten from four hours “Zemanioth” (i.e. one third of the day) after daybreak.




No Matza (unleavened bread) may be eaten either, from the eve of the fourteenth until the Seder at night (Matza Shemura is not eaten from Rosh Hodesh). It is worth noting that most Sepharadim recite the Berakha of Hamotzi, on Matza which is Kasher LePesach, only on Pesach itself. The rest of the year, since this Matza is considered to be Lechem ‘Oni (Bread of Affliction) the Berakha of Mezonoth ) should be recited over it. Matza which is not Kasher LePesach, however, is deemed to be Chametz and Hammotzi is recited.


Shabbat following Yom Tov


When Shabbat immediately follows a holiday, an ‘Erub Tabshilin must be made in order to permit us to prepare food on Friday for Shabbat.  Before Mincha, on ‘Erev Pesach, 58 grams (2 oz.) of Matza must be set aside together with 29 grams (1 oz.) of a cooked food - usually a hard boiled egg. A blessing (Berakha) and a formula permitting us to cook on Friday for Shabbat, must be recited. They can be found in most Holiday Siddurim (prayer books). In the Tefillath Yesharim Shalosh Reghalim books they can be found on page 7.


In homes where the amount of candles lit by the lady of the house on the eve of Shabbat and Holidays depends on the amount of people who are called to the Torah in the morning (Qomoth), five candles are lit on Pesach. However, for Qabbalistic reasons, as explained in Ben Ish Hai, it is appropriate to light seven candles, irrespective of how many Qomoth there are in the morning. As such, the lady of the house, when lighting the lights on the eve of Pesach (both nights outside the Land of Israel) lights seven.


One should be aware that (in Qabbalistic terms) the night of the Seder gives out a light – as strong as the sun – in the spiritual lights above. As a result, the Yeser Hara’ (Evil Inclination) searches feverishly for an opening to enter the house and exert its disruptive influence through a member of the household. The wise one, however, who has eyes to see, should chase away argument and bring in harmony. An allusion to this is made in the term “Motzi Matza” which can be read to mean “remove argument”.


As is well known, most Sepharadim eat rice on Pesach, whereas Ashkenazim do not. However, since rice is not Chametz (in accordance with the outcome of a Talmudic discussion on this matter), an Ashkenazi guest in a Sepharadi home may eat food which was prepared in the hosts utensils, even though his own Minhag is to refrain from eating the rice itself. Those who do eat rice must be very careful to check it three times, grain by grain, for wheat or other impermissible foods.


Prior to Musaf (the additional service), on the first day of Pesach, Morid HaTal, the prayer for the dew) is re-instituted. The counting of the ‘Omer is begun (at night) at the onset of the second day of Pesach and continues up to the festival of Shavuot. Each one should make special signs for himself, so as not to forget even once. If one forgets at night and does not remember to count (without a Berakhah) during the day, then all the Berakhoth of the previous nights might be considered to have been in vain and moreover, he has defaulted on a Misvat ‘Aseh (positive precept).


At night, at the conclusion of Pesach, it is the custom to to hit one another with green stalks (such as celery) while wishing each other “Sentak Khadhra” which is a a blessing for a green (fruitful) year for all. And just as, in His Infinite Mercy, the Holy One Blessed Be He redeemed us from Egypt, out of the house of bondage, so too we pray that this year will bring the Final Redemption. Leshanah Habba-ah Birushalayim, Amen.


Taken from the writings of Hakham Ya’aqob Menashe


Bedikat Chametz

The Search for Chametz  (Leaven):


The evening of Nisan 14:


On the night of 14 Nisan, the night before the Pesach Seder, the search for chametz (leaven) is made. It should be done with a candle as soon as possible after nightfall, in a darkened house. Remember that leaven is a “type” for the evil inclination. Removing leaven is the “external” that represents the “internal” of removing the evil inclination from our lives. Do NOT neglect to remove the evil inclination!


When the first seder is on Saturday night, the search is conducted on Thursday night, Nisan 13.


Traditionally, a candle (for young children try using flashlights to imitate the “Light of the World”), wooden spoon, feather, and a bag are used to facilitate the complete removal of chametz (leaven). There is a custom to tie the festivals together. Some people form the remnants of their Chanukah candles into the candle for the search. Some also use a leaf of the lulav from Succoth in place of the feather, and then burn the lulav with the chametz on the following morning.  The house should be darkened.


Nisan 14 before 9:30am


Ten pieces of bread should be placed in different parts of the house.  Don’t forget where you put them!


The following supplication is then recited:


Behold, I am prepared and ready to perform the positive and negative commandments of removing chametz. For the sake of the unification of the Holy One, Blessed is He, and His Presence, through Him Who is hidden and inscrutable - I pray in the name of all Israel. May the pleasantness of my Lord, our God, be upon us. May He establish our handiwork for us; our handiwork may He establish.


The following blessing is said before the search commences:


Blessed art Thou, HaShem our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us by Your commandments and instructed us concerning the removal of leaven.


The search begins! Every place where chametz could be found, should be searched out. Minimally, of course, the ten pieces of bread should be found and collected. All of the chametz should be collected in the bag. After all chametz has been found and collected, the following declaration should be recited:


May all leaven in my possession which I have not seen or removed, be regarded as mere dust of the earth.


May it be your will, HaShem, our God and the God of our forefathers, that You enable us to explore and search out our spiritual maladies, which we have acquired by following the advice of our Evil Inclination; that You enable us to return in complete repentance before You; and may You, in Your abundant beneficence have mercy upon us. Assist us, O God of our salvation, for the sake of Your Name’s glory, and rescue us from transgressing the prohibition of chametz in the slightest degree, this year and every year, for all the days of our lives. Amen.


The following morning after breakfast (on Friday morning if the first day of Pesach is Sunday), the leaven is burned, and the following final declaration is recited:


May it be Your will, HaShem, our God and the God of our forefathers, that just as I have removed the chametz from my house and my property, so may You, HaShem, our God and the God of our forefathers, remove all the external influences, and the spirit of defilement from the earth; cause our Evil Inclination to leave us, and give us a heart of flesh to serve You with sincerity; may all the forces of the “Other Side” and all evil evaporate like smoke; may the realm of wantonness pass from the earth; and may You remove, in the spirit of justice, all that impede the Divine Presence; just as You removed Egypt and its idols in those days at this season. Amen.


May all leaven in my possession, whether I have seen it or not, or whether I have removed it or not, be regarded as non-existent and considered as mere dust of the earth.


May it be your will, HaShem, our God and the God of our forefathers, that You be merciful with us and rescue us from transgressing the prohibition of chametz even in the slightest degree - us, our entire household, and all of Israel - this year and every year, for all the days of our lives.  And just as we have removed the chametz from our houses and burnt it, so may You enable us to remove the Evil Inclination from within us eternally, all the days of our lives; may You enable us to cleave to You, to Your Torah, and to Your love, and to cleave to the Good Inclination eternally - us, our children, and our children’s children - from now and forever. So may it be. Amen.


Since the prescription regarding the eating of matzah in place of chametz is repeated several times in the Torah (see Shemot (Exodus) 12), it has come to be observed with extreme strictness - particularly on the first two nights - the seder nights. There are several types of matzah, varying in their strictness:


1.  Shemurah (watched). Hand made. The wheat is watched from the time of harvesting until the final baking to insure that no water, heat, or other natural processes cause it to begin fermentation. It is hand made, constantly observed, and the utensils used for making it are washed every eighteen minutes - the time when fermentation begins.


2.  Shemurah (machine baked). Same as above but baked by mechanical processes. Although this is kosher in all ways, some have questions as to whether the introduction of machinery necessitates revision in the laws.


3.  Not shemurah. This is the supermarket matzah. It is only watched from the time of grinding (as opposed to the time of harvesting). Although this is also kosher, many people prefer to use the shemurah matzah to fulfill the mitzvah during the Seder, and use this for regular consumption during Passover.


4.  Egg matzah. Matzah baked with egg, milk, wine, or fruit extracts. It is called “unleavened bread prepared in a rich manner.” Eating this will not fulfill the obligation of eating matzah at the Seder because the Torah says that this should be the bread of affliction. This is sometimes used by the old, the young, and the infirm to fulfill the Seder mitzvah.


Erev Pesach when it falls on Shabbat


This page is specifically for ‘Erev Pesach which falls on Shabbat Qodesh (when the day before Passover is Shabbat). The laws and customs for Pesach and ‘Erev Pesach which are discussed in our other Pesach bulletins are not repeated here. The Halakhoth (laws) mentioned here are a selection of those that specifically apply to ‘Erev Pesach falling on Shabbat Qodesh.


The special Derasha (sermon) for Shabbat Haggadol is given on the Shabbat before Shabbat Haggadol.


Ta’anith Bekhoroth (fast of the first born)


Ta’anith Bekhoroth (fast of the first born) is done on the Thursday before Pesach - not Friday.


Bediqath chametz (the search for chametz) is done on Thursday night. One who is fasting should taste some food before performing the Bediqah. Upon its completion, the firstKol Hamirah” (anullment of leaven) is recited.


Bi’ur Chametz (the burning of the chametz) is done on Friday morning, but the second “Kol Hamira” is not recited. The second “Kol Hamira” must be recited on Shabbat morning.


The entire home should be free of Chametz prior to the onset of Shabbat with just enough bread remaining for Hamotzi on Friday evening and Saturday morning. Extreme care must be taken that the Hamotzi not be taken around the house by children or adults, but rather, be confined to one area only.


The Hamotzi of the Shabbat morning meal must be completed by the fourth hour after daybreak, as in other years, (please check locally as to what time that corresponds to). It may not be in your possession after the fifth hour. As such, Shahrith must be prayed very early, and Qaddus (Qiddush) and Hamotzi should be made immediately after Musaph.


Nowadays, we have the good fortune to be able to eat this meal using disposable cutlery, crockery and tablecloths, which can all be disposed of together. Since Ashkenazim light the Shabbat candles on the table, they should not light them this Shabbat on the tablecloth as they are forbidden to be moved and the tablecloth would not be able to be thrown out. Sephardim do not have the custom of lighting the candles on the dinner table and, thus, do not need to be concerned about this.


If any chametz is left over, it is best to give it to a non-Jew. The custom among some Ashkenzim is to flush it down the toilet, since the bread has become nullified and is Ke’Afra DeAr’ah (like the dust of the earth). While, as in all matters, some Sephardim have adopted this custom recently, I would implore Sepharadim (who are known to revere bread to the extent of kissing it when it falls on the floor) not to adopt this custom. Rab Obadiah Yoseph, hy”w, writes that it should be broken into small pieces and put with the rest of the crumbs.


Crumbs that remain must be cleaned up and placed outside in the Reshooth Harabbeem (public domain), taking extreme care not to violate any of the rules of ‘Erub Haseiroth. If not, the ideal would be for the non-Jew to take them also. Otherwise they may be placed in a plastic garbage bag in a place where they will not be opened by mistake and disposed of during Hol Hammo’ed.


Please note: the Chametz should not be placed in your own trash cans that you continue to use.


Many Sephardi authorities permit the use of Massa ‘Asheera (egg Massa) for Se’uddah Shelishith on ‘Erev Pesach. Hakham Yoseph Hayyim, ‘a”h (the Ben Ish Hai) does not. It would seem to be appropriate to be strict in this matter, whether or not one eats Massa ‘Ashira during Pesach, and eat fruits instead, preferably of the type that require the blessing of Me’Ein Shalosh. One should not overeat and should finish eating by sunset.


After Minha one should change into clothes for Yom Tob, that were not used during the Shabbat meals which contained Chametz.


Care should be taken to ensure that all members of the family are able to eat the meal at night with a good appetite and that they get sufficient sleep during the day so as to be able to stay awake at night.


Preparations for Pesach and the Seder (Shitakha) are made after nightfall. Any cooking must wait, of course, till Shabbat has ended.


Tizkoo Leshanim Rabboth


Taken from the writings of Hakham Ya’aqob Menashe





To avoid having Chametz in your possession during Passover, please fill out this form and give it to a competent Rabbi.



Delegation of Power of Attorney

for Sale of Hamets


Know ye that I, the undersigned, fully empower and permit Rabbi Dr. Joseph ben Haggai to act in my place and stead, and in my behalf to sell all HAMETS possessed by me (knowingly or unknowingly) as defined by the Torah and Rabbinic Law (eg. hamets, doubt of hamets, and all kinds of hamets mixtures). Also hamets that tends to harden and to adhere to a surface of inside of pans, pots or cooking and usable utensils, and all kinds of live animals that have been eating hamets or mixtures thereof.


And to lease all places wherein the hamets owned by me may be found, especially in the premises located at:



and elsewhere.


Rabbi Dr. Joseph ben Haggai has the full right to sell and to lease by transactions, as he deems fit and proper and for such time which he believes necessary in accordance with all detailed terms and detailed forms as explained in the general authorization contract which have been given this year to Rabbi Dr. Joseph ben Haggai to sell or effect the sale of the hamets.


This general authorization is made a part of this agreement. Also do I hErevy give the said Rabbi Dr. Joseph ben Haggai full power to appoint a substitute in his stead with full powers to sell and to lease as provided herein. The above given power is in conformation with all Torah, Rabbinical regulations and laws, and also in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida and of the United States. And to this I hErevy affix my signature on this __1st____day of Nisan in the year 5764.


Signature:           _________________________________

Please Print:



Telephone: (360) 584-9352



Please read the instructions on the following pages.


חמץ מכרית

Sale of Hamets



If you wish to have Hakham Dr. Joseph ben Haggai effect the sale of your hamets, please complete and sign the form on the reverse side of this page and mail it together with your donation to the address below.


The forms must be received by us no later than 10:00 a.m. one day before Pesach (i.e. on the morning of 13th Nissan).


Please mail the form/s together with your donation to:


Hakham Dr. Joseph ben Haggai


Photocopies of this form are acceptable. They may be “attached” to an email. However, please note the following:


If you are unable to mail your forms on time they may also be attached to emails to arrive no later than 10:00 a.m. on the above-mentioned date. However, the signed original MUST also be mailed to us at the same time.






How to make Matzah



       Ingredients and Tools:


Special Passover Flour, or Whole Grain Wheat

Cold Spring Water                   

A Glass or Marble working surface                                                                              shmura

Kneading Tub

Rolling Pin

Sand Paper

Matzah-perforating machine (it looks like a rolling pin with spikes)

Long Wooden Poles


The Basic Problem:


Chametz, which is forbidden during the entire festival of Pesach, is defined as any fermented grain product, specifically from one of the “five grains” mentioned in the Mishna - Pesachim 2:5:








While not explicitly forbidden, in the Mishna, the following are not usually eaten because they undergo a process similar to fermentation:






Fermentation is presumed to take place within eighteen (18) minutes after the exposure of the cut grain to moisture. Matzah, which is required as one of the central elements at the Seder and which is the staple food throughout Passover week, is defined as:


Matzah:  The bread made from grain and water dough without fermentation.


The problem is how to make such a dough without causing fermentation. This is accomplished by three means:


       1.  Protecting the ingredients from moisture and heat prior to mixing.

       2.  Preparing the dough very rapidly.

       3.  Baking at extremely high temperatures.


To make your own Matzah:

The flour must be absolutely dry, and stored in a cool dark place. According to the strictest interpretation, it should be watched from the time of reaping to ascertain that it was never exposed to moisture. Such flour, known as shemurah flour, may be purchased from one of the shemurah matzah bakeries in New York. According to a more lenient view, it is sufficient if the flour was watched from the time of milling. In the latter case, you may purchase whole grain for matzah at any grain store and mill it  yourself, making sure that your mill is kosher-for-Passover before you start.


The water must be drawn from a spring and allowed to settle overnight in a cool, dark, place. This is done so the water will not be warm. The vessel in which it is stored should be perfectly clean and kosher-for-Passover. Tap water or bottled spring water may not be used.


To Knead:

Before starting, make certain that the boards, rolling pins, etc., which you are using are kosher-for-Passover. Everyone who will be handling dough should wash his/her hands in cold water before beginning to work, and between each batch of dough he handles, and then dry his hands thoroughly.


The flour and water are mixed in a tub at a ratio of 3.25 to 1.


The maximum amount of flour to be used at any one time is 3 pounds, but, unless one has a small army of people working together it’s advisable to use much less. Once the dough is made. it should be cut into small pieces, no bigger than the palm of your hand, and distributed for kneading. Each piece should be worked continuously - it may not sit on the table, even for a brief period. Kneading prevents the dough from rising. The small teyglekh, or balls of dough, should be kneaded until they are of uniform consistency - perhaps for 60 or 90 seconds - and then rolled out into a pancake shape. While the matzot are being rolled they should be constantly picked up, to make certain that the dough does not stick to the table. One reason that this is important is that, unlike kneading bread, one may not sprinkle additional flour on the kneading board. Once the dough has become very thin, and has reached a diameter of 6 to 8 inches, it should be carried on the rolling pin to a special place where the matzah is perforated with holes by means of a special machine. From here the dough is taken to the oven. Between batches of dough, several people should be assigned to clean off each work spot and every rolling pin. Because water might produce chametz, sandpaper is probably best for this purpose.


The Baking:

It is probably necessary to use a baker’s oven to make matzah, in order to reach temperatures of 600 to 800 degrees Farenheit. The oven should be stoked up from 2 to 4 hours or more before baking begins. The perforated matzot are placed in the oven with long wooden poles and should bake within 2 to 3 minutes. The total elapsed time, from the beginning of the kneading till the matzot are placed in the oven, should be no more that 18 minutes.


After baking is completed, a small portion is separated, using the following blessing:


Blessed are You, O LORD our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and instructed us to separate challah.


After this blessing the small portion is burnt up.


The Result:

Brown, crisp matzot, suitable for eating at the Seder and celebrating true freedom. Amen




These recipes should yield a coarse paste with the look and feel of the cement used in Egypt for building.


       1     APPLE

       1/2 Cup Walnuts ground up fine

       1     Tart Apple

       1     Tbsp. Grape Juice.

       1     Tsp. Honey

       1/2 Tsp. Cinnamon


Pare, core, peel, and “food process” the apples till they are ALMOST applesauce. Add the other ingredients. Mix well. Refrigerate for several hours.


Georgian Haleq (Haroseth)  Traditional Georgian Dish  

Recipe By:  Mrs. Olga Shvili

1 cup walnuts  ½ cup filberts  1 cup almonds  ½ cup roasted peanuts  1 cup dates  1 cup raisins  2 ripe bananas  2 red delicious apples  1½ tsp. cardamom  1 tsp. ginger  1 tsp. pepper   

Grind the walnuts, filberts, almonds and peanuts together with the dates and the raisins in a meat grinder or food processor. Mash the bananas and combine into the mixture together with the peeled and grated apples. Mix well and add all the spices. Refrigerate.  Note: The taste only develops fully on the second day, as such, prepare it at least one day in advance.





1/2   Cup pitted DATES

2      Cups APPLES, peeled and diced

1      Cup dried APRICOTS

1/2   Cup chopped WALNUTS

1/4   Cup sweet WINE or GRAPE JUICE


Cook the dates, apples, and apricots together in water to cover for 15 minutes. Remove the fruits from the water and drain well. Process the fruits with the wine, very briefly, in a food processor until coarsely chopped. Add the chopped nuts.




Matza Cake  From Israel


8 Matzas  2 tsp. Coffee mixed with  1 cup hot water  2 sticks soft butter or margarine  ½ cup sugar  4 oz. Ground cooking chocolate  1-2 liqueur   

Break the Matza into small pieces (1 inch square approx.) And pour the hot coffee over it. Mix well.Cream the soft butter/margarine together with the sugar, the ground chocolate and the liqueur. When all ingredients are well mixed, combine them with the Matza and transfer into a square dish.

Decorate with 2-3 tbsp. ground chocolate and 2 tbsp. ground walnuts.

Refrigerate overnight. Cut into diamond shaped pieces and serve.




2   Tbsp. BUTTER

2   Tbsp. OLIVE OIL

2    Frying CHICKENS (about 2.5 pounds each) cut up

18  Small ONIONS


8    Whole CLOVES

1/2 Cup seedless GRAPES

1    Cup RED WINE


1    Tsp. CUMIN

1    Tsp. FENUGREEK (optional)

1    Clove GARLIC crushed

1    Can (6 oz.) TOMATO PASTE

      SALT and PEPPER to taste


In a large skillet, heat butter and oil, then brown the chicken in it. Season with salt and pepper and then remove the chicken. Glaze the onions in the remaining fat, stirring to coat well. Place chicken and onions in a casserole pan. Add cinnamon and cloves. Sprinkle the grapes on top. Combine the remaining ingredients; stirring to blend well and pour over the chicken. Bake covered, in a preheated 350 degree oven, for one hour, or till tender.

NOTE:   The tomato paste and wine cook to a smooth sauce. In preparing this dish, occasionally spoon the sauce over the other ingredients to keep them moist.





2     Large APPLES


1     Cup WALNUTS


2     Tbsp. LEMON JUICE

2     Tbsp. SUGAR



Dice the celery and the apples and mix the ingredients. Chill and serve in wine goblets.



       Serves 8


3     Lbs. shoulder LAMB CHOPS

1/2  Large ONION

1     Cup RAISINS

1/2  Lb. PRUNES

1     Tbsp. HONEY

1/2  Tsp. SALT

1     Cup HOT WATER


Chop the onions coarsely. Arrange the chops in an oven-proof dish. On top of the chops and in between them, put the onions, raisins, and the prunes. Mix the water with the honey and the salt and pour over the meat, fruits, and vegetables. Cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake in a 350 degree oven for an hour. Remove the foil and bake for another 40 minutes or until the chops are glazed and tender. Baste frequently. Transfer the chops to a serving dish, arrange the prunes an the sides, heat the sauce briefly and pour over the chops.



6        Tbsp. BUTTER

1/2     Cup ORANGE JUICE

1/2     Cup HONEY

1 1/2  Tsp. SALT

1/2     Tsp. GINGER

1        Tsp. dried MINT FLAKES

8        Cups sliced CARROTS


Melt the butter in a pot. Stir in mixture of next five ingredients. Bring to a boil, add carrots, cover tightly, and cook slowly over low heat until the carrots are tender, stirring occasionally. 




8        Oz. package of MEDIUM NOODLES

6        EGGS well beaten


1/2     Lb. CREAM CHEESE

1/2     Cup SUGAR

2        Cups whole MILK

1        Cup SOUR CREAM

2        Tsp. VANILLA

6        Tbsp. melted BUTTER



Cook noodles 5 minutes; drain and set aside. Mash softened cream cheese until smooth; combine with rest of ingredients except the butter. Melt the butter in a 13 X 9 X 2 pan and swirl around. Pour excess butter into the pudding mixture. Add noodles last. Bake in a 325 degree oven for one hour. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with the cinnamon sugar mixture. Continue baking for an additional 15 minutes.


* * *




Place water, onion skins, oil, salt and pepper in a 4 to 6 quart pan. Add eggs, carefully so as not to crack the shells. Bring to a boil, cover and cook over low heat for approximately one hour. Place pan in 225oF oven for three or four more hours or overnight. The long slow cookong produces a superb color, texture and flavor.


NOTES: “Huevos Haminados” are served more frequently than any other kind of eggs. Usually, they are served warm, easily reheated by bringing to a boil, preferably in flavored water, for three minutes.


lots of eggs
lemon slices
Ouzo (optional)
salt and pepper to taste
Boil the eggs in water for 4-6 hours. Watch them carefully, as you will need
to add water often. Boiling the eggs for so long causes the white of the egg
to turn a light brown color, and the yolk to turn almost green. It also causes
your windows to steam up, but, hey, you’re doing so much cooking for Passover
that it doesn’t make any difference!  The eggs have a very distinctive flavor.
Cool the eggs in the refrigerator before eating. 
Now, there is a process to eating them:
1. Peel your egg and slice it in half lengthwise, then place it so the cut
sides are facing up.
2. Sprinkle it with salt and pepper to taste.
3. Squirt a little lemon juice on.
4. Drink a shot of Ouzo, then eat the egg. 



* * *




Passover is a celebration of OUR freedom from Egypt (the land of sin), Shemot (Exodus) 13:3. There are only a few things that are essential. So, if you have young children with short attention spans, don’t worry! The essentials are:

1.    Tell the story of the Shemot (Exodus) to REMEMBER

2.    Do Passover in remembrance of Yeshua

3.    Eat Matzah (unleavened bread)

4.    Eat Bitter Herbs (horseradish or lettuce)

5.    4 cups of Grape Juice or Wine


Preparation before the seder is another essential. The leader should carefully review the Haggadah (“the telling” reflecting the Biblical command: “You shall tell” the story of our liberation from bondage - Shemot (Exodus) 13:8) beforehand. He should be familiar with the scriptures to be read and with the part that each participant will have. Songs and singing can have a tremendous impact on the festive nature of the seder. These will need to be chosen ahead of time and prepared.


The house should be clean and free of all leaven. The house should be decorated and prepared for the celebration. Much of the visual impact of the seder is created by the ceremonial objects, but, decorations can add immeasurably to the Holy Day atmosphere and can highlight the festival themes which need not be limited to words. Spring flowers on the seder table are especially appropriate. The seder can be speeded up by having extras of the ceremonial foods close to all participants so that they do not have to be passed around


As part of the pageantry of the evening may wear a white robe known as a kittel, which is a reminder of the vestments worn by the priests in the Temple. The whole family should be encouraged to wear special clothing for the seder; white is especially appropriate.


This study was written by

Rabbi Dr. Hillel ben David

(Greg Killian).

Comments may be submitted to:


Rabbi Dr. Greg Killian

12210 Luckey Summit

San Antonio, TX 78252


Internet address:  gkilli@aol.com

Web page:  http://www.betemunah.org/


(360) 918-2905


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Send comments to Greg Killian at his email address: gkilli@aol.com